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CEES Workshop: Russian Nuclear Orthodoxy

Religion, Politics and Strategy in Contemporary Russia
Prof. Dr. Dmitry Adamsky,
The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy

23. Oktober 2019
12:15-13:45 Uhr
Raum KOL-F-123

Since the Soviet collapse, the role of the Orthodox faith and the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) has grown immensely in Russian national identity, ideology, domestic politics, and security policy. In the latter regard, the intertwining of the ROC and the Russian state is nowhere more visible than in the armed forces, and more specifically within the nuclear-weapons complex—the most significant wing of one of the world’s most powerful military organizations. Since 1991 the nuclear priesthood has penetrated all levels of command and has positioned itself as a guardian of the state’s nuclear potential. This is a major, counterintuitive, and totally overlooked phenomenon in contemporary Russian history. This talk, based on the speaker’s recent book, Russian Nuclear Orthodoxy (Stanford UP), highlights social-political sources and strategic implications of the role of religion in Russian foreign and security policy.

Die CEES Workshops sind Kolloquien, die Forschenden des Center for Eastern European Studies (CEES) sowie Gästen Gelegenheit bieten, ihre Forschungsprojekte und/oder Expertisen der CEES-Forschungsgemeinschaft vorzustellen. Die Workshops finden jeweils mittwochs über Mittag, von 12.15-13.45 Uhr, im Kollegiengebäude der Universität Zürich statt.

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