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Ukraine: The State Service for Ethnic Policy explains the UOC-MP current status

10. August 2022
The UOC-MP was a part of the Russian Orthodox Church until May 27, 2022. Now the UOC-MP maintains its communion with Ecumenical Orthodoxy via the Russian Church. The State Service of Ukraine for Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience has released a relevant statement on its website. "As a result of the brutal Russian attack on Ukraine and its support by the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church, in particular personally by Patriarch Kirill, the UOC distanced itself from the Russian Orthodox Church by the decision of the UOC Council of May 27", the State Service for Ethnic Policy has noted.

According to the new Charter, the UOC-MP is not guided by the decisions of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Primate of the UOC-MP is not a member of the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, and the newly elected Primate of the UOC-MP has no need to be blessed by Moscow.

"As a response to this decision of the UOC, the Russian Orthodox Church annexed UOC parishes in Crimea, as well as a number of others in the temporarily occupied territories. At the same time, to date, the UOC recognizes its connection with Ecumenical Orthodoxy via the Russian Orthodox Church. While maintaining such a connection, the UOC does not formally coordinate its international activities with the Russian Orthodox Church and denies any ties of subordination to the Russian Orthodox Church. Despite the fact that the UOC officially informed the State Service about the charter amendments, as of July 23, 2022, the new Charter on the UOC governance and the UOC's explanations regarding it have not been published on the official website of the UOC," the State Service of Ukraine for Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience notes.

Charter on the governance of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (with amendments and supplements) as of May 27, 2022.

Certificate of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II of October 27 1990. (Quelle: www.risu.ua, 25. Juli 2022)