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20. Juni 2019
The Cabinet of Ministers has created an authorized central executive Authority for ethnic policy and freedom of conscience in the form of a public office. The Government made this decision at a meeting on Wednesday, June 12, 2019, according to the Institute of Religious Freedom. The Public Office of Ukraine for Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience will be coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers through the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, and its human resources and material and technical s...
20. Juni 2019
At the plenary session on Thursday, June 6, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in the first reading Bill No.10244-1 on military chaplaincy. 227 MPs voted for the respective decision, Cerkvarium reports. The National Security and Defence Committee will now prepare amendments for the second reading. It should be noted that so far the chaplaincy service has not been regulated by law. The only document on the basis of which priests could legally serve in military formations, was the Decree of ...
20. Juni 2019
The commentary was published by the Information and Education Department of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church: On 20th May 2019, Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva, presented a response to the joint communication of the UN Special Rapporteurs concerning violations of the rights of believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) in 2014-2018. The response was sent almost 5 mon...
20. Juni 2019
The Georgian Patriarchate issued a statement on June 14, urging authorities not to permit a planned LGBT event to go ahead in Tbilisi the week after. The Church’s statement notes that the event, planned for June 18-23, the first gay pride event in Transcaucasia, is “absolutely unacceptable.” At the same time, the Church also makes clear that any violence against participants is also completely unacceptable. “The way of life led by LGBT persons is the sin of Sodom and contradicts both the Chr...
20. Juni 2019
Der seit langem schwelende Streit um die Wiederrichtung der Mariensäule auf dem Prager Altstädter Ring spitzt sich abermals zu: Per Schiff hat der Bildhauer Petr Váňa in dieser Woche Steine für die Errichtung einer Kopie der 1918 zerstörten Säule auf Elbe und Moldau von Stará Boleslav in die tschechische Hauptstadt gebracht. Trotz der unklaren Lage um die Baubewilligung will Váňa bei einer ökumenisch ausgerichteten Kundgebung der „Gesellschaft für die Erneuerung der Mariensäule auf dem Altstä...
20. Juni 2019
Because sometimes the Romanian media refers to the glorification of the persons who suffered persecutions during the communist regime in our country or even died in the communist jails, we provide the following information: The canonization of Saints has the role to profess, to strengthen and to convey the true faith so as to guide the faithful on the path of salvation and of gaining saintliness. One of the essential conditions to glorify Saints is their undoubted faith kept until death (Reve...
20. Juni 2019
Thousands of Orthodox faithful attended the celebrations on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the founding of the Holy Dormition-Pochaev Lavra’s Holy Spirit Skete on the feast of the Holy Spirit. The festive Divine Liturgy was celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Theodore of Kamenets-Podolsky and Gorodok in the skete’s Iveron Church, reports the Lavra website. The Iveron Church was just consecrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Sergei of Ternopil and Kremenets on Sunday, June 9, comm...
20. Juni 2019
The Romanian Patriarchate learned with deep indignation about the theatre play ‘Eu sunt. Si?’ (‘I am. So?’) performed in Cluj-Napoca during the ‘Pride Week’ of sexual minorities. The indecent content of this representation includes the mocking of Christian religious symbols, sending a deliberately blasphemous message. Such offensive attitudes towards the overwhelming majority of Romanians, the negative labeling of Christian believers, the repeated offending of religious feelings divide societ...
20. Juni 2019
In June 2019, the representative of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia to the Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, Hegumen Arseny (Sokolov), visited the Patriarchate of the Syriac Orthodox Church in Damascus and met with Patriarchal Vicar Bishop Jack Yakoub, head of the Patriarchal Youth Department. They discussed in particular some academic projects. It was agreed to begin in the next academic year a students exchange between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Syriac Orthodox Church. ...