15. November 2018
On the forefeast of Saint John Chrysostom, November 12, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel inaugurated the Consilium House of the National Cathedral’s Chapel. Following the blessing service, His Beatitude referred to the way the new building will be used by the priests and believers. He said that given its capacity, agape meals will be held inside. Also, that it may serve as a place of gathering for the Chapel’s volunteers, as well as for those who work on the National Cathedral’s construction si...
22. März 2018
Thursday, March 15 2018, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel received in audience the President of the Conference of European Churches, Bishop Christopher Hill, the CEC Vice-president, His Eminence Metropolitan Emmanuel of France, and the CEC General Secretary, Rev. Heikki Huttunen. A short assessment of the collaboration between the Romanian Orthodox Church and the Conference of European Churches was made during the meeting. Weiterlesen auf basilica.ro (15. März 2018)
04. April 2024
Der rumänisch-orthodoxe Patriarch Daniel hat die Gläubigen aufgerufen, für die Ausmalung bzw. Ausgestaltung der neuen orthodoxen Nationalkathedrale in Bukarest mit Mosaiken tatkräftig zu spenden. Bei einem Gottesdienst am „Sonntag der Orthodoxie“ lud der Patriarch die Menschen besonders dazu ein, für die Bemalung bzw. Ausgestaltung jener Heiligen zu spenden, deren Namen sie tragen. Das berichtete der Pro Oriente-Informationsdienst. Die Kirche hat auch eine eigene Internetseite (pictamcatedral...
04. Oktober 2018
Die Nationale Kirchenversammlung der Rumänischen Orthodoxen Kirche hat die Bürger des Landes dazu aufgerufen, am bevorstehenden Referendum über die Ehe Ja zu stimmen. Mit dem Referendum soll die Definition der Ehe in der rumänischen Verfassung abgeändert werden, wo sie bisher als eine freiwillig eingegangene Verbindung zwischen Ehepartnern bezeichnet wird. Falls das Referendum angenommen wird, hieße es in der Verfassung künftig „Verbindung zwischen Mann und Frau“.
19. Dezember 2024
Das rumänische Patriarchat hat sich entschieden von Aussagen von Erzbischof Teodosie (Petrescu) von Tomis distanziert. Dieser hatte bei den rumänischen Präsidentschaftswahlen den rechtsextremen Kandidaten Cǎlin Georgescu unterstützt. In einem Interview hatte Teodosie seine Unterstützung damit begründet, dass er Georgescu mehr für einen „Mann Gottes als einen Politiker“ halte. Dieser sei tief gläubig, Enkel eines Priesters, verteidige christliche Werte und sorge sich aufrichtig um das alltägli...
Der Hl. Synod der Rumänischen Orthodoxen Kirche (RumOK) hat am 29. Februar die Einrichtung von neuen Strukturen im Ausland beschlossen. So schuf er eine Eparchie von Großbritannien mit Sitz in London, um die mehr als 1 Mio. rumänische orthodoxe Gläubige dort zu betreuen. Zugleich errichtete er eine Eparchie von Irland und Island mit Sitz in Dublin. Eine eigene Struktur will die RumOK zudem in der Ukraine schaffen: Sie entschied, die „Initiativen von rumänischen orthodoxen Gemeinden in der Ukr...
20. Juni 2019
The Romanian Patriarchate learned with deep indignation about the theatre play ‘Eu sunt. Si?’ (‘I am. So?’) performed in Cluj-Napoca during the ‘Pride Week’ of sexual minorities. The indecent content of this representation includes the mocking of Christian religious symbols, sending a deliberately blasphemous message. Such offensive attitudes towards the overwhelming majority of Romanians, the negative labeling of Christian believers, the repeated offending of religious feelings divide societ...
08. Januar 2020
The Romanian Patriarchate organized several solemn events to mark the 30th anniversary of the fall of communism and the remembrance of the heroes who fell during the Romanian Revolution of December 1989. The Patriarch of Romania, members of the Holy Synod, the President of the Former Political Prisoners Association, state officials, professors and students attended the events. Those who lost their lives in December 1989 were remembered during a memorial service officiated at the Patriarchal C...
11. Februar 2021
The Romanian Patriarchate announced it stands for keeping the one-hour-per-week time budget of Religious Education in all high schools, regardless of their technological or theoretical profile. His Grace Varlaam of Ploieşti transmitted the message in person at the Palace of Parliament, during a debate organized by the joint parliamentary committees for Education, science, youth and sports. The hierarch was accompanied to the event by Fr. Nicuşor Beldiman, Patriarchal Coordinating Counselor, a...
24. Juni 2020
„The Romanian Patriarchate received with joy the intensely awaited and fully justified decision of the authorities to allow the celebration of religious services inside the churches, with the participation of the faithful, in compliance with clear and still necessary regulations,“ the Patriarchate’s spokesman Vasile Bănescu told Basilica.ro. The decision to allow religious services to be officiated inside the places of worship was announced by the Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, after the Gover...
