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07. Februar 2019
On Monday, January 28, 2019, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Orthodox Church welcomed at his patriarchal residence the delegations of the Committee of Representatives of the Orthodox Churches to the European Union (CROCEU), the Commission of the Roman-Catholic Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community (COMECE), and the Conference of European Churches (CEC), who were visiting Bucharest following Romania’s taking over the EU presidency on January 1. His Beatitude presented t...
29. Oktober 2020
A tourist-cultural route of wooden churches in Romania was officially launched on October 27 at an event dedicated to the protection and cultural valorization of the historical monument of the wooden church in Valea Crișului, Bihor County. The event was attended by representatives of the local public administrations registered in the cultural route and the the Orthodox Dioceses of Oradea and of Maramureș and Satu Mare, which were officially recognized by the Ministry of Economy, Energy, and B...
11. Februar 2021
In Suceava ist ein sechs Wochen altes Baby nach seiner Taufe gestorben. Nachdem es drei Mal im Wasser untergetaucht worden war, erlitt es einen Herzstillstand. Später starb es im Krankenhaus, wo auch Wasser in seiner Lunge gefunden wurde. Die Tragödie hat ein großes Medienecho und Debatten über die Form der Taufzeremonie ausgelöst. Gegen den Priester, der die Taufe durchführte, sind polizeiliche Ermittlungen wegen Totschlags eingeleitet worden.
25. Februar 2021
On February 9, 2021, eleven deputies submitted a draft law on the repatriation of the Holy Transylvanian Confessors’ relics. The Saints died in the Kufstein prison in the Austrian state of Tyrol in the 18th century, when the Austrian authorities imposed the union between the Orthodox believers in Transylvania with the Roman Catholic Church. Saint Bessarion Sarai and the Holy Martyr Oprea Miclăuș were canonized by the Romanian Orthodox Church in 1950. The Holy Hieromartyrs John from Galeș...
08. April 2021
The spokesman of the Romanian Patriarchate, Vasile Bănescu, offered assurances that the Holy Easter services will take place normally this year. „In connection with the misunderstanding about the time interval for lifting mobility restrictions (on foot or by personal means of transport) on the night of the Resurrection, a misunderstanding that some hastened to speculate again martyrically.” “The service of the Resurrection begins and ends at different times in the Catholic and Orthodox church...
30. August 2017
"We follow from the Phanar, from the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Great and varied activity of the Holy Church of Romania", His Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew said in an exclusive Trinitas TV interview, adding that "we are proud of our once a daughter, and now the sister Church of Romania, to which I convey a special greeting from Budapest, on this historical day". At the end of last week, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew paid an official visit to Hungary for the reception of a new...
22. Februar 2018
His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will attend the consecration of the Romanian Orthodox Church's National Cathedral in Bucharest, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel of Romania announced at a meeting of the National Church Council at the patriarchal residence on February 13. Patriarch Bartholomew was invited personally by Patriarch Daniel during the Holy and Great Council that took place on the island of Crete in the summer of 2016, and later via an official letter. Weiterlesen au...
05. April 2023
Am 2. März 2023 haben Pfarrer und Pfarrerinnen der beiden lutherischen Kirchen aus Rumänien in Sighișoara/Schässburg zum ersten Mal eine gemeinsame Tagung durchgeführt. Die beiden Kirchen, die ungarischsprachige Lutherisch-Evangelische Kirche in Rumänien (ELKR) und die deutschsprachige Evangelische Kirche A. B. in Rumänien (EKR), sind zwar im Nationalkomitee des Lutherischen Weltbundes zusammengeschlossen und arbeiten auch z.B. im Rahmen des GAW Rumänien zusammen. Ihre Kontakte beschränkten s...
16. Mai 2017
The European Commissioner Corina Crețu visited Monday, 8 May 2017, the Patriarchal Ensemble in Bucharest where she had a meeting with His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church. Corina Crețu visited the Palace of the Patriarchate that has been consolidated and restored with EU funds. The Palace of the Romanian Patriarchate in Bucharest, a building currently included in the tourist circuit, represents a successful restoration programme financed with European funds, the mos...
02. April 2020
The Romanian Orthodox Church has announced a new program of prayer in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, beginning today, on the new calendar feast of the Annunciation, calling upon all faithful to join one another in common prayer daily at noon, each from his own home, while church and monastery bells ring out throughout the country. “In this difficult time of trials related to the pandemic, the clergy and laity of our Church, being physically separated in terms of prayer, can still un...
