E-Book: The Orthodox Church Addresses the Climate Crisis

Theodota Nantsou & Nikolaos Asproulis (eds.)
WWF Greece & Volos Academy Publications
Athens & Volos, 2021
Volos Academy for Theological Studies in cooperation with WWF Greece are pleased to announce the publication of the volume entitled “The Orthodox Church Addresses the Climate Crisis” (edited by Theodota Nantsou & Nikolaos Asproulis). The volume contains a selection of texts which represent different contexts from the Balkan area, describe different problems and needs, but also express the common vision of the local Orthodox Churches which hear the grains of the creation of God and have been entitled to cope with the pain of the people in any place.
Table of Contents
The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew: Foreword
The Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Irinej (†): Statement
Laurence Tubiana: Foreword
Marco Lambertini: Foreword
Nikolaos Asproulis & Theodota Nantsou: Introduction
Metropolitan John (Zizioulas) of Pergamon: The Role of Eastern Orthodoxy in Addressing the Climate Crisis: Interview
Metropolitan Ignatius (Georgakopoulos) of Demetrias: Climate Change and our Theological and Pastoral Responsibility Today: Reflections of a Bishop
Metropolitan Pavlos (Papalexiou ) of Servia and Kozani: The Natural Environment, Theology and Human Being
Bishop Ignatije (Midić) of Požarevac and Braničevo: The Orthodox Christian Worldview and the Ecological Problem
Theodota Nantsou: The Climate Crisis and the Need for Orthodox Stewardship
Nikolaos Asproulis: Creation as Gift: A Sketch for an Orthodox Green Theology
Veto Riboloff: Bulgarian Orthodox Theology and the Climate Challenges
Thymio Papayannis: A Contemporary View of Creation
Zvezdan Kalmar: “Rebirth from above” as a Condition for the Solution of Climate Change
Fr. Ioannis Economides: A Priestly Call for Action: Stop Destroying the Planet Now!
Theodota Nantsou & Nikolaos Asproulis (eds.): The Orthodox Church Addresses the Climate Crisis (PDF)