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Ukraine: Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church addresses the hierarchs of Russia, Belarus and Germany

04. März 2022
Bishop Edward Kava appealed to the bishops of Germany, who are fighting for the rights of minorities and are rooting for climate change, and the bishops of Belarus and Russia who keep silent. "Dear Catholic brothers and sisters in Christ in Germany, Belarus and Russia. Why are you keeping silent while we're being killed? Where is your voice of solidarity with the innocent victims of Putin's Russia? Where are your actions that bear witness to love; actions without which our Christian faith is dead; where is your active position? The leaders of your countries-some support aggression, others are the source of it themselves, and you are silent? Is this your version of Christianity? Have you forgotten that silence about sin is itself a sin?

An independent democratic country in the very center of Europe is being forced to "make peace" by the country that took this peace away from us back in 2014 with tanks, missiles and machine guns aimed at civilians.

The Russian Army came to us in the Donbas and Crimea, bringing death and devastation, political repression and fear. But we tried our best to preserve a peaceful sky over the rest of the territories of our Homeland. And we didn't attack anyone. We didn't provoke anyone. And on February 24, 2022, Russia unleashed a war all over Ukraine.

We are being killed right before your eyes, just on the air, and you are Christian Brothers, what are you doing at this time? "Cain attacked Abel, his brother, and killed him. Then the Lord said to Cain, "Where is Abel, your brother?” He said, "I don't know. Am I my brother's guardian?" (Genesis 4, 8-9)," Bishop Edward Kava asks. (Quelle: www.risu.ua, 28. Februar 2022)