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09. Mai 2019
Christentum und Europa seien eng verbunden; wer Christ ist, darüber entscheide aber nicht der Geburtsort, sondern einzig das Bekenntnis zu Jesus: Das hat der ungarische Kardinal Peter Erdő in einem am Karfreitag veröffentlichten Interview mit dem Onlineportal betont. Der Budapester Erzbischof reagierte damit auf eine Journalistenfrage nach seinen Gedanken zu politischen Aussagen, in denen das Christentum quasi mit Europa und dem Nicht-Muslimischen, Nicht-Eingewanderten gleichg...
09. Mai 2019
The All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Associations sent an appeal to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill as Honorary Chairman of the Interreligious Council of Russia, calling upon him to facilitate the release of the Ukrainian sailors detained on 25th November 2018, as well as the release of "hostages and captives in eastern Ukraine." The Interreligious Council of Russia took a decision to issue a statement in response to this appeal at its session on 25th March 2019. The text of the ...
09. Mai 2019
On 19 April, the Inter-religious Council of Albania conducted a meeting between religious leaders, to discuss, among other things, the issue of the return of religious property by the Albanian State, Romfea News reports. The meeting was attended by Archbishop Anastasios of the Orthodox Church of Albania, who is also the president of the Council, the Head of the Muslim Community of Albania Bujar Spahi, the Primate of the Conference of the Catholic Bishops George Frendo, the world leader (Kryeg...
09. Mai 2019
(Radio Free Europe,, 3. Mai 2019) When Georgia's armed forces found Mirian Bezhitadze, he found God. It's not that Bezhitadze is religious. Like thousands of other potential conscripts his age, the 21-year-old is invoking religion to avoid mandatory military service. Bezhitadze used a loophole in the conscription law by registering as a priest at the Church of Biblical Freedom, a self-described "Christian-Evangelical-Protestant" organization founded in 2017. To be ordained, one ...
09. Mai 2019
Der 91-jährige griechisch-orthodoxe Erzbischof von Amerika (Nord und Süd) mit Sitz in New York, Demetrios Trakatellis, hat am 4. Mai dem Ökumenischen Patriarchen Bartholomaios I. schriftlich seinen Rücktritt erklärt. Er war dazu schon mehrmals "aus Altersgründen" aufgefordert worden, hatte sich aber sowohl dem Patriarchen wie dessen Heiligem Synod widersetzt. Schließlich vereinbarte er mit Bartholomaios eine Verlängerung seiner Amtszeit bis Ostern. Die amerikanische Eparchie ist der bevölkeru...
09. Mai 2019
Unsere Evangelische Kirche der Böhmischen Brüder (EKBB) gedenkt in diesem Jahr der 100 Jahre seit ihrem Entstehen durch den Zusammenschluss der tschechischen Gemeinden der reformierten und der lutherischen Kirche in den Böhmischen Ländern zu einer Gemeinschaft. Die EKBB hat die Lehre beider Traditionen übernommen, und darüber hinaus hat sie sich bewusst und mit Freude zur böhmischen Reformation des 15. Jahrhunderts und zur „alten Brüderunität“ bekannt. Sie hat damit den Weg gedanklicher Vielf...
09. Mai 2019
Although it is the world’s oldest continually operating library, dating back to the 6th century, the collection of manuscripts at St. Catherine’s Monastery at the foot of Mt. Sinai is no stranger to the latest technology. In 2012, they began spectral imaging on many of the manuscripts to discover the texts beneath the texts. Many of the manuscripts are palimpsests, meaning a previous text had been erased so the scribe could reuse the valuable parchments. Traces of the original texts remained,...
09. Mai 2019
On 3rd May 2019, Friday of the Bright Week, after the Divine Liturgy His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia met with a group of pilgrims from the Roman Catholic Church led by Cardinal Angelo De Donatis, Vicar General of Rome. The meeting took place in the Patriarchal Chambers of the Lavra of the Holy Trinity and St. Sergius. The group also includes six hierarchs and 75 priests from Italy. Accompanying the pilgrims in Russia is Hieromonk Grigory (Matrusov), a cleric of the Cath...
09. Mai 2019
A working meeting dedicated to the construction of the first canonical Old Believer church in Belarus was held on March 15 at the Minsk parish of the Joy of All Who Sorrow Icon of the Mother of God. The new church will be named in honor of the holy Prophet Elijah, reports The meeting was attended by Igumen Peter (Vasiliev) from Moscow who serves as the spiritual father for the Old Believer communities in Belarus, the local dean and rector of the Joy of All Who Sorrow Church Archprie...