10. Oktober 2024
Although he is one of the few Romanian hierarchs active on social media, Bishop Ignatie of Huși expressed his scepticism regarding the use of social platforms during the diocese’s annual monastic synaxis on 24. September. His Grace Bishop Ignatie began by referring to Saint Silouan the Athonite, commemorated on Sept. 24, who said, “A monk should not read newspapers or receive too much outside information from the world, as it scatters him inwardly.”
Weiterlesen auf basilica.ro (27. September...
The Romanian Orthodox Church has expressed dissatisfaction with the transfer of the chapel-tomb of the Bukovyna Metropolitans in Chernivtsi to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Previously, the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate had been performing services in Romanian in the church. According to Hromadske, this was reported by the Romanian Orthodox Church Basilica news agency.
The Romanian Patriarchate reacted with “regret and sadness” to the fact that the chapel can no longer hold services in Rom...
28. August 2024
The sixteen Saints who were recently canonised by the Romanian Orthodox Church are now being depicted in new churches. Many of these representations are already visible in Sângeorz-Băi, a town located in the mountain region of Bistrița-Năsăud County in Transylvania.
Weiterlesen auf basilica.ro (20. August 2024)
28. August 2024
Die Evangelische Kirche Augsburgischen Bekenntnisses in Rumänien feiert das 30-jährige Jubiläum ihrer Entscheidung, Frauen für den Pfarrdienst zu ordinieren. Ihren Höhepunkt erreichen die Feierlichkeiten im Jubiläumsjahr in der letzten Augustwoche mit einem Dankgottesdienst und anderen öffentlichen Veranstaltungen in Sibiu im Vorfeld der Vollversammlung der Gemeinschaft Evangelischer Kirchen in Europa.
Pfarrerin Dr. Elfriede Dörr leitet die Abteilung für Ökumene und Fortbildung der Kir...
15. August 2024
Romania’s cultural heritage includes over 1,400 wooden churches constructed before 1918, according to a report by PressOne, supported by the National Historic Cultural Tourism Program “Attractive Romania.” These wooden churches are almost evenly distributed throughout the country, although the figures might suggest otherwise.
Weiterlesen auf basilica.ro (25. Juli 2024)
25. Juli 2024
Der Hl. Synod der Rumänischen Orthodoxen Kirche (RumOK) hat an seiner Sitzung vom 11. und 12. Juli die Kanonisierung von 16 Märtyrern, Bekennern und Asketen des 20. Jahrhunderts beschlossen. Dabei handelt es sich um Geistliche und Theologen, die unter dem Kommunismus gelitten hätten und deren Heiligsprechung in den letzten Jahren vorbereitet worden war. Die liturgische Feier ihrer Kanonisierung wird nächstes Jahr begangen, um den 140. Jahrestag der rumänischen Autokephalie und den 100. Jahres...
11. Juli 2024
On July 6, the Orthodox Diocese of Vad, Feleac, and Cluj in central Romania and the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of Württemberg, Germany, celebrated thirty years of partnership. The anniversary was marked by a retrospective session held at the diocesan centre in Cluj-Napoca, attended by representatives from both institutions. The joint projects of the past 30 years were reminisced at the session. The German delegation was led by His Eminence Ernst-Wilhelm Gohl, the Evangelical Lutheran Bishop...
12. Juni 2024
At the beginning of the year, the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church issued guidelines for clergy and believers regarding their participation in the 2024 European Parliament and local, legislative, and presidential elections. The guidelines reiterate the Romanian Orthodox Church’s stance on political life and electoral campaigns. Ultimately, the Synod offers ten guiding criteria for believers to assess candidates. The Holy Synod reiterates that “the Romanian Orthodox Church does not r...
29. Mai 2024
The Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Italy, which is celebrating its sixteenth anniversary, consists of 478 pastoral-missionary units, 278 of which are parishes. These communities are served by 310 priests and 25 deacons, and 62 parishes own their places of worship. The establishment of the diocese was approved in the last synodal session presided over by Patriarch Teoctist in June 2007 and became effective with the enthronement of the diocesan bishop on May 8, 2008. At the time of its ...