24. Juni 2020
Romania’s most significant mosaic icon of the Mother of God emerged in the National Cathedral in Bucharest as workers have started removing tons of metal scaffolding covering the altar’s impressive iconography. At present, about 50% of the altar painting work has been completed. The basin of the altar apse is completely covered with mosaic, including decorations on the window frames and nave’s belt. Weiterlesen auf basilica.ro (19. Juni 2020)
11. Juni 2020
Auf Druck der Rumänischen Orthodoxen Kirche hat das rumänische Parlament ein kürzlich verabschiedetes Gesetz zur Sexualkunde an Schulen angepasst. Im angepassten Gesetzestext ist nicht mehr von verpflichtender Sexualkunde die Rede, sondern nur noch von „Bildung für das Leben, darunter Gesundheitsbildung zur Verhinderung von sexuell übertragbaren Krankheiten und Schwangerschaften bei Minderjährigen“. Die Eltern müssen zudem schriftlich ihr Einverständnis geben, damit ihre Kinder an den Kursen ...
28. Mai 2020
Considering that, from May 15, 2020, the state of emergency and the applicability of the Military Ordinances that limited essential aspects of the public religious life of the faithful cease, following consultation with the Romanian Government, the Romanian Patriarchate sends the following instructions to the cult units of the Romanian Orthodox Church regarding the access of Orthodox believers to places of worship and cemeteries, and their participation in divine services. Weiterlesen auf ba...
14. Mai 2020
Vasile Banescu, a spokesman for the Romanian Patriarchate, denounced billboards depicting doctors and nurses as “saints” with coronavirus-shaped halos as a blasphemous “visual mistreatment of Christian iconography”. The posters, created by Romanian artist Wanda Hutira for the McCann Worldgroup ad agency’s “Thank you doctors” campaign and posted throughout Bucharest, have also offended the Medical Guild, Banescu said. Weiterlesen auf basilica.ro (30. April 2020)
14. Mai 2020
His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel Sunday expressed his hope that the faithful will be able to attend the divine services shortly. Especially during this period, ‘when many people suffer spiritually from anxiety and fear,’ church services are ‘a healing from solitude and restlessness.’ ‘In this period, we also suffer because our beloved faithful cannot physically, directly participate in the church services. We hope that we will be able to meet again soon at the church services. However, at the b...
30. April 2020
On Bright Saturday, the Romanian Orthodox Church marked the 135th anniversary of its restored autocephaly, which was granted by Patriarchate Joachim IV of Constantinople on April 25, 1885. The Church also celebrates the 95th anniversary of the restoration of its Patriarchate this year, reports the Basilica News Agency. “After Romania gained its state independence in 1877 and was declared a Kingdom in 1881, the prestige of the Romanian Orthodox Church increased, making necessary the formal rec...
16. April 2020
In seiner Osterbotschaft hat der rumänische Patriarch Daniel die Gläubigen daran erinnert, dass der Glaube an die Auferstehung „uns hilft, die Hoffnung angesichts schwieriger Lebensumstände nicht zu verlieren“. Angesichts des Leids im Zusammenhang mit der Coronavirus-Pandemie rief der Patriarch zum Gebet für Kranke, aber auch Ärzte und Pfleger sowie freiwillige Helfer auf. Zudem verwies er auf die Beiträge, die die Rumänische Orthodoxe Kirche (RumOK) „verantwortungsvoll und substantiell“ zum ...
02. April 2020
The Romanian Orthodox Church has announced a new program of prayer in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, beginning today, on the new calendar feast of the Annunciation, calling upon all faithful to join one another in common prayer daily at noon, each from his own home, while church and monastery bells ring out throughout the country. “In this difficult time of trials related to the pandemic, the clergy and laity of our Church, being physically separated in terms of prayer, can still un...
05. März 2020
Fr Prof. Ioan Sauca has been appointed acting World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary beginning 1 April. Sauca, who currently serves as deputy general secretary for the WCC programme on Ecumenical Formation and Bossey Ecumenical Institute, will hold the general secretary post until the WCC Executive Committee meets in June. The leadership of the WCC Central Committee decided to postpone the full WCC Central Committee meeting, once slated for 18-24 March, along with the Executive Com...