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24. Februar 2022
Am 16. Februar haben Vertreter der ukrainischen Religionsgemeinschaften in der Sophienkathedrale für Frieden in der Ukraine gebetet. Unter den Teilnehmern waren der Leiter der Orthodoxen Kirche der Ukraine (OKU), Metropolit Epifanij (Dumenko), der Leiter der Ukrainischen Griechisch-Katholischen Kirche (UGKK), Großerzbischof Svjatoslav (Schevtschuk), sowie Vertreter der römisch-katholischen Kirche, protestantischer Kirchen, der Muslime und Juden. Nicht anwesend war das Oberhaupt der Ukrainisch...
10. Februar 2022
The Holy Synod of the OCU, which took place on February 2 in Kyiv, decided to degrade from the holy orders several persons who had been ordained by Bishop Filaret since June 2019 and to bring them to ecclesiastical court. The Synod did not apply extreme measures to the former head of the UOC-KP himself. According to the OCU press service based on earlier decisions taken by the Holy Synod, it was determined that the former Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate, His ...
10. Februar 2022
In November 2021, 24.1% of the country's citizens, or 39.8% among Orthodox Christians, identified themselves as faithfulof the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Supporters of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate included 13.3% of respondents in general and 21.9% among Orthodox Christians.This is reported by RBC-Ukraine citing a survey conducted by the Razumkov Center. The Razumkov Center survey was conducted from November 12 to 19, 2021 among 2018 respondents throughout Ukraine, with the exception ...
27. Januar 2022
Metropolit Epifanij (Dumenko) von Kiew, das Oberhaupt der Orthodoxen Kirche der Ukraine (OKU), hat Patriarch Theodoros von Alexandria im Konflikt mit der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche (ROK) den Rücken gestärkt. Die „illegalen, bösen und verwerflichen Entscheidungen“ der ROK, mit der Schaffung eines Exarchats in Afrika in das kanonische Territorium des Patriarchats von Alexandria und ganz Afrika einzudringen, hätten ihn zutiefst betrübt. Damit hätten der Hl. Synod der ROK und der russische Patr...
27. Januar 2022
As Christians hold a day of prayer for peace in Ukraine, Pope Francis prays that world leaders will work towards peace as political tensions rise between Russia and Ukraine (Source: Vaticannews). At the conclusion of his weekly General Audience, Pope Francis asked the faithful "to pray for peace in Ukraine, now and throughout this day." The Holy Father had called for an international day of prayer for peace to be held on 26 January, as Russia amasses troops on along its border with Ukraine....
13. Januar 2022
Starting from January 8, 2022, employers who, when searching for an employee, indicate the desired gender of a person – "only men/only women", as well as age, nationality, religion, will be fined UAH 65 thousand in accordance with article 24-1 of the law of Ukraine on advertising. An exception is specific work that can be performed exclusively by persons of a certain gender. In addition, if a church or religious organization indicates the employee's religious affiliation in the employee sea...
13. Januar 2022
The head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Sviatoslav Shevchuk does not deny the possibility of postponing the celebration of Christmas from January 7, but believes that such a calendar reform "is not ready yet." The first hierarch said this in an interview with Radio Liberty: "The issue of calendar reform is still divided. We had the opportunity to think thoroughly at the Synod of our bishops in Ukraine, and so far we have seen that the percentage of people who understand and are read...
02. Dezember 2021
Metropolit Epifanij (Dumenko), das Oberhaupt der Orthodoxen Kirche der Ukraine (OKU), hat anlässlich des Gedenktags für den Holodomor auf dessen Folgen hingewiesen, die „wir alle noch lange spüren werden“. Denn auch die Überlebenden hätten „psychologische und spirituelle Wunden“ erlitten, die sich zwangsläufig auf das „Weltbild, Verhalten und die Charaktere“ ausgewirkt hätten. Der Holodomor werde für immer im nationalen Gedächtnis der Ukraine bleiben, heißt es in Epifanijs Statement.
02. Dezember 2021
The official website of the All-Ukrainian Union of Churches of Evangelical Baptist Christians has published its position on vaccination. WCC ECB position on vaccination: Based on biblical teaching, we recognize that epidemics are one of the signs of approaching eschatological times. Today, the prophecies about the approaching time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ are being fulfilled. However, covid vaccination is not a chipization nor acceptance of the "number of the Beast 666", as t...