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05. Dezember 2019
One year since the consecration of Romania’s National Cathedral we provide you with some figures to help you understand what this national project has meant until today: 110 million euros: Because the number of press materials increased with the cathedral’s building process, and most of the time the deep significance of this national project is overlooked, the amounts spent with the National Cathedral have been intensely discussed. Weiterlesen auf (26. November 2019)
26. September 2019
The Church has joined the ‘Let’s do it, Romania!’ campaign and summoned teams of young students from the theological seminaries across Romania to help out with the clean-up day. Over 180‘000 Romanians, most of them students but also volunteers of all ages, have said yes to this year’s national environmental action. On Saturday, Sept. 21, several Orthodox high schools, parishes and other church institutions put into practice the advice of Patriarch Daniel to express a special care towards God’...
26. September 2019
A 100-year-old building in the city of Haugesund in southwestern Norway was given new life on Sunday, as it was consecrated as a parish church of the Romanian Orthodox Church. The new church, the first Romanian Orthodox parish in Norway, is dedicated to the “O All-Hymned Mother” Icon of the Theotokos, as well as Sts. Macarius the Great and Macarius of Alexandria, reports Doxologia. According to OrthodoxWiki, there are 16 other parishes operating in Norway, divided between the Russian Church, ...
28. August 2019
His Eminence Metropolitan Pavlos of Drama consecrated a newly built church at the hut of the Annunciation at Lakkoskiti in honour of Saint Paisios of Mount Athos. This is the first church serving a Romanian community on the Holy Mount to be dedicated to St Paisios. The consecration ceremony took place on July 25, the feast day of St Paisios according to the unrevised Julian calendar. The church was also offered a second Patron Saint, the holy and righteous King David. Weiterlesen auf basilic...
28. August 2019
A group of tech-savvy Romanians are currently testing Sotiras, a new social platform that could be an Orthodox alternative to Facebook. Their initiative has the blessing of the Romanian monks from the Annunciation Kellia of the Romanian Lakkoskete on Mount Athos. The new social networking website ‘aims at promoting beauty, normality, and Christian values’, reads a statement of the founders published by Marturie Athonita. Weiterlesen auf (22. August 2019)
31. Juli 2019
MP Daniel Gheorghe has submitted a draft law to parliament that declares August 16 an official Remembrance Day of the Holy Brancoveanu Martyrs and a National Day of Awareness of Violence against Christians. If the draft law will be approved by the Parliament, the following buildings will be illuminated in red on August 16, between 20:00 and 24:00: the Romanian Parliament, the Government of Romania, the central and local public authorities, the Arc de Triomphe and the Mogosoaia Palace. The bil...
20. Juni 2019
Because sometimes the Romanian media refers to the glorification of the persons who suffered persecutions during the communist regime in our country or even died in the communist jails, we provide the following information: The canonization of Saints has the role to profess, to strengthen and to convey the true faith so as to guide the faithful on the path of salvation and of gaining saintliness. One of the essential conditions to glorify Saints is their undoubted faith kept until death (Reve...
20. Juni 2019
The Romanian Patriarchate learned with deep indignation about the theatre play ‘Eu sunt. Si?’ (‘I am. So?’) performed in Cluj-Napoca during the ‘Pride Week’ of sexual minorities. The indecent content of this representation includes the mocking of Christian religious symbols, sending a deliberately blasphemous message. Such offensive attitudes towards the overwhelming majority of Romanians, the negative labeling of Christian believers, the repeated offending of religious feelings divide societ...
06. Juni 2019
Auf seiner dreitägigen Reise nach Rumänien hat Papst Franziskus immer wieder die ethnische, religiöse und kulturelle Vielfalt des Landes gerühmt und zu deren Bewahrung und Pflege aufgerufen. Zugleich warb er für Gemeinschaft und gute Beziehungen untereinander. Die Berücksichtigung der Vielfältigkeit Rumäniens äußerte sich auch in der Auswahl der Reiseziele und in den Treffen mit verschiedenen Gemeinschaften.