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25. März 2021
Das Gefängnis von Piteşti in Rumänien war zur Zeit des Kommunismus ein Ort der Folter, unvorstellbarer Grausamkeiten und des Todes. Nun wird auf dem Gefängnisgrund eine neue orthodoxe Kirche errichtet, die an die Opfer der Vergangenheit erinnern soll, wie der Pro Oriente-Informationsdienst berichtete. Die feierliche Grundsteinlegung nahm der Bischof der Erzdiözese Argeş und Muscel, Calinic (Argatu), vor. Er feierte zudem vor der Grundsteinlegung vor Ort einen Gedenkgottesdienst für die tausen...
11. März 2021
(Radio Free Europe, www.rferl.org, 4. März 2021) The death of a 6-week-old infant after he was submerged while being baptized has sparked public outrage in Romania and led to calls for the centuries-old rite to be changed. The drama of the tragic event - which has been headline news in Romania for weeks - has been quite impersonal, with few details published about the baby or his family. But it has provided a snapshot of the divisions in contemporary Romania. The influential Romanian Orthodox...
25. Februar 2021
Vor rund eineinhalb Jahren hat die rumänisch-orthodoxe Kirche den Startschuss zur Errichtung ihres ersten Klosters in Irland gegeben. Inzwischen nimmt das Projekt bereits deutliche Konturen an. Die Kirche erwarb im Dezember 2019 ein früheres katholisches Exerzitienhaus in Shannonbridge im Herzen Irlands. In der unmittelbaren Umgebung hatte im 6. Jahrhundert der Heilige Ciaran von Clonmacnoise gelebt, der auch von der orthodoxen Kirche verehrt wird. Während des ersten Jahrtausends gab es in de...
25. Februar 2021
The generation of Romanians who emigrated overseas after 1990 “is the generation of Romanians who want to keep their Romanian identity through the Church,” said the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan of the Two Americas in an interview with Lumina Newspaper. Therefore, “it is essential to continue to pray in Romanian, to keep our spirituality and traditions,” he said. His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae of the Two Americas explained how Romanian communities are formed overseas. “A parish in America...
25. Februar 2021
On February 9, 2021, eleven deputies submitted a draft law on the repatriation of the Holy Transylvanian Confessors’ relics. The Saints died in the Kufstein prison in the Austrian state of Tyrol in the 18th century, when the Austrian authorities imposed the union between the Orthodox believers in Transylvania with the Roman Catholic Church. Saint Bessarion Sarai and the Holy Martyr Oprea Miclăuș were canonized by the Romanian Orthodox Church in 1950. The Holy Hieromartyrs John from Galeș...
11. Februar 2021
In Suceava ist ein sechs Wochen altes Baby nach seiner Taufe gestorben. Nachdem es drei Mal im Wasser untergetaucht worden war, erlitt es einen Herzstillstand. Später starb es im Krankenhaus, wo auch Wasser in seiner Lunge gefunden wurde. Die Tragödie hat ein großes Medienecho und Debatten über die Form der Taufzeremonie ausgelöst. Gegen den Priester, der die Taufe durchführte, sind polizeiliche Ermittlungen wegen Totschlags eingeleitet worden.
11. Februar 2021
The Romanian Patriarchate announced it stands for keeping the one-hour-per-week time budget of Religious Education in all high schools, regardless of their technological or theoretical profile. His Grace Varlaam of Ploieşti transmitted the message in person at the Palace of Parliament, during a debate organized by the joint parliamentary committees for Education, science, youth and sports. The hierarch was accompanied to the event by Fr. Nicuşor Beldiman, Patriarchal Coordinating Counselor, a...
11. Februar 2021
During this year’s first meeting of the Romanian Patriarchate’s Church Painting Committee, the Patriarch of Romania urged the new members to draft an iconographic guide and a set of norms for the restoration of the ecclesiastical heritage used in worship. “The Church Painting Committee is now called, during this term, as the most competent central forum, with a consultative role in matters of church art in the Romanian Patriarchate, to respond promptly to urgent needs, felt for several years ...
28. Januar 2021
In a message occasioned by the 162nd anniversary of the Union of the Romanian Principalities, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel stressed that „the Romanian Patriarchate blesses and supports the communion of Romanians everywhere.” The message has three main topics including the declaration of 2021 as a Solemn Year of the pastoral care of Romanians outside Romania, the history or Romanian migration and the current configuration of the Romanian communities in the diaspora. Weiterlesen auf basilica...