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Ukraine: Orthodox Church of Ukraine gets a nod from CEC Governing Board

20. April 2023

The Governing Board of the Conference of European Churches (CEC) has made a positive decision on the membership application of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. The application process will move forward in coming months following next steps as stated in CEC Constitution. The CEC Governing Board met in Brussels from 23 to 25 March. The Orthodox Church of Ukraine submitted its membership application to CEC last year in September. Archbishop Yevstratiy of Chernihiv and Nizhyn presented the application to CEC President Rev. Christian Krieger at the World Council of Churches Assembly in Karlsruhe.

The decision from the CEC Governing Board will take effect six months after CEC Member Churches are notified, unless one-fourth of the Member Churches request that it shall not take effect. In that case, the Governing Board can request the General Assembly to decide. The CEC General Assembly can validly decide if at least half of the Members are present and the decision to admit a Member obtains a simple majority of the votes cast. Decisions of the General Assembly regarding the admission of a Member are final and binding.

Peace in Ukraine is among the priority work for CEC.

The organisation has initiated a project Pathways to Peace, which focuses on Ukraine, promoting justice, reconciliation and peace. Through this project, the European church-fellowship engages in dialogue with European institutions, addressing crucial political concerns. (Quelle: www.ceceurope.org, 3. April 2023)