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20. Juni 2019
In June 2019, the representative of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia to the Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, Hegumen Arseny (Sokolov), visited the Patriarchate of the Syriac Orthodox Church in Damascus and met with Patriarchal Vicar Bishop Jack Yakoub, head of the Patriarchal Youth Department. They discussed in particular some academic projects. It was agreed to begin in the next academic year a students exchange between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Syriac Orthodox Church. ...
06. Juni 2019
Der Moskauer Patriarch Kirill hat am 26. Mai 2019 die „große Weihe“ der neuen russisch-orthodoxen Allerheiligenkirche in Straßburg durchgeführt; die „kleine Weihe“ hatte bereits im Dezember des Vorjahrs der für die russisch-orthodoxen Gemeinden in Frankreich zuständige Titularbischof von Korsun/Cherson, Nestor (Sirotenko), erteilt. An der Weihe und der göttlichen Liturgie nahmen zahlreiche Repräsentanten des öffentlichen Lebens teil, darunter der katholische Straßburger Erzbischof Luc Ravel u...
06. Juni 2019
A number of Russian airports have been officially renamed in honor of famous historical Russian figures, including Royal Martyr Tsar Nicholas II and St. Olga the Equal-to-the-Apostles and others, reports Foma. The new names were assigned according to the results of the Great Names of Russia contest held in the fall, and in accordance with the Presidential decree of November 28, “On the Conferment of the names of persons having special merits before the Fatherland to certain geographical objec...
23. Mai 2019
Nach mehrtägigen Protesten gegen den Bau einer Kirche in Jekaterinburg ist das Bauvorhaben vorübergehend gestoppt worden. Geplant ist eine Rekonstruktion der Katharina-Kathedrale, die 1930 von den Bolschewiken zerstört worden war. An der Stelle der damaligen Kathedrale stehen heute ein großer Brunnen und eine Gedenkkapelle. Als Standort für die neue Kirche ist ein kleiner Park in der Nähe des Oktoberplatzes am Stadtteich vorgesehen.
09. Mai 2019
The All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Associations sent an appeal to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill as Honorary Chairman of the Interreligious Council of Russia, calling upon him to facilitate the release of the Ukrainian sailors detained on 25th November 2018, as well as the release of "hostages and captives in eastern Ukraine." The Interreligious Council of Russia took a decision to issue a statement in response to this appeal at its session on 25th March 2019. The text of the ...
09. Mai 2019
On 3rd May 2019, Friday of the Bright Week, after the Divine Liturgy His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia met with a group of pilgrims from the Roman Catholic Church led by Cardinal Angelo De Donatis, Vicar General of Rome. The meeting took place in the Patriarchal Chambers of the Lavra of the Holy Trinity and St. Sergius. The group also includes six hierarchs and 75 priests from Italy. Accompanying the pilgrims in Russia is Hieromonk Grigory (Matrusov), a cleric of the Cath...
18. April 2019
Die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche (ROK) bemüht sich um die Übergabe des historischen Andronikov-Klosters in Moskau, in dem sich heute das Museum für altrussische Kultur und Kunst befindet. Patriarch Kirill hat sich mit einer entsprechenden Bitte an Rosimuschestvo, die föderale Behörde für die Verwaltung staatlichen Eigentums, gewandt. Die Leitung des Museums, das nach dem berühmten Ikonenmaler Andrej Rubljov benannt ist, ist informiert und steht nach eigenen Angaben in einem ständigen Dialog mit...
18. April 2019
On 6 April 2019, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, rector of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Postgraduate Studies, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Moscow Church of Beheading of St. John the Baptist in-the-Woods. This church is a part of the Patriarchal Metochion of Chernigov Wonder-Workers, where the Theological Institute of Postgraduate Studies, celebrating the 10th anniversary of it...
18. April 2019
Preservation work on ancient and unique frescoes in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos at the former Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery in Ferapontovo, Vologda Province, has been completed, ensuing that the spiritual treasures will be enjoyed for generations to come. The frescoes, dating to 1502, are the only ensemble of the great Russian master Dionysius the Wise (c. 1440-1502) that have survived to our day in their original form, according to the site of the Ministry of Culture...