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10. Januar 2019
Am Amtsjubiläum des georgischen Katholikos-Patriarchen Ilia II. (Karekin) ist das beachtliche Wachstum der Georgischen Orthodoxen Kirche betont worden. Am Festgottesdienst in der Swetizchoweli-Kathedrale in der antiken georgischen Hauptstadt Mzcheta nahmen neben den Mitgliedern des Hl. Synods auch die georgische Präsidentin Salome Surabischwili sowie Ministerpräsident Mamuka Bachtadse teil. Bachtadse gratulierte in seiner Rede den orthodoxen Gläubigen zum 41. Jahrestag der Inthronisation des ...
10. Januar 2019
On December 27 the session of the Holy Synod was conveyed in the Patriarchate of Georgia. It was presided by His Beatitude Ilia II, Catholicos – Patriarch of all Georgia. Amba-Alaverdian Metropolitan David was appointed as the secretary of the session, Georgian Orthodox Church reports. At the beginning the members of the Holy Synod were greeted by the Catholicos-Patriarch of all Georgia. HB Ilia II talked about the difficult ecclesiastical condition created in Ukraine and expressed his concer...
30. November 2018
His Holiness Patriarch-Catholicos Ilia II of Georgia, the most beloved and trusted man in the nation, has celebrated his 56th mass Baptism ceremony at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Tbilisi, the site of the Georgian Orthodox Church reports.  More than 700 children became the patriarch’s Godchildren this time around at the mass ceremony celebrated on the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul on July 12. His Holiness now has more than 37,200 Godchildren. With the first mass Baptism on January 19, 2008,...
15. November 2018
Die georgische NGO Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC) setzt sich für eine rechtliche Klärung der umstrittenen Eigentumsverhältnisse der Tandoyants-Kirche in Tbilisi ein. Die Georgische Orthodoxe Kirche (GOK) und die Armenische Apostolische Kirche (AAK) beanspruchen beide die halbzerfallene Kirche im Zentrum der Hauptstadt. Die Tandoyants-Kirche ist der aktuellste Fall einer ganzen Reihe von Kirchengebäuden, um die sich die beiden Kirchen streiten.
15. November 2018
The bill on the cultivation of marijuana in Georgia will be withdrawn, Parliament Chairman Irakli Kobakhidze said after a meeting with His Holiness Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II. “The main issue discussed with the Patriarch was the issue of the draft law on the cultivation of marijuana. We discussed this issue earlier in our team and decided to withdraw it from Parliament. We have repeatedly said we will not consider this legislation without broad discussion and the achievement of consensus wi...
01. November 2018
One of Georgia’s most unique spiritual treasures has been closed due to the threat of collapse. The Vanis Kvabebi Monastery cave complex, an historical monument from the 8th century located in the Samtskhe-Javakheti region, near the town of Aspindza in southern Georgia, will be closed to tourists for some time, Interfax-Religion reports, with reference to the National Agency for the Cultural Heritage of Georgia. Although there are periodic rockslides at the complex, the corresponding risks r...
04. Oktober 2018
The Georgian Orthodox Church has come out against the unilateral interference of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the internal affairs of the Ukrainian Church, calling instead for cooperation between Constantinople and the Russian Church. According to a statement posted on the Georgian Church’s official site on September 30, the Church of Georgia believes that joint efforts and dialogue between the two Churches are necessary to solve the problem of the schisms in Ukraine. “We think that at thi...
20. September 2018
"The Church has always been and always will be a politically neutral, unifying force in the nation," His Holiness Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II said in a statement distributed today. Given this, in his statement the beloved spiritual leader calls upon the clergy of the Georgian Orthodox Church to refrain from political statements in connection with the upcoming presidential elections, reports Interfax-Religion. The patriarch’s words mirror those of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev an...
22. August 2018
Patriarch Ilia II. von Georgien hat den Beschluss des Verfassungsgerichthofs seines Landes, den Genuss und Besitz, jedoch nicht Anbau und Handel von Cannabis zu legalisieren, als "groben Irrtum" verurteilt. Am 31. Juli entkriminalisierte das georgische oberste Gericht mit Sitz im Schwarzmeerhafen Batumi auf Antrag der liberalen Partei "Neues Politisches Zentrum" (Girtschi) das Rauchen von "Hanf" mit der Begründung, dass es sich dabei um einen Bereich der Privatsphäre handele. Für gesundheitss...