15. August 2024
Celebrations were held in all operating churches in Suzdal on Sunday, August 11, in honor of the town’s 1,000th anniversary. Suzdal, known as the pearl of Russia’s Golden Ring, is home to numerous ancient churches and monasteries and has largely preserved its 18th-century appearance. The main celebration was led by His Eminence Metropolitan Tikhon of Vladimir and Suzdal, concelebrated by three brother hierarchs and a host of local clergy at the Holy Resurrection Church, reports the Vladimir M...
06. März 2019
Four dioceses were created for the Patriarchal Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church in Southeast Asia at today’s meeting of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, reports the Synodal Department for Relations with Society and the Media. The Exarchate itself was established by the Holy Synod on December 28, with the sphere of pastoral responsibility including: Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea, People’s Democratic Republic of Laos, Ma...
31. Juli 2019
Thanks to an annual competition held by the Russian Orthodox Church and the Federal Penitentiary Service (FPS), prisoners have the opportunity to speak about their Orthodox faith and reveal their inner world through iconography and art. Since 2013, the Synodal Department for Prison Ministry and the FPS have organized the “Not by Number but by Humility” competition, which focuses on Orthodox painting in even years and on iconography in odd years. The contest has been attracting more and more p...
21. März 2024
The Synodal Missionary Department of the Russian Orthodox Church has launched a pilot educational course for blogger priests and missionaries. The department intends to make the courses a regular thing, its chairman, His Grace Bishop Euthymy of Lukhovitsy, told vedomosti.ru. The first course was held January 29–February 8, with 10 priests participating.
According to the bishop, the training is aimed at, among other things, ensuring that priests don’t lose sight of the main goal of their acti...
20. Dezember 2018
English and Greek-language versions of the official website of the Russian Orthodox Church have officially opened. Materials in English and Greek are available at http://www.patriarchia.ru/en/ and http://www.patriarchia.ru/gr/. The opening of these new versions is intended to expand the audience of the Moscow Patriarchate’s official site and to facilitate access to certain important materials from the site for Orthodox believers abroad, media representatives, and those interested in receiving...
17. August 2017
On August 9, 2017, a round-table monastic forum finished its second and final day with four presentations on the theme: “The inner life of a city monastery”, reports Patriarchia.ru. The forum was held in the Novodevichy Convent, St. Petersburg. Participating in the forum where 5 bishops, 42 archimandrites and igumens, 45 abbesses, hieromonks, monks, and ryassaphore monks—160 monastics in total from 65 dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church. This included Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, Kazakhst...
20. Februar 2020
His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, the head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, supports the recent statements from President Vladimir Putin in favor of the traditional understanding of the family as the union of a man and a woman. “As for ‘parent # 1’ and ‘parent # 2, I have already said publicly once before, and I will repeat again: as long as I am President, we will not have parents one and two—we will have a father and mother,” the Presid...
08. November 2017
A joint conference of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Evangelical Church in Germany on Martyrs, Martyrdom, Christian Witness opened at the grand hall of the Department for External Church Relations (DECR). The Russian Orthodox Church is represented by Metropolitan Hilarion, DECR chairman – head of the delegation, Archimandrite Philaret (Bulekov), DECR vice-chairman, Archpriest Kirill Kaleda, rector of the church of the Russian Church’s Martyrs and Confessors at Butovo and member of the sy...
On 22 March 2019, a round table conference on Church, Power, People: New Challenges to Brotherly Peoples and to Global World took place at the President Hotel in Moscow. The meeting was organized under the auspices of the Civic Chamber of the Union State of Russia and Belarus. The conference brought together various scholars, writers and cultural figures from both countries. Taking part in the meeting were also representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church: Archpriest Sergy Zvonarev, secreta...
16. Mai 2018
On May 12, 2018, in keeping with a decision of the commission on theology and theological education of the Russian Orthodox Church’s Inter-Council Presence, a theological conference was held on Theological Understanding of the Phenomenon of Extremism and Terrorism, at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy.The aim of the conference was to involve ecclesial and secular experts in defining the notions of extremism, radicalism and terrorism from theological perspective and to consider possible w...
20. Februar 2019
On 13 February 2019, an annual session of the Joint Working Group for Cultural Cooperation between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church took place at the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate. Representing the Russian Orthodox Church were Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, DECR chairman; Metropolitan Tikhon of Pskov and Porkhov, chairman of the Patriarchal Council for Culture; Hieromonk Pavel (Scherbachev), vice-chairman of the Patriarchal...
