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23. Dezember 2020
The Church, the Army and the Romanian Academy occupy the first places in terms of the degree of trust granted by Romanians, according to the first barometer of the religious life in Romania, presented on Wednesday, December 16, in the Aula Magna of the Romanian Academy, Agerpres reports. According to the barometer, conducted by the LARICS Center for Sociological Research, in partnership with the State Secretariat for Religions and the Institute of Political Science and International Relations...
10. Dezember 2020
Romania’s State Secretariat for Religious Affairs (SSC) hosted on Thursday, December 3, a new meeting of the Platform of Dialogue between faith leaders and the representatives of public authorities with attributions in combating the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 infection. The goal of the consultation was to ensure dialogue and cooperation-based decisions that can meet both public health protection needs and religious needs. The debate concluded with the unanimous approval of the resolution entitl...
11. November 2020
The Romanian Orthodox Church in Tokyo was consecrated on Tuesday, on the feast of the transfer of St George’s relics to his church in Lydda. The service was officiated by Romanian Metropolitan Iosif of Western Europe and Metropolitan Daniel of Tokyo and Japan. The consecration concluded the restoration works which took several years. The Romanian parish of Tokyo was established 12 years ago. In 2008, the Romanian Patriarchate sent, upon request from its faithful in Japan, priests Alexandru Ni...
29. Oktober 2020
A tourist-cultural route of wooden churches in Romania was officially launched on October 27 at an event dedicated to the protection and cultural valorization of the historical monument of the wooden church in Valea Crișului, Bihor County. The event was attended by representatives of the local public administrations registered in the cultural route and the the Orthodox Dioceses of Oradea and of Maramureș and Satu Mare, which were officially recognized by the Ministry of Economy, Energy, and B...
15. Oktober 2020
In Rumänien hat das Nationale Komitee für Notsituationen am 5. Oktober angesichts der steigenden Corona-Fallzahlen Einschränkungen für religiöse Feiern und Ereignisse erlassen. Dementsprechend dürfen nur noch vor Ort Wohnende an religiösen Veranstaltungen teilnehmen, was Pilgerfahrten faktisch verbietet. Die Entscheidung fiel wenige Tage vor dem Beginn einer der größten religiösen Feiern in Rumänien, bei der Zehntausende zu den Reliquien der Hl. Paraskeva in Iaşi pilgern.
24. Juli 2020
The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church held its working session at the Patriarch Teoctist Aula Magna of the Palace of the Patriarchate, under the chairmanship of His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel, on Tuesday, July 21, 2020. On July 11, 2020, the Metropolitan Synod of the Metropolis of Moldavia and Bukovina, in consultation with the Archdiocesan Assembly of Suceava and Radauti, appointed by secret ballot two candidates for the vacant see of Archbishop of Suceava and Radauti: His Grace Bis...
09. Juli 2020
In Rumänien wird in Zukunft der 16. August als nationaler Tag des Gedenkens an die weltweite „Gewalt gegen Christen“ begangen werden. Das Plenum des rumänischen Abgeordnetenhauses hat laut dem Informationsdienst der Stiftung Pro Oriente einen entsprechenden Beschluss gefasst. Jeweils am 16. August werden demnach in Zukunft das Parlamentsgebäude, die Regierungsgebäude in Bukarest und in den Provinzen, der Triumphbogen in Bukarest und der Mogoşoaia-Palast – er eines der bekanntesten Kulturdenkm...
24. Juni 2020
„The Romanian Patriarchate received with joy the intensely awaited and fully justified decision of the authorities to allow the celebration of religious services inside the churches, with the participation of the faithful, in compliance with clear and still necessary regulations,“ the Patriarchate’s spokesman Vasile Bănescu told The decision to allow religious services to be officiated inside the places of worship was announced by the Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, after the Gover...
24. Juni 2020
Romania’s most significant mosaic icon of the Mother of God emerged in the National Cathedral in Bucharest as workers have started removing tons of metal scaffolding covering the altar’s impressive iconography. At present, about 50% of the altar painting work has been completed. The basin of the altar apse is completely covered with mosaic, including decorations on the window frames and nave’s belt. Weiterlesen auf (19. Juni 2020)