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08. Februar 2024
In the Vatican on January 31, 2024, a meeting took place between Cardinal Claudio Gudgerotti, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches, and representatives of the Pastoral Migration Department of the UGCC. This was reported by the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC. During the meeting, they discussed the situation in Ukraine and the activities of the Pastoral Migration Department of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Bishop Stepan presented a report on the department'...
08. Februar 2024
The Pechersk District Court of Kyiv extended the term of the precautionary measures for Metropolitan Pavlo (Lebed) of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) for two months. This information was provided to Hromadske by the lawyer of Metropolitan Pavlo, Mykita Chekman. On January 22, journalist Yan Dobronosov published a video showing Metropolitan Pavlo getting into a car near the courthouse, where a hearing on his precautionary measures was taking place. According ...
25. Januar 2024
On Jan. 10th, 2024, a meeting of heads and authorized representatives of Ukraine Christian Churches was held in Kyiv and Declaration of the Christian Churches of Ukraine was adopted to condemn the aggressive ideology of the Russian World. Source: IRF It is well known that the ideological basis of Russia's aggression against Ukraine, Russian war crimes, and the genocide of the Ukrainian people is the chauvinistic doctrine of the "Russian world" which is implemented, in practice, in the form o...
25. Januar 2024
According to the State Service of Ukraine for Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience, the total number of religious communities that changed affiliation and transitioned from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) in 2023 is 472 religious communities. In total, during 2022-2023, 968 communities joined the OCU. These figures were disclosed by the State Service in response to an information request from Professor Andriy Smyrnov...
25. Januar 2024
Online visits are now possible to the Monastery of the Caves (Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra), the oldest Orthodox monastery in Ukraine. The initiative, under the supervision of the city of Kyiv, seeks to publicise the expansive 26-hectare monastery complex. The virtual tour encompasses several notable landmarks, including the Great Belfry, the “Ascension of the Lord” Cathedral, the “Saints Anthony and Theodosius” Church, and a section of the caverns housing the relics of the monastic com...
11. Januar 2024
An seiner Sitzung vom 27. Dezember 2023 hat der Hl. Synod der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche (ROK) entschieden, im Gebiet Cherson in der Ukraine eine eigene Eparchie einzurichten. Grund dafür sei eine entsprechende Bitte der dortigen Geistlichen, die im Dezember Patriarch Kirill in einem Brief ersucht hätten, sich ihm direkt zu unterstellen. Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass die ROK eine Eparchie in der Ukraine, die Teil der Ukrainischen Orthodoxen Kirche (UOK) ist, übernimmt: Schon im Juni 2022...
11. Januar 2024
Die römisch-katholische Bischofskonferenz der Ukraine befürchtet, dass die vatikanische Erklärung „Fiducia Supplicans“, die eine Segnung gleichgeschlechtlicher Paare ermöglicht, zu Verwirrung führen könnte. Sie betont in ihrer Erklärung, dass sich an der traditionellen Lehre über die Ehe nichts geändert habe. Denn das Dokument des Dikasteriums für die Glaubenslehre halte klar fest, dass der Segen für gleichgeschlechtliche oder unverheiratete Paare nur außerhalb der Liturgie möglich sei, ein l...
11. Januar 2024
The Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations, which represents the varied Christian, Jewish, and Muslim bodies of Ukraine, categorically CONDEMNS the terrorist attacks of the Russian Federation carried out, once again, on December 29, 2023, against Ukrainian cities, civil infrastructure, and civilians.  The Ukrainian Council of Churches CALLS UPON all states of the world that declare respect for the value of human life and international law to condemn the actions of the...
11. Januar 2024
The head of the commission of the Ministry of Culture for the acceptance and transfer of state property sites of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra, Mariana Tomin, stated on a national telethon that three objects of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra are still barricaded by unknown individuals.This was reported by Censor.NET. "We returned the property to the state and transferred all these sites to the reserve, but as of today, there are three facilities (buildings 54, 57, and 58) where unknown individuals barric...