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31. Juli 2019
Während der Proteste in Moskau haben Demonstranten in einer Kirche Zuflucht vor der Polizei gefunden. Rund 100 Protestierende versteckten sich am 27. Juli in der zentral gelegenen Kosmas-und-Damian-Kirche vor den mit Gewalt gegen die Demonstration vorgehenden Sicherheitskräften. Die Geistlichen ließen die meist jungen Leute herein und beteten mit ihnen für den Frieden. Der Vorfall erregte die Aufmerksamkeit der russischen Medien, weil die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche Protesten meist ablehnend g...
31. Juli 2019
In Sugdidi, der Hauptstadt der westgeorgischen Region Mingrelien und Oberswanetien, haben Aktivisten begonnen, Unterschriften für ein Verbot von „LGBT-Propaganda“ zu sammeln. Die erste Aktion fand am 20. Juli vor der im Bau befindlichen Kirche der Gottesmutterikone von Iveron in Kombination mit einer Diskussionsveranstaltung statt. Zudem veranstalteten die Initianten ein Essen, zu dem alle eingeladen wurden, die die Petition unterzeichneten.
31. Juli 2019
Metropolit Onufrij (Beresovskij) von Kiew, das Oberhaupt der Moskau unterstehenden Ukrainischen Orthodoxen Kirche (UOK), hat den russischen Patriarchen Kirill und den neuen ukrainischen Präsidenten Volodymyr Zelenskyj aufgerufen, sich für den Austausch von Gefangenen im Donbass einzusetzen. In einem TV-Interview erklärte er, er habe Patriarch Kirill gebeten, Schritte für die Freilassung ukrainischer Kriegsgefangener zu unternehmen. An den ukrainischen Präsidenten habe er einem analogen Brief ...
31. Juli 2019
The canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church won another legal victory on 22 July, as the Sixth Kiev Administrative Court of Appeals dismissed the Ministry of Culture’s appeal in the case of the forced renaming of the Church. Thus, the District Administrative Court’s earlier decision stopping the process of forced renaming remains in force, reports the YouTube channel First Cossack. However, the Ministry of Culture continues to look for workarounds and to do everything possible to forcibly rename ...
31. Juli 2019
The 30th Colloquium of European Parishes (CEP) started in Lviv on July 27. 110 European citizens, priests and laymen came to Ukraine to find the answer to the question "How to be active Christians in modern Europe" in discussions. The organizer of the forum in Ukraine is the Foundation of St Volodymyr supported by the charity Foundation "Renovabis."The most numerous groups came from Germany, France, Spain (Catalonia), Italy, Romania, Malta, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium. The Ukrainian delegat...
31. Juli 2019
Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and all Ukraine greeted Ukrainians on the entry into force of the law on the state language in Ukraine. The greeting is posted on the Facebook page of the head of OCU. "Today, the long-awaited law on language came into force in Ukraine. This year was marked by really great events for us: the rise of the independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine, and now one of the most valuable gifts of our Motherland — the Ukrainian langua...
31. Juli 2019
“So many brilliant and renowned theologians and teachers have graced the campus of Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary [SVOTS] over its 80-year history,” said Subdeacon Alexander Hatcher, SVOTS Director of Institutional and Advancement. “We are so pleased that now you can literally hear their voices in lectures and talks that had been in danger of being lost or forgotten.” Hundreds of old analog recordings of Father Alexander Schmemann, Father John Meyendorff, Father Thomas Hopko, ...
31. Juli 2019
Thanks to an annual competition held by the Russian Orthodox Church and the Federal Penitentiary Service (FPS), prisoners have the opportunity to speak about their Orthodox faith and reveal their inner world through iconography and art. Since 2013, the Synodal Department for Prison Ministry and the FPS have organized the “Not by Number but by Humility” competition, which focuses on Orthodox painting in even years and on iconography in odd years. The contest has been attracting more and more p...
31. Juli 2019
Established in 2014, Byzanfest is the world’s first and only online festival that screens short-films made by Eastern Orthodox Christian filmmakers. The Festival goes live from Sunday 21st July until 4th August 2019, running concurrently with live venue screenings which are hosted by Global Screening Partners. „As the world’s media and entertainment have become increasingly on-demand and interwoven with social media, Byzanfest saw the opportunity to venture into an emerging concept: the onlin...