Call for Papers: 8th International Conference of Orthodox Theology
The School of Theology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki --following the long tradition of International Conferences on Orthodox Theology held over many decades-- will convene the 8th International Conference of Orthodox Theology under the auspices of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The earliest conferences in this series, convened at the University of Athens in 1936 and 1976, were focused on the hope and anticipation of the forthcoming Pan-Orthodox Council. Our conference next year is the first such assembly of scholars to meet after the Holy and Great Council of Crete in June 2016.
The 8th International Conference of Orthodox Theology will take place in Thessaloniki from May 21st to May 25th, 2018. The theme of the conference will be "The Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church: Orthodox Theology in the 21st Century", exploring the importance and implications of conciliarity for church and community in a pluralistic world. The official languages of the conference will be English and Greek.
The Organizing Committee invites you to participate in this event by submitting a paper of approximately 2000 words (maximum twenty minutes), which will be followed by discussion. Please bear in mind that the Conference will place great emphasis on the sessions devoted to the papers in order to deliberate on and formulate a fresh vision for the future of Orthodox Theology in the church and the world.
The general themes of the Conference will include: conciliarity (present and prospects, the Orthodox Church in the diaspora, the role and the mission of the church in the contemporary world, liturgical and pastoral matters, relations with other churches and religions, as well as the future of Orthodox Theology.
Regardless of whether presenting papers, all participants will be welcome to share in the sessions, events and meals during the Conference. We are happy to recommend reasonable accommodation for the duration of the conference as well as assist participants on other details related to the Conference.
Detaillierte Informaitonen auf der Konferenz-Website: