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12. Juli 2018
Artists have begun to apply mosaic icons on the iconostasis of the National Cathedral in Bucharest, patriarchal adviser Vasile Cracaoanu announced on 28 June 2018. Eng. Vasile Cracaoanu, who is one of the persons involved in coordinating the works at the Romanian People’s Salvation Cathedral, said that the preparation for the application of the mosaic icons began as early as May and it involved plastering the wall of the iconostasis. Following the plastering of the iconostasis, iconographers...
14. Juni 2018
Der Vorstand der Gemeinsamen Arbeitsgruppe der römisch-katholischen Kirche und des Ökumenischen Rats der Kirchen (ÖRK) hat sich vom 24. bis 27. Mai 2018 im rumänischen Târgovişte getroffen und dort die weitere Zusammenarbeit in der Friedensförderung sowie die ökumenischen Herausforderungen und Chancen angesichts von Migration und Flucht besprochen. Das Treffen fand auf Einladung des Co-Vorsitzenden von ÖRK-Seite, Metropolit Nifon (Mihaita), in dessen Eparchie statt.
14. Juni 2018
Marking its 517th anniversary, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel re-consecrated the church of Dealu Monastery on 10. June 2018 referring to it as ‘an important landmark of Romanian national identity and unity’. The Patriarch of Romania said that this monastic settlement is ‘the holy place keeping as in a reliquary the honourable head of Ruler Prince Michael the Brave, who made the first union of the Romanian Principalities, Wallachia, Transylvania, and Moldova, in 1600.’ Although this union ‘was...
31. Mai 2018
In Sibiu fand vom 11. bis 14. Mai 2018 die erste internationale Konferenz des neu gegründeten ökumenischen Instituts Ex fide lux zum Thema „Heilige und Heiligenverehrung in Ost und West“ statt. Mit über 80 orthodoxen, katholischen und evangelischen Teilnehmern stieß das Thema der Tagung auf reges Interesse. Die Konferenz in Sibiu erlaubte einen ökumenischen Blick auf Verbindendes und Trennendes zwischen den Kirchen in dieser Frage. Organisiert wurde die Tagung von Ex fide lux – Deutsch-Rumäni...
30. Mai 2018
The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church held Thursday, 24 May 2018, its working session at the Synodal Hall of the Patriarchal Residence, under the chairmanship of His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel. Given the insistent request of the clergy and lay believers of the Metropolis of Bessarabia, the Holy Synod elected by secret vote His Grace Antonie of Orhei, Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Chișinău, as Bishop of Bălți.The Holy Synod proceeded to the election by secret vote of the V. R...
03. Mai 2018
About 95% of the Romanian citizens believe in God, but only 21% go to church every week, says a survey on the religious belief in Romania, conducted by Friedrich Ebert Romania Foundation, cited by Agerpres. According to the same study, 27% of the Romanians say the referendum to re-define the family concept is necessary. The results show that there is a “significant difference” in Romania between the affirmation of faith and the actual religious activity. “Thus, although there is an active str...
05. April 2018
Metropolitan Joseph Naniescu and the lay-ascetic George Lazăr were proclaimed Saints of the Church by Patriarch Daniel in a ceremony at the Metropolitan Cathedral in Iași. After celebrating the Divine Liturgy on the Feast of Annunciation, His Eminence Archbishop Ioachim of Roman and Bacău read out the synodal tomos on the glorification of Metropolitan Joseph of Moldavia by which he was proclaimed a Saint under the name of Holy Hierarch Joseph the Merciful. Next, Bishop Ignatie of Huși read ou...
22. März 2018
Thursday, March 15 2018, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel received in audience the President of the Conference of European Churches, Bishop Christopher Hill, the CEC Vice-president, His Eminence Metropolitan Emmanuel of France, and the CEC General Secretary, Rev. Heikki Huttunen. A short assessment of the collaboration between the Romanian Orthodox Church and the Conference of European Churches was made during the meeting.   Weiterlesen auf (15. März 2018)
22. März 2018
Holy Friday has become an official public non-working holiday in Romania. With Romanian President Klaus Iohannis’ signature on the completion of Paragraph 1 of Article 139 of the Labor Code, Romania joined 16 other EU countries where Holy Friday is already a public holiday. The bill was initiated by Deputy Szabo Odon of the Democrat Hungarian Union and adopted by the Senate on February 21 by a vote of 86-1 with one abstention. The Chamber of Deputies approved the legislation on February 28 by...