01. Oktober 2020
Am 13. September ist in Moskau feierlich ein Projekt zur digitalen Erfassung von beschädigten und zerstörten Kirchen und Klöstern lanciert worden. Es geht auf einen entsprechenden Entscheid des Obersten Kirchenrats der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche (ROK) vom 17. April 2019 zurück und wird vom Kulturministerium unterstützt. Die Initiative zum Projekt kam vom Lehrstuhl für Kirchliche Architektur des Moskauer Architekturinstituts.
07. Oktober 2021
According to a decision from the latest session of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, memorial services will be held annually for all Orthodox Christians who suffered at the hands of the godless Soviet authorities. The Synod met for two days on September 23-24 in Moscow under the chairmanship of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill. The hierarchs resolved to establish October 30 as a special day of commemoration for all those who were innocently killed or imprisoned in the persecutions o...
09. Mai 2017
Obwohl bisher nur ein Trailer veröffentlicht worden ist, sorgt der Film „Matilda“ des russischen Regisseurs Aleksej Utschitel´ für Aufregung und Proteste in orthodoxen Kreisen in Russland. Im Film geht es um den russischen Thronfolger Nikolaj und dessen Affäre mit der Primaballerina Matilda Kschesinskaja. Der spätere Zar Nikolaj II. wurde mit seiner Familie 1918 von den Bolschewiken erschossen und im Jahr 2000 von der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche als Leidendulder heiliggesprochen.
06. September 2018
In Vladimir hat die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche (ROK) einen Antrag auf die Rückgabe des Goldenen Tors – ein UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe aus dem 12. Jahrhundert – gestellt. Das mittelalterliche Stadttor befindet sich heute im Besitz des Kulturministeriums und beherbergt eine Ausstellung über die Eroberung der Stadt durch die Mongolen 1238. Das Tor gehört zur berühmten Touristenroute des „Goldenen Rings“, zu dem neben Vladimir die altrussischen Städte Jaroslavl‘, Suzdal‘, Kostroma und Rostov zählen.
18. April 2019
Die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche (ROK) bemüht sich um die Übergabe des historischen Andronikov-Klosters in Moskau, in dem sich heute das Museum für altrussische Kultur und Kunst befindet. Patriarch Kirill hat sich mit einer entsprechenden Bitte an Rosimuschestvo, die föderale Behörde für die Verwaltung staatlichen Eigentums, gewandt. Die Leitung des Museums, das nach dem berühmten Ikonenmaler Andrej Rubljov benannt ist, ist informiert und steht nach eigenen Angaben in einem ständigen Dialog mit...
11. Januar 2023
On January 5, the funeral of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI of Rome who died on December 31, 2022, took place in Rome. With a blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, the funeral events were attended by the Chairmen of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk. The DECR Chairman was accompanied by I. A. Nikolayev, a staff member of the DECR secretariat for inter-Christian relations. In the evening of Jan...
27. Januar 2022
The Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations produces a news programme on YouTube called The Orthodox View. The Orthodox View is released twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays in five languages: English, Russian, Serbian, Arabic and Greek. The show focuses on the latest and most important events which will be of interest to each Christian. The name of the English channel is called: MOSPAT EN. Such format is completely new for the Russian Orthodox Church. The aim of the ...
30. August 2017
On 28 August 2017, the opening ceremony of the 3rd International Christian Forum took part in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow. The meeting was organized by the “Christian World” Association for Upholding Traditional Spiritual Values. The central topic of the meeting was the problem of persecutions of Christians in the Middle East and North Africa. Taking part in the forum were delegates from Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Egypt, Lebanon, Pales...
31. Juli 2019
Während der Proteste in Moskau haben Demonstranten in einer Kirche Zuflucht vor der Polizei gefunden. Rund 100 Protestierende versteckten sich am 27. Juli in der zentral gelegenen Kosmas-und-Damian-Kirche vor den mit Gewalt gegen die Demonstration vorgehenden Sicherheitskräften. Die Geistlichen ließen die meist jungen Leute herein und beteten mit ihnen für den Frieden. Der Vorfall erregte die Aufmerksamkeit der russischen Medien, weil die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche Protesten meist ablehnend g...