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26. September 2019
A joyful event marked the first day of school in Lovech, Bulgaria, as the Orthodox Church opened its first school in the country. The moleben for the beginning of the school year with the blessing of water at Seven Saints Elementary School was celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Gabriel of Lovech, reports predanie.bg. The school is so named because the Church has placed it under the spiritual patronage of seven great missionary saints closely associated with writing and education in Bulga...
28. August 2019
In a study of „Gallup International“ done on the occasion 30 years of the onset of political changes in the country shows that the institution with the highest level of trust among Bulgarian citizens is precisely the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. After brief fluctuations, after the election of Patriarch Neophyte in 2013, church confidence remains at levels between 40 and 50% and is generally lasting higher than mistrust. Gallup points out that the activities of sects, the role of atheist govern...
04. Juli 2019
The Bulgarian church will add Georgia to a list of pilgrimage destinations, including countries the local church advises its parish to visit, the Georgian parliament reports. The step will encourage religious tourism in Georgia and increase interest in Georgian holy sites, the parliament’s press office stated after the meeting of Georgian Parliament Speaker Irakli Kobakhidze with Bulgarian Patriarch Neofit yesterday. Weiterlesen auf basilica.ro (19. Juni 2019)
04. Juli 2019
The Bulgarian Orthodox Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky in Sofia was built in honor of the Russian soldiers who died during the Russo-Turkish War in 1877-1878 that liberated Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke and was thus named in honor of the great Russian prince and warrior. Now, the monument to brotherhood and common faith will again see Bulgarian-Russian cooperation. Specialists in the conservation and restoration of frescoes from the Russian Ministry of Culture recently visited St. Alexande...
20. Juni 2019
Nachdem Briefe des Metropoliten von Vidin, Daniil (Nikolov), kürzlich publik geworden sind, scheint der Riss im Hl. Synod der Bulgarischen Orthodoxen Kirche (BOK) bezüglich der ukrainischen Angelegenheiten größer geworden zu sein. Diese hatte er am 23. Mai auf eigene Initiative an die Patriarchate von Alexandrien, Jerusalem und Bukarest, sowie an die orthodoxen Kirchen von Zypern, Griechenland und Albanien verschickt. Schon am 7. März hatte der junge Metropolit den Brief an die Mitglieder des...
06. Juni 2019
Three Orthodox churches in the capital city of Bulgaria will undergo necessary renovations thanks to an allocation from the municipality of Sofia. The decision to allocate $114,000 (200,000 leva) was made during a meeting of the city council’s Committee on Culture and Education yesterday, reports Dobrotoliubie. The largest amount, $44,500 (78,000 leva), will be allocated for the St. George Rotunda, considered the oldest building in Sofia, dating to the 4th century. It was believed to have bee...
09. Mai 2019
Papst Franziskus hat die Katholiken Südosteuropas aufgerufen, „mutig und kreativ“ zu sein und dem Vorbild der Slawenapostel Kirill und Method zu folgen. Auf seiner zweitätigen Reise nach Bulgarien am 5. und 6. Mai sprach der Papst vor allem der kleinen katholischen Minderheit Mut zu und warb für mehr Aufnahmebereitschaft gegenüber Migranten sowie einem dialogischen Miteinander der Kirchen und Religionsgemeinschaften. Die Bulgarische Orthodoxe Kirche (BOK) begegnete dem Oberhaupt der römisch-k...
04. April 2019
The Bulgarian Orthodox Church’s governing body says that while a meeting between Patriarch Neofit and Pope Francis is possible during the Pope’s May 2019 visit to Bulgaria, the church will not participate in any joint services or prayers. The decision was announced by the governing body, the Holy Synod, on April 3. The Holy Synod said that it had decided to write to Anselmo Guido Pecorari, the Apostolic Nuncio to Bulgaria, saying that because the invitation to Pope Francis to visit Bulgaria h...
07. März 2019
Der neue ukrainische Botschafter Vitalij Moskalenko hat mit Patriarch Neofit die kirchliche Situation in der Ukraine besprochen. Bei ihrem Treffen am 28. Februar informierte der Botschafter das Oberhaupt der Bulgarischen Orthodoxen Kirche (BOK) über die Lage der bulgarischen Minderheit in der Ukraine und äußerte den Wunsch seiner Regierung, künftig neue bulgarische Schulen zu eröffnen. Mit Blick auf die ukrainische Kirchenfrage verwies der Patriarch auf die vom Hl. Synod der BOK im Oktober 20...