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07. Juni 2017
The Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church met at the Monastery of the Protecting Veil in Kharkov 27 May 2017. It was chaired by His Beatitude Onufriy, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine, and was timed to the 25th anniversary of the Council of Kharkov. The meeting took place at the historic building in which the Council of Kharkov was held, as part of the church celebrations devoted to the jubilee. The Synod adopted a Message to the Episcopate, Clergy, Monastics and Laity on the Occasion of...
07. Juni 2017
On June 4, a conflict erupted between the faithful of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchate around the building of a church in Kolomyia. According to IRres, which is citing a local television station STC, it is a wooden Church of Annunciation of the 17th century. The activists of the UGCC came to the church building and organized a meeting in which it claimed the rights to it. Allegedly, only Greek Catholics ruled there, but in the Soviet...
07. Juni 2017
The Razumkov Center presented at a round table in Kyiv a new study of the religious situation in Ukraine, which was carried out on March 3 - 9, 2017. According to the new sociological survey, the proportion of believers in Ukraine has dropped as compared to 2014 and 2016. The figures dropped to 67% (in 2014 it was 76% and in 2016 70% respectively), equaling the pre-war level of 2013. Traditionally, high religiosity is declared by residents of western Ukraine, they constitute over 91% of belie...
06. Juni 2017
Das frühere Oberhaupt der Ukrainischen Griechisch-katholischen Kirche (UGKK), Lubomyr Kardinal Husar, ist tot. Husar verstarb am 31. Mai 2017 im 85. Lebensjahr nach schwerer Krankheit in Kiew. In Lviv, seiner Geburtsstadt, wo Husar auch viele Jahre als Großerzbischof der UGKK seinen Amtssitz hatte, wurde der 1. Juni zum Trauertag ausgerufen. Die Begräbnisfeierlichkeiten fanden am 5. Juni in Kiew statt.
01. Juni 2017
Responding to an appeal from Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, World Council of Churches Secretary General Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit has forwarded messages to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Ukrainian Verkhovnaya Rada Chairman Andrey Parubiy to express "deep concern" over the prospect of passing bills that would be "detrimental" to the rights of the canonical Orthodox Church of Ukraine and calling for these bills to be withdrawn. It was reported that Bill No. 4511, which the...
01. Juni 2017
On June 7-9, 2017, a Ukrainian public forum "X Ecumenical Social Week” is set to be held in Kyiv. It is themed: “Dignity. Service. Solidarity. Towards Country Renewal.” The forum organizer is the Institute of Ecumenical Studies of the Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv). Co-organizers of the Forum are: Kyiv Center of the Ukrainian Catholic University, Pastoral Migration Department of the UGCC, Ukrainian Cooperative Alliance, St. Thomas Aquinas Institute, Kyiv Regional Council and Administrat...
30. April 2017
Die Eparchie Charkov-Poltava der Ukrainischen Autokephalen Orthodoxen Kirche (UAOK) will sich mit der Ukrainischen Griechisch-Katholischen Kirche (UGKK) vereinen. Am 5. April fand in Charkov eine Eparchialsynode statt, an der 32 Delegierte – 12 Geistliche und 20 Laien – teilnahmen. Die Delegierten verfassten einen Brief an Papst Franziskus, in dem sie ihren Wunsch nach einer administrativen Einheit und vollständigen Communio mit der UGKK bestätigen. An den Gesprächen nahm auc...
09. Mai 2017
Das ukrainische Kulturministerium wirft Geistlichen der Ukrainischen Orthodoxen Kirche–Moskauer Patriarchat (UOK–MP) „anti-ukrainische“ Handlungen in der Ostukraine und auf der Krim vor. In seiner Erklärung führte das Kulturministerium mehrere Beispiele für eine „anti-ukrainische, separatistische und anderen Kirchen gegenüber intolerante Haltung“ von Vertretern der UOK–MP an. So habe der Sekretär der Eparchie von Simferopol ...