The Ecumenical Review 72, 3: The Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church

The latest issue of The Ecumenical Review, the quarterly journal of the World Council of Churches (WCC), focuses on the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church, held in Crete in June 2016, the result of more than a century of efforts to gather the Orthodox churches to reach a common mind on the main challenges they face.
“Looking back on the 20th‐century history of the efforts that led to the Holy and Great Council, these were intertwined with the development of the ecumenical movement itself,” editor Stephen G. Brown writes in the opening editorial to the issue, which offers reflections by Orthodox leaders and scholars writing from a range of perspectives about the Holy and Great Council.
This year also marks the 25th anniversary of the ecumenical encyclical Ut unum sint (That they may be one) of Pope John Paul II, and the issue includes the lecture to mark the anniversary by the WCC’s former WCC general secretary Most Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit, to the Institute for Ecumenical Studies at St Thomas Aquinas Pontifical University in Rome.
The Ecumenical Review is published four times a year by Wiley on behalf of the WCC.
Read an article from the issue online: Orthodoxy in Unity and in Conciliarity: Challenges Faced by the Holy and Great Council in a Pluralistic World, by H. E. Metropolitan Gennadios of Sassima, Vice-Moderator of the WCC central committee
View the Table of Contents for this Issue
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