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20. Februar 2019
A memo to a Christian voter and a Christian politician was issued by the bishops of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, led by Patriarch Sviatoslav. The document was published by the UGCC Department of Information on February 14, as the election race is gaining momentum in Ukraine. The Bishops of the UGCC emphasize that every citizen must realize their duty to participate in the social and political life of the Motherland and to perceive it as an integral part of their own Christian vocation...
20. Februar 2019
In 2019 the new manuals of the history of Ukraine will be published, they will cover the information of receiving Tomos on the autocephaly for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The press service of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine reported this, according to UNN. “Students study the history of independent Ukraine in the 11th grade, and this year we will publish new manuals. When we received Tomos on the autocephaly for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. I instruct...
20. Februar 2019
In an interview with the Polish Catholic News Agency, the Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Cchurch, Patriarch Sviatoslav, told Russia is still looking for a way to conquer Ukraine, touched on the issue of the election campaign and indicated which model of national existence could ensure Ukraine's success. According to the Department of Information of the UGCC, the Primate noted that currently the Ukrainian society reminds him of a large volcano, in which different worldviews, hot politica...
07. Februar 2019
Am 3. Februar ist Metropolit Epifanij (Dumenko) von der neu gegründeten Orthodoxen Kirche der Ukraine (OKU) in sein Amt eingesetzt worden. Das Kirchenoberhaupt wurde bei einem Festgottesdienst in der Kiewer Sophienkathedrale von drei Metropoliten – Emmanuel (Adamakis) von Paris vom Ökumenischen Patriarchat, Simeon (Schostazkij) und Makarij (Maletytsch) – inthronisiert. Damit hat Epifanij nun offiziell die Leitung der OKU übernommen.
07. Februar 2019
The All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations appealed to a number of institutions to facilitate the release of captive Ukrainians, political prisoners and other hostages held in Russia and in the occupied territories of Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts. Letters signed by the Chairman of the AUCCRO Rabbi Yakov Dov Bleich were sent both to the leadership of the Russian Federation and to the World Council of Churches, the Interreligious Council of Russia and other interde...
07. Februar 2019
On January 22, the Ministry of Justice registered the civic association All-Ukrainian Council. Evangelical Churches, known religious and public figures initiated the foundation of this association, the Institute of Religious Freedom reports. The Spiritual Council of the All-Ukrainian Council includes the chairman of the Council of Evangelical Protestant Churches of Ukraine, Senior Bishop of the Ukrainian Church of the Evangelical Christians Mykhailo Panochko, Chairman of the All-Ukrainian Uni...
07. Februar 2019
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew was conferred on the title of Honorary Doctor of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. President of the Academy Andriy Meleshevych made a public announcement. “By decision of the Academic Council of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy of December 20, 2018, His Holy Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew was conferred on the title of Honorary Doctor of NaUKMA. Thereby, the Mohyla Academy community “marked his merits as a scholar and popularizer of research,” he ...
24. Januar 2019
Das Oberhaupt der Ukrainischen Griechisch-Katholischen Kirche (UGKK), Großerzbischof Svjatoslav (Schevtschuk), hält die Einheit zwischen Katholiken und Orthodoxen nicht für utopisch. So sieht er langfristig die Einheit zwischen der UGKK und der vor kurzem gegründeten Orthodoxen Kirche der Ukraine (OKU) im Bereich des Möglichen, wie er in einem Fernsehinterview erklärte. Das sei eine „freudige Aussicht“, denn die ganze christliche Welt suche nach Wegen zur Einheit.
24. Januar 2019
Der ukrainische Präsident Petro Poroschenko hat Filaret (Denisenko) den Titel „Held der Ukraine“ verliehen. Filaret, der am 23. Januar 90 Jahre alt wurde, stand der Ukrainischen Orthodoxen Kirche–Kiewer Patriarchat vor, bis diese am 15. Dezember 2018 in der neu gegründeten Orthodoxen Kirche der Ukraine (OKU) aufgegangen ist. Filaret ist „Ehrenpatriarch“ der OKU und soll bei ihrer Entwicklung helfen.