12. März 2025
On 4 March, in the morning, His Grace Assistant Bishop Nectarie of Bogdania met with Igor Grosu, the Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, for discussions centered on the role of the Church in society and its collaboration with state institutions. “The meeting took place in an atmosphere of openness and mutual respect, grounded in the shared belief that a nation can be strengthened only through the imperishable values of faith, unity, and love for one another,” representatives o…
13. Februar 2025
Das Nationale Statistikamt der Republik Moldau hat dieser Tage das vorläufige Ergebnis der Volks- und Wohnungszählung 2024 veröffentlicht. Die Daten geben auch Aufschluss über die religiöse Zusammensetzung, wie der Pro Oriente-Informationsdienst am 6. Februar mitteilte. Die Ergebnisse bekräftigen die starke orthodox-christliche Identität des Landes und heben gleichzeitig subtile demografische Verschiebungen innerhalb der religiösen Zugehörigkeit hervor. Das orthodoxe Christentum bleibt dominant…
13. Februar 2025
The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church elected Archimandrite Nectarie Clinci, abbot of Sihăstria Putnei Monastery, as Assistant Bishop of the Archdiocese of Chișinău on 5 February evening. The newly appointed bishop will bear the title “His Grace Bishop Nectarie of Bogdania, Assistant Bishop of the Archdiocese of Chișinău.” With his election, the Metropolis of Bessarabia will now include four hierarchs within its structure.
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29. Januar 2025
The hierarchs of the Metropolis of Bessarabia have expressed their desire for the Romanian Patriarch to visit the Republic of Moldova. This could mark the first visit of a Romanian Patriarch beyond the Prut River. The invitation was formalized following the Metropolitan Synod held 16 January in Chişinău. The Synod expressed its intention to officially invite His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Orthodox Church to make a historic visit to the Republic of Moldova.
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29. Januar 2025
“The Union of the Romanian Principalities was the day when the sons of Moldavia and Wallachia embraced as brothers, under the same flag and faith, laying the foundation of the modern Romanian state,” said His Eminence Metropolitan of Bessarabia in a pastoral message marking the 166th anniversary of this historic event. “This Union was not merely an administrative or political act; it was a liturgy of the nation, a divine work of Providence, sealed with the sacrifices, tears, and prayers of a pe…
07. November 2024
His Eminence Metropolitan Petru of Bessarabia extended his congratulations to Maia Sandu, President of the Republic of Moldova, on her election to a new term in office. “In light of Your Excellency’s election to the esteemed office of President of the Republic of Moldova, please allow us to extend our warmest and most sincere congratulations,” wrote His Eminence. “We wish you health, wisdom, and God’s blessing in the noble mission entrusted to you by the faithful people.”
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26. September 2024
Metropolit Vladimir (Cantarian) von der Moldauischen Orthodoxen Kirche (MolOK) hat sich empört über Ideen zum Verbot seiner Kirche geäußert. Mit seiner Erklärung „Stoppt die moralische Tortur der Kirche“ vom 6. September 2024 reagierte der Metropolit auf eine Aussage des Parlamentsabgeordnete Vasile Șoimaru, der mit der Partei Aktion und Solidarität (PAS) affiliert ist, im moldauischen Fernsehen Ende August, dass der Staat die MolOK, die dem Moskauer Patriarchat angehört, nach ukrainischem Vorb…
15. August 2024
Die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche (ROK) hat der Moldauischen Orthodoxen Kirche (MolOK), die eine autonome Kirche innerhalb des Moskauer Patriarchats ist, finanziell unter die Arme gegriffen. So hat sie den Gemeinden der MolOK geholfen, ihre Rechnungen für Gas zu bezahlen. Das ging aus dem Bericht des Oberhaupts der MolOK, Metropolit Vladimir (Cantarian), an der Sitzung des Hl. Synods der ROK am 25. Juli 2024 hervor. Der Hl. Synod nahm seinen Bericht zur Kenntnis und dankte Patriarch Kirill für die…
16. Mai 2024
On the occasion of Europe Day, Metropolitan Petru of Bessarabia delivered a compelling message supporting the Republic of Moldova’s European trajectory. His Eminence emphasized the importance of aligning Moldovan society with the evangelical principles of love, wisdom, and justice. Metropolitan Petru highlighted the efforts of the Metropolis to endorse the “European path,” describing it as a route paved with the values of democracy, human rights, solidarity, and religious freedom. He stressed t…