11. Juli 2017
The working group for dialogue between the Russian Orthodox Church and Turkey’s Presidency for Religious Affairs met at the Moscow Patriarchate department for external church relations (DECR). It was set up as provided by an agreement reached at the meeting of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and the Presidency head Prof. Dr. Mehmet Görmez, which took place on November 30, 2011, in Moscow. The talk, which was held in a frank and friendly atmosphere, was chaired by the co-…
06. Juli 2017
Als Reaktion auf die Äußerungen des georgischen Katholikos hat Metropolit Ilarion, der Leiter des Kirchlichen Außenamtes der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche (ROK), die Vorzüge der Monarchie und die Bereitschaft der ROK betont, über ihre Wiedereinführung zu diskutieren. Das Oberhaupt der Georgischen Orthodoxen Kirche, Katholikos-Patriarch Ilia II., hatte Ende Juni vorgeschlagen, in Georgien die konstitutionelle Monarchie einzuführen, da diese Staatsform dem Land Ruhe bringen würde.
06. Juli 2017
Bereits mehr als 1,25 Mio. Gläubige haben bis am 30. Juni die Nikolaus-Reliquien in Moskau besucht. Wegen des großen Andrangs beträgt die Wartezeit im Schnitt 4,5 Stunden, die Schlange erstreckt sich oft über drei Kilometer. Die Behörden haben daher die Gläubigen gebeten, bei der Wahl des Zeitpunkts für ihren Besuch die Wetterlage zu berücksichtigen. Zudem wurden die Moskauer aufgerufen, nicht am Wochenende, sondern unter der Woche zu den Reliquien zu pilgern. Denn am Wochenende reisen Gläubige…
03. Juli 2017
On 26-27 June 2017, the 24th General Assembly of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy held its working sessions in Rome, Italy. With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, Bishop Antony of Bogorodsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Administration for Institutions Abroad, took part in this international forum. In the evening of June 25, the delegates of the Assembly visited the Monastery of St Nilus in Grottaferrata, where they were greeted by Msgr…
29. Juni 2017
On 22 June 2017, the first consignment of humanitarian aid for the suffering population of Syria, collected with the assistance of the Working group of Russia’s Presidential Council for Cooperation with Religious Organizations, was sent to Syria. The cargo, of some 20 tonnes, consisted of foodstuffs and essential medical supplies. On June 22, it was put on board of an aircraft of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the same day late at night it arrived in the Hmeimyn airport…
22. Juni 2017
Die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche (ROK) möchte mit dem neuen Direktor der Isaakskathedrale in St. Petersburg, Jurij Mudrov, zusammenarbeiten. Mudrov sei ein Mann, der in Museumskreisen bekannt sei, und die Eparchie St. Petersburg wünsche ein konstruktives Zusammenwirken, wie eine Sprecherin der Eparchie am 16 Juni bekannt gab. Einen Tag zuvor hatte der russische Präsident Vladimir Putin dazu aufgerufen, die Diskussionen um die Isaakskathedrale zu entpolitisieren.
21. Juni 2017
The Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church reports that the number of men who want to become Orthodox priests has significantly increased. Thus, the number of those who entered the first course of higher theological educational establishments increased in 19% in 2016 and made 1593 students, the Educational Committee told Interfax-Religion on 21 June. Besides, the number of those who took preparatory courses to seminaries has increased in 25% (827 people in 2016-2017 compared to 6…
19. Juni 2017
Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, rector of the Theological Institute of Postgraduate Studies and head of the department of theology at the National Research Nuclear University (MEPhi), presided over a panel discussion on the role of theology in education and upbringing of a contemporary person. The discussion was held in the framework of the 1st All-Russian academic conference on Theology in Humanitarian Educat…
15. Juni 2017
Already half a million people have bowed to the relics of St. Nicholas in the two weeks since they were brought to the Russian capital. "To date, the number of pilgrims has reached half a million people. The line is on average three kilometers long," Patriarch Kirill's spokesman Alexander Volkov told Interfax-Religion. Among the pilgrims who came to venerate the saint these days was Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to the statistics unveiled by the organizers of the bringing of the…