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21. Februar 2019
Der Vorsitzende der Kroatischen Bischofskonferenz, Želimir Puljić von Zadar, hat Missbrauch in der Kirche als „skandalös“ bezeichnet. Deshalb sei die von Papst Franziskus und zuvor schon Papst Benedikt XVI. eingenommene Null-Toleranz-Position zu begrüßen. Auch die harsche Kritik und der mediale Fokus auf die Kirche sei gerechtfertigt, denn die Kirche müsse die „Reinste“ sein, sagte Puljić in einem Interview für das Kroatische Katholische Radio HKR.
20. Februar 2019
A controversial opinion purported to be from the Bulgarian Orthodox Church’s Holy Synod urging a ban on terminations of pregnancy, for religion to be a compulsory subject in schools, no sex education, and opposing the full ban on corporal punishment in schools, has been deleted from the church’s official website, Sofia Globe reports. The opinion, posted in response to the Bulgarian government’s draft National Strategy for the Child 2019-2030, had not been voted by the Holy Synod, nor app...
20. Februar 2019
The members of the National Church Council met Tuesday, February 19, 2019, for the annual working session at the Patriarchal Residence in Bucharest. The meeting was chaired by His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel. The NCC members reviewed the most important activities carried out last year by the Romanian Orthodox Church and set project proposals for 2019. The Patriarch of Romania read out the synthesis report stressing that in 2018 the Romanian Patriarchate spent 24 million Euros for the entire so...
20. Februar 2019
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras expressed their shared hope that the Halki Orthodox seminary, which was shut down by Turkish authorities in 1971, will soon reopen. Tsipras thanked Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for the tour of the school (high school and seminary) where he went from the island of Imvros at the age of 15 to train for the priesthood, reports. Tsipras and Bartholomew symbolically planted a tree in the expansive gardens of the semi...
07. Februar 2019
Das „Erzbistum der orthodoxen Gemeinden russischer Tradition in Westeuropa“ weigert sich, seine Gemeinden den Hierarchen des Ökumenischen Patriarchats zu unterstellen. Der Rat des Erzbistums spricht der Entscheidung des Ökumenischen Patriarchats von Ende November 2018, den Status des Erzbistums als Exarchat aufzuheben, nicht die Berechtigung ab. Doch gelte es die Aberkennung des Status als Exarchat von einer „Auflösung des Erzbistums“ zu unterscheiden, denn einzig die Generalversammlung des E...
07. Februar 2019
Die Bulgarische Orthodoxe Kirche (BOK) beabsichtigt, sich weiter mit der Angelegenheit der Makedonischen Orthodoxen Kirche zu beschäftigen, sobald der Prozess der Umbenennung des Landes abgeschlossen ist. Der definitiven Klärung des neuen Namens werde „sicherlich die Kirchenfrage folgen“, erklärte der bulgarische Patriarch Neofit gegenüber Journalisten.
07. Februar 2019
On Monday, January 28, 2019, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Orthodox Church welcomed at his patriarchal residence the delegations of the Committee of Representatives of the Orthodox Churches to the European Union (CROCEU), the Commission of the Roman-Catholic Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community (COMECE), and the Conference of European Churches (CEC), who were visiting Bucharest following Romania’s taking over the EU presidency on January 1. His Beatitude presented t...
07. Februar 2019
Visoki Dečani, a 14th century Serbian Orthodox Monastery in Kosovo (known as Kosovo and Metohija in the Serbian tradition), has unveiled a new website in English and several other languages. The long-awaited site contains regularly updated news about the life of the monastery in Serbia’s turbulent breakaway region of Kosovo, along with many scans of materials from the monastery’s library, audio recordings from Divine services, professional photographs of items from the monastery treasury, and...
07. Februar 2019
On February 4, 1925, the Holy Synod gathered in Bucharest and resolved the establishment of the Romanian Orthodox Patriarchate, following Romania’s Great Union achieved in 1918. The first person who advocated for the elevation of the Romanian Orthodox Church to the patriarchal rank was Fr. Gheorghe Ciuhandu who supported this idea during the Assembly of the clergy of Transylvania in 1919. After him, several other important figures of Romanian culture, historians like Nicolae Iorga and Ioan Lu...