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06. Juli 2017
Mehr als 5000 ukrainische Pilger haben am 25. Juni im Petersdom im Vatikan für Frieden sowie Einheit zwischen Orthodoxen und Katholiken in der Ukraine gebetet. Anlass war der 150. Jahrestag der Heiligsprechung des Märtyrerbischofs Josafat Kuncevytsch (1580–1623).Großerzbischof Svjatoslav (Schevtschuk) von der Ukrainischen Griechisch-Katholischen Kirche (UGKK) leitete die Göttliche Liturgie nach byzantinischem Ritus im Petersdom. Er drückte die Hoffnung aus, dass Gott die Herzen aller Christen...
22. Juni 2017
Laut einem Vorschlag des Ministerkabinetts soll in der Ukraine auch zu Zeiten der Mobilmachung der Zivildienst möglich sein. Zudem soll es Geistlichen erlaubt sein, den Militärdienst aufzuschieben, wie das Institut für Religionsfreiheit in Kiew berichtet. Bürger, die aus religiösen Überzeugungen keinen Militärdienst leisten wollen und kein Recht darauf haben, den Dienst zum Zeitpunkt der Mobilisierung aufzuschieben, dürfen einen alternativen Dienst im Einklang mit der entsprechenden Gesetzgeb...
21. Juni 2017
On June 21, In the Latin Metropolitan Basilica in Lviv, the nomineebishop  Edward Kava was ordained as a bishop, on May 13 he was appointed by Pope Francis as Assistant Bishop of the Lviv Archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine. The 39-year-old Edward Kava became the youngest Catholic bishop in the world. During the solemn Mass, Archbishop Mecislaw Mokszycki, Metropolitan of Lviv, and Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, Apostolic Nuncio in Ukraine, and Bishop Stanislav Shirokorady...
15. Juni 2017
On the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the Vistula Operation Patriarch Sviatoslav (Shevchuk) has issued a message in which he urged to remember the innocent victims of the forced deportation and denounce the evils perpetrated against the Church. It was reported by Information Department of the UGCC. As stated in the document, the purpose of the Vistula Operation was forced resettlement of the Ukrainians who were prohibited to return independently to their homeland. The decision to c...
15. Juni 2017
One-third of all clergymen, two-thirds of all Orthodox parishes, three-fourths of the students of spiritual education establishments belong to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, the Ukrainian Culture Ministry said in its report. Over 10,200 clergymen and over 12,600 communities belong to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. The number of the latter is twice as high as the total number of communities of all Orthodox religious organizations (Old Belie...
07. Juni 2017
On 5 June 2017, the Day of the Holy Spirit, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All Ukraine celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Trinity Cathedral, one of the largest Ukrainian Orthodox churches in Kiev. Concelebrating were Metropolitan Pavel of Vyshgorod and Chernobyl; Metropolitan Antony of Borispol and Brovary, chancellor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church; seventeen archpastors – two metropolitans, five archbishops, and ten bishops; clerics of the cathedral and ordained guests. Ar...
07. Juni 2017
The Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church met at the Monastery of the Protecting Veil in Kharkov 27 May 2017. It was chaired by His Beatitude Onufriy, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine, and was timed to the 25th anniversary of the Council of Kharkov. The meeting took place at the historic building in which the Council of Kharkov was held, as part of the church celebrations devoted to the jubilee. The Synod adopted a Message to the Episcopate, Clergy, Monastics and Laity on the Occasion of...
07. Juni 2017
On June 4, a conflict erupted between the faithful of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchate around the building of a church in Kolomyia. According to IRres, which is citing a local television station STC, it is a wooden Church of Annunciation of the 17th century. The activists of the UGCC came to the church building and organized a meeting in which it claimed the rights to it. Allegedly, only Greek Catholics ruled there, but in the Soviet...
07. Juni 2017
The Razumkov Center presented at a round table in Kyiv a new study of the religious situation in Ukraine, which was carried out on March 3 - 9, 2017. According to the new sociological survey, the proportion of believers in Ukraine has dropped as compared to 2014 and 2016. The figures dropped to 67% (in 2014 it was 76% and in 2016 70% respectively), equaling the pre-war level of 2013. Traditionally, high religiosity is declared by residents of western Ukraine, they constitute over 91% of belie...