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30. November 2018
Gemeinsam mit dem Ökumenischen Patriarchen Bartholomaios hat der rumänisch-orthodoxe Patriarch Daniel am 25. November die neue Kathedrale zur Erlösung der Nation in Bukarest geweiht. An den liturgischen Feiern nahmen mehrere zehntausend Gläubige teil. Das Gotteshaus zählt zu den größten orthodoxen Kirchen weltweit und verfügt über eine der größten frei schwingenden Glocken. Laut der Kirchenleitung soll die Kathedrale den „Opfer[n] der Vorfahren für den Glauben, die Würde und Einheit des Volke...
30. November 2018
The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church has issued a pastoral letter on the first Sunday of the Nativity Fast recalling that the Romanian people bears the ‘seal of the mystery of Christ’s Cross and Resurrection.’ ‘The luminous fruit-bearing of Christ’s Gospel in the history and culture of the Romanian people is observed in the gift of national unity, freedom and dignity, gained through strong faith and sacrificial struggle over many ages of Christian suffering,’ the hierarchs point o...
15. November 2018
On the forefeast of Saint John Chrysostom, November 12, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel inaugurated the Consilium House of the National Cathedral’s Chapel. Following the blessing service, His Beatitude referred to the way the new building will be used by the priests and believers. He said that given its capacity, agape meals will be held inside. Also, that it may serve as a place of gathering for the Chapel’s volunteers, as well as for those who work on the National Cathedral’s construction si...
18. Oktober 2018
Romanians came out to vote on 6 and 7 October in a referendum to change the constitution to officially define marriage as between one man and one woman. However, not enough Romanians came out. The referendum needed 30% of the population to show up to be valid, but although the vote was extended to two days, only about 20% of registered voters actually cast ballots. At present, marriage is constitutionally defined as “between spouses.” Same-sex marriage is already banned in the Romanian civil ...
04. Oktober 2018
Die Nationale Kirchenversammlung der Rumänischen Orthodoxen Kirche hat die Bürger des Landes dazu aufgerufen, am bevorstehenden Referendum über die Ehe Ja zu stimmen. Mit dem Referendum soll die Definition der Ehe in der rumänischen Verfassung abgeändert werden, wo sie bisher als eine freiwillig eingegangene Verbindung zwischen Ehepartnern bezeichnet wird. Falls das Referendum angenommen wird, hieße es in der Verfassung künftig „Verbindung zwischen Mann und Frau“.
20. September 2018
His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel offered Tuesday, September 11, a vestment with which the holy relics of Saint Paraskeva were clothed to a representative of the Bulgarian Patriarchate. Saint Paraskeva’s vestment, received from Metropolitan Teofan of Moldavia and Bukovina, was handed over to His Eminence Metropolitan Naum of Ruse at the St George Chapel of the Patriarchal Residence in Bucharest. The holy relic will be enshrined in the old church “Saint Paraskeva”, located at the basement of the ...
05. September 2018
Monday, September 3, 2018, from 09:45 to 10:30 a.m., His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel officiated the blessing service of the National Cathedral’s six bells on the ground. Consequently, the bells will be mounted together with their metallic structure in the Bell Tower on the western façade of the new Patriarchal Cathedral, at a height of 60 meters. The blessing of the exterior of the bells will be followed by an additional on the inside blessing after the bells will be installed in the bell towe...
22. August 2018
The Romanian Orthodox Church has released a statement calling for “prayer, peace, dialogue, and social co-responsibility” against the backdrop of several days of protests in Bucharest that have left more than 450 injured. Some estimates say 100'000 people came out to the streets of the capital for several days starting on 10 August 2018 to protest what they see as government corruption and to call for new elections. The protests were largely organized by Romanian expats who returned home for ...
12. Juli 2018
Artists have begun to apply mosaic icons on the iconostasis of the National Cathedral in Bucharest, patriarchal adviser Vasile Cracaoanu announced on 28 June 2018. Eng. Vasile Cracaoanu, who is one of the persons involved in coordinating the works at the Romanian People’s Salvation Cathedral, said that the preparation for the application of the mosaic icons began as early as May and it involved plastering the wall of the iconostasis. Following the plastering of the iconostasis, iconographers...