28. August 2024
Die Evangelische Kirche Augsburgischen Bekenntnisses in Rumänien feiert das 30-jährige Jubiläum ihrer Entscheidung, Frauen für den Pfarrdienst zu ordinieren. Ihren Höhepunkt erreichen die Feierlichkeiten im Jubiläumsjahr in der letzten Augustwoche mit einem Dankgottesdienst und anderen öffentlichen Veranstaltungen in Sibiu im Vorfeld der Vollversammlung der Gemeinschaft Evangelischer Kirchen in Europa.  Pfarrerin Dr. Elfriede Dörr leitet die Abteilung für Ökumene und Fortbildung der Kir...
12. Juli 2018
Artists have begun to apply mosaic icons on the iconostasis of the National Cathedral in Bucharest, patriarchal adviser Vasile Cracaoanu announced on 28 June 2018. Eng. Vasile Cracaoanu, who is one of the persons involved in coordinating the works at the Romanian People’s Salvation Cathedral, said that the preparation for the application of the mosaic icons began as early as May and it involved plastering the wall of the iconostasis. Following the plastering of the iconostasis, iconographers...
28. August 2019
His Eminence Metropolitan Pavlos of Drama consecrated a newly built church at the hut of the Annunciation at Lakkoskiti in honour of Saint Paisios of Mount Athos. This is the first church serving a Romanian community on the Holy Mount to be dedicated to St Paisios. The consecration ceremony took place on July 25, the feast day of St Paisios according to the unrevised Julian calendar. The church was also offered a second Patron Saint, the holy and righteous King David. Weiterlesen auf basilic...
26. September 2019
A 100-year-old building in the city of Haugesund in southwestern Norway was given new life on Sunday, as it was consecrated as a parish church of the Romanian Orthodox Church. The new church, the first Romanian Orthodox parish in Norway, is dedicated to the “O All-Hymned Mother” Icon of the Theotokos, as well as Sts. Macarius the Great and Macarius of Alexandria, reports Doxologia. According to OrthodoxWiki, there are 16 other parishes operating in Norway, divided between the Russian Church, ...
05. März 2020
Fr Prof. Ioan Sauca has been appointed acting World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary beginning 1 April. Sauca, who currently serves as deputy general secretary for the WCC programme on Ecumenical Formation and Bossey Ecumenical Institute, will hold the general secretary post until the WCC Executive Committee meets in June. The leadership of the WCC Central Committee decided to postpone the full WCC Central Committee meeting, once slated for 18-24 March, along with the Executive Com...
09. Juli 2020
In Rumänien wird in Zukunft der 16. August als nationaler Tag des Gedenkens an die weltweite „Gewalt gegen Christen“ begangen werden. Das Plenum des rumänischen Abgeordnetenhauses hat laut dem Informationsdienst der Stiftung Pro Oriente einen entsprechenden Beschluss gefasst. Jeweils am 16. August werden demnach in Zukunft das Parlamentsgebäude, die Regierungsgebäude in Bukarest und in den Provinzen, der Triumphbogen in Bukarest und der Mogoşoaia-Palast – er eines der bekanntesten Kulturdenkm...
18. April 2024
His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel and other representatives of religious denominations officially recognised in Romania met with state representatives at the National Art Museum on Wednesday, April 10. The participants discussed aspects related to consolidating their collaboration at a social level. “Today, the Romanian Orthodox Church is convinced that in cooperation with state institutions, it can bring together with other religious denominations a major and beneficial contribution to the life...
28. Mai 2020
Considering that, from May 15, 2020, the state of emergency and the applicability of the Military Ordinances that limited essential aspects of the public religious life of the faithful cease, following consultation with the Romanian Government, the Romanian Patriarchate sends the following instructions to the cult units of the Romanian Orthodox Church regarding the access of Orthodox believers to places of worship and cemeteries, and their participation in divine services. Weiterlesen auf ba...
22. März 2018
Holy Friday has become an official public non-working holiday in Romania. With Romanian President Klaus Iohannis’ signature on the completion of Paragraph 1 of Article 139 of the Labor Code, Romania joined 16 other EU countries where Holy Friday is already a public holiday. The bill was initiated by Deputy Szabo Odon of the Democrat Hungarian Union and adopted by the Senate on February 21 by a vote of 86-1 with one abstention. The Chamber of Deputies approved the legislation on February 28 by...
11. Oktober 2017
During the working session of the Holy Synod, chaired on 5 October by His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel, the members of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church elected by a majority vote the new Bishop of Huşi. Last weekend, the Metropolitan Synod (Episcopal Assembly) of Moldavia and Bukovina proposed two candidates for the Diocese of Huşi: His Grace Ignatie of Mureş, Assistant Bishop to the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Spain and Portugal. Weiterlesen auf (5. Oktober 2017)