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04. Juli 2019
Die Synode der Evangelischen Kirche der Böhmischen Brüder (EKBB) hat im Mai einen Strategieplan für die Zeit bis 2030 angenommen, der während drei Jahren ausgearbeitet worden war. Mit diesem Dokument soll die Leitung und Verwaltung der EKBB ein neues Instrument erhalten, das bei der Unterstützung des Lebens in den Gemeinden helfen soll.
04. Juli 2019
Eine Geste von außerordentlicher ökumenischer Bedeutung hat Papst Franziskus beim jüngsten Rom-Besuch einer Delegation des orthodoxen Ökumenischen Patriarchats von Konstantinopel gesetzt. Wie die Stiftung Pro Oriente und das Portal Vatican News berichteten, überreichte der Papst dem Leiter der orthodoxen Delegation beim römischen Patronatsfest Peter und Paul, Erzbischof Job (Getcha), im Vatikan ein Reliquiar mit Reliquien des Apostels Petrus. Seit vielen Jahrhunderten pilgern Christen aus all...
04. Juli 2019
The Albanian Orthodox Church issued a statement on June 24 condemning the misuse of Orthodox churches for political electioneering. “In recent days, in two cases, in the pre-election campaign, there has been an unacceptable use of ecclesiastical premises for political purposes,” the statement published on the Church’s official website reads. “The use of the inner church premises for political activities in election campaigns constitutes an insult to community and institutional religious feeli...
04. Juli 2019
Einen „gefährlichen Flirt“ zwischen der politischen und der religiösen Rechten in Ungarn beklagt die an der Universität Graz forschende Theologin und Genderforscherin Rita Perintfalvi. Die Kirche müsse gemäß der Gottesebenbildlichkeit des Menschen „Widerstand bis zum Martyrium“ leisten, „wenn eine politische Strömung die Gleichberechtigung aller Menschen in Frage stellt“, sagte die gebürtige Ungarin im Interview für die erste Folge der „Sommergespräche“ auf Radio Klassik Stephansdom und die W...
04. Juli 2019
If representatives of Russia keep dominating over the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy, as well as promoting its agenda, Ukraine will probably no longer participate in the meetings. Member of the Ukrainian delegation in the Inter-parliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy, Victor Yelensky, expressed such a view in a comment to Channel 5. In addition, he hopes that the Assembly members will condemn Russia's behavior. "We will hold consultations, if Russians keep dominating over this Assembly ...
04. Juli 2019
The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland will host the Thirteenth Assembly of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) from 21 to 27 June 2023, in the southern city of Krakow. The LWF Council made this decision, applauding an invitation presented by Presiding Bishop Jerzy Samiec. Thanking Polish Lutherans for extending their hospitality to the global communion, LWF President Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa said, "We are grateful for the invitation by the church and people of Po...
04. Juli 2019
The Bulgarian church will add Georgia to a list of pilgrimage destinations, including countries the local church advises its parish to visit, the Georgian parliament reports. The step will encourage religious tourism in Georgia and increase interest in Georgian holy sites, the parliament’s press office stated after the meeting of Georgian Parliament Speaker Irakli Kobakhidze with Bulgarian Patriarch Neofit yesterday. Weiterlesen auf (19. Juni 2019)
04. Juli 2019
Archbishop Elpidophoros, the newly-elected head of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (GOARCH) of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, was enthroned as the Archdiocese’s seventh archbishop at the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Manhattan on 22 June. Metropolitan Augoustinos of Germany led the enthronement service as Patriarch Bartholomew’s personal representative, reports the Archdiocesan website. Abp. Elpidophoros was unanimously elected by the Holy Synod of Constantinopl...
04. Juli 2019
In the St. Cyril of White Lake Museum in Vologda province, an unprecedented exhibition “St. Nicholas the God-Pleaser” opened. It presents around 350 images of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from the 11th to the early 20th century as Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports. It is an incredibly unique exhibition. Artifacts for it were provided by 14 museums throughout the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, and Yekaterinburg provinces, as well as from collections in different cities across Russia. Many of the artifacts, i...