07. Februar 2019
On February 4, 1925, the Holy Synod gathered in Bucharest and resolved the establishment of the Romanian Orthodox Patriarchate, following Romania’s Great Union achieved in 1918. The first person who advocated for the elevation of the Romanian Orthodox Church to the patriarchal rank was Fr. Gheorghe Ciuhandu who supported this idea during the Assembly of the clergy of Transylvania in 1919. After him, several other important figures of Romanian culture, historians like Nicolae Iorga and Ioan Lu...
15. Dezember 2021
Please find below the precise point of view of the Romanian Patriarchate on the EU digital COVID certificate, which was briefly expressed at the meeting of representatives of religious denominations with the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health of the Romanian Government at the Coral Temple in Bucharest on December 2, 2021. On November 12, 2021, the Romanian Patriarchate requested the Chamber of Deputies not to introduce the obligation of the EU digital COVID certificate for clergy or be...
24. Februar 2022
Through “Filantropia” Federation and “Diaconia” Social Mission, the Romanian Orthodox Church is carrying out a pilot project entitled “Eco-initiatives in the parishes of the Romanian Orthodox Church in Romania and the Republic of Moldova.” The project is carried out in partnership with Caritas Ambrosiana, an NGO in Milan, Italy. The project is the first of its kind and aims to initiate an environmental education and identify solutions to increase environmental responsibility at the level...
03. November 2022
On Tuesday, October 25, 2022, the Romanian Patriarchate and the Ministry of Health signed a Protocol regarding the conduct of Christian-Orthodox religious assistance activities in health units subject to the Ministry of Health. The two institutions were represented by His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Orthodox Church and Prof. Dr Alexandru Rafila, Romania’s Minister of Health. This protocol, which revises and replaces those of 1995 and 2008, is intended to regulate the activity o...
04. Mai 2023
Religion als wahlweises Prüfungsfach bei der Matura: Das wird nach einer Entscheidung des Parlaments in Bukarest künftig für Schülerinnen und Schüler in Rumänien möglich sein. „Es ist eine Entscheidung, die den Religionen noch mehr Verantwortung überträgt“, sagte Vasile Bănescu, Sprecher des Bukarester Patriarchats der Rumänischen Orthodoxen Kirche, laut Berichten der Nachrichtenagentur SIR und des Portals Vatican News.
Bănescu betonte den kulturellen Charakter der Religion. Die Schule vermi...
23. März 2023
In an address initiated by the Romanian Patriarchate, thirteen representatives of religious denominations in Romania requested the inclusion of Religion in the list of subjects for which the Baccalaureate exam can be taken. The signatories also demand the removal from the new draft Law on pre-university education of some provisions related to the new ideologies. Religion as a school subject is “one of the few that is studied throughout pre-university education and the only one that has been v...
11. Juli 2024
On July 6, the Orthodox Diocese of Vad, Feleac, and Cluj in central Romania and the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of Württemberg, Germany, celebrated thirty years of partnership. The anniversary was marked by a retrospective session held at the diocesan centre in Cluj-Napoca, attended by representatives from both institutions. The joint projects of the past 30 years were reminisced at the session. The German delegation was led by His Eminence Ernst-Wilhelm Gohl, the Evangelical Lutheran Bishop...
14. August 2017
The discovery of the vaccine as a method of prevention and medical treatment was a very important step made by modern medicine. Thus, very serious illnesses have been eradicated, millions of lives have been saved and the people’s quality of life has improved significantly. Vaccines are of particular importance in the prevention of diseases and epidemics that can threaten the life of very large segments of the population, thus contributing to the defense of the sacred gift of human life. In th...
25. Februar 2021
The generation of Romanians who emigrated overseas after 1990 “is the generation of Romanians who want to keep their Romanian identity through the Church,” said the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan of the Two Americas in an interview with Lumina Newspaper. Therefore, “it is essential to continue to pray in Romanian, to keep our spirituality and traditions,” he said. His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae of the Two Americas explained how Romanian communities are formed overseas. “A parish in America...
12. Oktober 2017
Das Oberhaupt der Rumänischen Orthodoxen Kirche (RumOK), Patriarch Daniel, hat seine Einladung an Papst Franziskus widerholt, Rumänien zu einem von ihm gewählten Zeitpunkt zu besuchen. Anlass der Einladung war ein Treffen mit dem Präfekten der vatikanischen Ostkirchenkongregation, Kardinal Leonardo Sandri, der Ende September Rumänien besuchte. Patriarch Daniel dankte Sandri für die guten Beziehungen zwischen den beiden Kirchen und für die Gastfreundschaft, die vielen rumänisch-orthodoxen Geme...