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29. August 2019
The official website of the Orthodox Church of Greece made a release on the results of the meeting of the Holy Synod, held on August 26-28 this year. According to the recommendations of the Synodal committees for the dogmatic and canonical issues, as well as Orthodox and inter-Christian relations regarding the Ukrainian question, the Holy Synod of the Orthodox CHurch of Greece "recognizes the right of the Ecumenical Patriarch to grant autocephaly as his canonical right; it refers the privileg...
28. August 2019
During the roundtable meeting "Christian Education: Experience and Prospects" more than 50 religious and non-governmental organizations have adopted a Resolution requiring the Russian Federation to stop political persecution and immediately release all Ukrainian citizens imprisoned for political reasons in Russia and occupied Crimea, prisoners of war and civilian hostages in the occupied Donbass. The issue of the release of Ukrainian sailors has also been raised, The Institute for Religious F...
28. August 2019
Сurrent plans and challenges facing the Ukrainian Pentecostal Church were discussed at a meeting of the Committee of the Ukrainian Pentecostal Church, reports the Pentecostal site of Ukraine. There is a need to introduce training programs for ministers (primarily pastors and deacons) on the subject of "pastoral counselling". There is a great need for this, especially among young people: the analysis of data during the current youth festival has shown it. "After working with the you...
31. Juli 2019
Das Oberhaupt der Moskau unterstehenden Ukrainischen Orthodoxen Kirche (UOK), Metropolit Onufrij (Beresovskij), hat die politische Neutralität seiner Kirche betont. In einem Interview mit dem ukrainischen Fernsehsender Inter erklärte er, die Kirche könne „keiner Partei dienen, sie ist nicht parteiisch“. Sonst wäre die Kirche ebenso eine politische Organisation wie eine Partei; die Kirche aber diene allen. Die Orthodoxe Kirche der Ukraine (OKU) hingegen bezeichnete er in einem anderen Intervie...
31. Juli 2019
Metropolit Onufrij (Beresovskij) von Kiew, das Oberhaupt der Moskau unterstehenden Ukrainischen Orthodoxen Kirche (UOK), hat den russischen Patriarchen Kirill und den neuen ukrainischen Präsidenten Volodymyr Zelenskyj aufgerufen, sich für den Austausch von Gefangenen im Donbass einzusetzen. In einem TV-Interview erklärte er, er habe Patriarch Kirill gebeten, Schritte für die Freilassung ukrainischer Kriegsgefangener zu unternehmen. An den ukrainischen Präsidenten habe er einem analogen Brief ...
31. Juli 2019
The canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church won another legal victory on 22 July, as the Sixth Kiev Administrative Court of Appeals dismissed the Ministry of Culture’s appeal in the case of the forced renaming of the Church. Thus, the District Administrative Court’s earlier decision stopping the process of forced renaming remains in force, reports the YouTube channel First Cossack. However, the Ministry of Culture continues to look for workarounds and to do everything possible to forcibly rename ...
31. Juli 2019
The 30th Colloquium of European Parishes (CEP) started in Lviv on July 27. 110 European citizens, priests and laymen came to Ukraine to find the answer to the question "How to be active Christians in modern Europe" in discussions. The organizer of the forum in Ukraine is the Foundation of St Volodymyr supported by the charity Foundation "Renovabis."The most numerous groups came from Germany, France, Spain (Catalonia), Italy, Romania, Malta, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium. The Ukrainian delegat...
31. Juli 2019
Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and all Ukraine greeted Ukrainians on the entry into force of the law on the state language in Ukraine. The greeting is posted on the Facebook page of the head of OCU. "Today, the long-awaited law on language came into force in Ukraine. This year was marked by really great events for us: the rise of the independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine, and now one of the most valuable gifts of our Motherland — the Ukrainian langua...
18. Juli 2019
Großerzbischof Svjatoslav (Schevtschuk) von Kiew glaubt, dass die Erfüllung einiger Wünsche seiner Kirche nach dem Treffen mit Papst Franziskus in Rom näher gerückt ist. Beim zweitätigen Treffen des Hl. Synods der Ukrainischen Griechisch-Katholischen Kirche (UGKK) mit dem Papst am 5. und 6. Juli seien keine „fertigen Entscheidungen“ verabschiedet worden, sondern hätten „Erforschungen, Analysen und Überlegungen weiterer Schritte“ im Zentrum gestanden. Nun erwarte er aber in nächster Zeit Resul...