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05. März 2020
In the Holy Synod convened on Friday, February 21 2020, by His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III various matters relating to the Patriarchate’s ministry were discussed, including the pending matter with the Patriarchate of Antioch relating to Qatar. It was asserted by Patriarch Theophilos that since the two Primates met together mid last year in Cyprus dialogue has been taking place between the two Patriarchates on the matter. In yesterday’s Synod, Patriarch Theophilos positively commended ...
05. März 2020
This morning, at 09:15 Italian time, Pope Francis met with His Beatitude Sviatoslav. The meeting was held at St. Martha's House in the Vatican, in the Holy Father's private office. Secretariat of the Head of the UGCC in Rome report. His Beatitude Sviatoslav informed the Holy Father Francis about the preparation for the Patriarchal Sobor of the UGCC on the subject of emigration, settlement, and global unity of the UGCC. He also told the Pope about the implementation of the decisions of last ye...
20. Februar 2020
Der Ökumenische Patriarch Bartholomaios hat gegenüber einer Delegation des Patriarchats von Jerusalem erneut seine Ablehnung eines Treffens der orthodoxen Oberhäupter in Amman bekundet. Die Delegation hatte versucht, Bartholomaios von der Wichtigkeit eines Treffens zu überzeugen, das Theophilos III. von Jerusalem angeregt hat. Dieser hat die Leiter der Lokalkirchen eingeladen, vom 25. bis 27. Februar in Jordanien die Ukraine-Frage zu diskutieren.
20. Februar 2020
Der russische Patriarch Kirill hat vorgeschlagen, Gott in der Präambel der russischen Verfassung zu erwähnen, weil die „Mehrheit der russischen Bürger an Gott glaubt“. Damit meine er nicht nur die Orthodoxen, sondern auch die Muslime und „viele, viele andere“. Schließlich heiße es auch in der russischen Nationalhymne „von Gott geschütztes Heimatland“, daher sei eine analoge Formulierung in der Verfassung legitim.
20. Februar 2020
On February 4, 2020, the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Orthodox Church of Ukraine) met at the Congregational Hall of the Kyiv Orthodox Theological Academy presided over by His Beatitude Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine. All members of the Synod except Patriarch Emeritus Filaret, who was absent for no good reason, attended the meeting, according to the official website of the OCU. After considering the present activities of the Honorable Patriarch Filaret and takin...
20. Februar 2020
On 13th February 2020, at the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, met with Pope Francis. The DECR chairman conveyed to the Pope of Rome greetings from His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. Pope Francis also conveyed his warm brotherly regards to the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church. Discussed at the meeting held in the atmosphere of mutual understanding a...
20. Februar 2020
His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, the head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, supports the recent statements from President Vladimir Putin in favor of the traditional understanding of the family as the union of a man and a woman. “As for ‘parent # 1’ and ‘parent # 2, I have already said publicly once before, and I will repeat again: as long as I am President, we will not have parents one and two—we will have a father and mother,” the Presid...
20. Februar 2020
The Ukrainian government has no plans to seize the world-famous Kiev Caves and Pochaev Lavras from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and transfer them to the “Orthodox Church of Ukraine,” says Minister of Culture, Youth, and Sports Vladimir Borodyansky.  Both sites have been state-owned since soviet times and are leased to the use of the UOC. If there are no violations of the law, then there are no legal grounds for revising the existing contracts, the Minister said in an interview with rbc....
06. Februar 2020
Das Oberhaupt der Orthodoxen Kirche der Ukraine (OKU) hofft, dass im laufenden Jahr weitere orthodoxe Kirchen die OKU anerkennen werden. Anlässlich des ersten Jahrestags seiner Inthronisation am 3. Februar schrieb Metropolit Epifanij (Dumenko) von Kiew auf Facebook, das letzte Jahr sei „nicht einfach und voller verschiedener Herausforderungen“ gewesen. Doch „dank ihrer Einheit“ hätten das Patriarchat von Konstantinopel, das Patriarchat von Alexandria und die Orthodoxe Kirche von Griechenland ...