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08. November 2017
His Eminence Andriy (Sapelyak), bishop emeritus of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, died on November 6 at the age of 98. According to the UGCC Department of Information, the funeral service will be further announced. Bishop Andriy Sapelyak was born on January 13, 1919 in the village of Ryshkova Volya, Yaroslavl district. He was the first child in the Ukrainian peasant family of Mikhaylo Sapelyak and Agafia Yarosh. After graduating from the Przemysl high school Andriy joined the congregat...
25. Oktober 2017
The All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations delegated its representatives to the sessions of the Parliamentary Committee, which considered the draft of the law "On prevention and counteraction of domestic violence”. During the meeting, representatives of the Council of Churches supported the draft of the Bill No. 5294, reports the Institute of Religious Freedom. As a result of the discussion, the Committee on Family, Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism recommended the parli...
25. Oktober 2017
The Secretariat of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations is drafting a memorandum on the interaction with the Conference of European Churches. The representatives of Ukrainian denominations discussed this issue during a meeting on October 18, under the chairmanship of Sheikh Ahmed Tamim, Chairman of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine, the Institute of Religious Freedom report. Earlier the AUCCRO already appealed to foreign inter-church associations ...
25. Oktober 2017
As part of the plenary session of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, held in these days in the Vatican, Patriarch Sviatoslav delivered a presentation on the ecumenical mission of the Eastern Catholic Churches. “The experience of the last two centuries clearly shows that in restoring the unity or communion of the Churches, Christians have fallen into two categories: those who seek unity and those who oppose it,” the Head of the UGCC stressed, summarizing up his appeal to the participa...
12. Oktober 2017
Obwohl die Ukraine mehrheitlich orthodox ist, wird auch dort das Reformationsjubiläum gefeiert. So organisierte die Universität von Odessa Ende September eine Konferenz zum Thema „Reformation und die moderne Welt (Philosophie, Theologie, Wissenschaft)“. Die Teilnehmer diskutierten dabei über interkonfessionellen Dialog, Toleranz, Ökumene, das Verhältnis von Wissenschaft und Religion, den Einfluss der Reformation auf die moderne Gesellschaft und die Teilnahme religiöser Organisationen am Trans...
11. Oktober 2017
The Ministry of Justice will distribute its clarifications among the territorial justice administrations regarding the peculiarities of state registration of religious organizations. This was agreed by the participants of the Working Group, the regular meeting of which was held at the Ministry on October 6 with the participation of representatives of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations, reports the Institute of Religious Freedom. The explanation, which will be pr...
11. Oktober 2017
The leadership of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the USA (Patriarchate of Constantinople) Metropolitan Anthony (Scherba) and Archbishop Daniel proclaimed the year of 2018 to be the 100th anniversary of the UOC-USA, Religion in Ukraine reports. During the celebration of the anniversary, all the hierarchs, clergy, monastics and faithful will be honored “who lived before us and sacrificed themselves to build the Kingdom of God on this land much more than most of us do 100 years later,” accordi...
28. September 2017
An einer Tagung über „Toleranz und Nicht-Diskriminierung“ der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) warf Bischof Viktor (Kocaba) von Baryschevka von der Ukrainischen Orthodoxen Kirche-Moskauer Patriarchat (UOK-MP) der Ukraine Rechtsverletzungen gegenüber Gläubigen und Organisationen seiner Kirche vor. Die Tagung fand am 14. September im Rahmen des jährlichen „Human Dimension Implementation Meetings“ der OSZE in Warschau statt.
28. September 2017
Zum Thema „Die Rolle der Religion in der europäischen Integration – in der Perspektive der Ukraine und der Europäischen Union“ fand in Kiew am 18. und 19. September eine Konferenz statt. Die Teilnehmer – Vertreter des Europäischen Parlaments und des Allukrainischen Rats der Kirchen und Religionsgemeinschaften – diskutierten über den Kern europäischer Werte und fundamentaler Prinzipien. Besprochen wurden zudem die Rolle der Religion im öffentlichen Leben, der spirituelle und soziale Dienst der...