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12. September 2019
Der katholische Bischof von Požega, Antun Škvorčević, hat Übergriffe auf Serben in Knin und anderen slawonischen Ortschaften verurteilt. In einer Predigt zur Amtseinführung des Pfarrers von Daruvar, Zdravko Radoš, am 25. August drückte er den Opfern sein Mitgefühl aus. Dabei verwies er auf die Universalität der Erlösung, die gerade für die Tätigkeit des Pfarrers von Daruvar wichtig sei, da in seiner Gemeinde Kroaten, Tschechen, Serben und andere Nationalitäten lebten. Er müsse nicht nur Toler...
12. September 2019
The worldwide religious community recognizes the role of the Archbishop Anastasios of the Albanian Orthodox Church in guaranteeing international peace, Romfea News reports. Archbishop Anastasios is a pioneer in the peaceful coexistence of religious communities in Albania, thereby contributing to social cohesion. He was recently re-elected honorary president of the Religions for Peace International, which held its 10th Assembly, at Lindau, Germany. Weiterlesen auf (9. September 2019)
12. September 2019
Der Klimawandel und die aktuelle Umweltproblematik zeigten auf, „dass die Welt eine Einheit bildet, denn unsere Probleme sind global und allen gemeinsam“. Um die Gefahren abzuwehren, bedürfe es deshalb eines gemeinsamen Weges und Handelns. Das schreibt der Ökumenische Patriarch Bartholomaios in seinem Hirtenbrief zum Schöpfungstag (1. September). „Es ist unvorstellbar, dass die Menschheit in Kenntnis der Größe dieser Problematik sich weiterhin so verhält, als ob sie keine Kenntnis davon hätte...
12. September 2019
(Radio Free Europe,, 5. September 2019) A court in Kosovo's capital, Pristina, convicted four people on September 4 for planning terrorist attacks on international peacekeepers, Orthodox churches, and night clubs as well as abroad in France and Belgium. They were handed prison terms ranging from one to 10 years. Two others were ordered to serve shorter terms for failing to inform authorities of the conspiracy. In October, the four were charged with planning attacks on NATO troo...
29. August 2019
Am alljährlichen Jugendfestival in Međugorje haben dieses Jahr erstmals hohe Vertreter aus dem Vatikan teilgenommen. So feierte der Generalvikar von Rom, Kardinal Angelo de Donatis, mit den über 50‘000 Jugendlichen den Eröffnungsgottesdienst und übermittelte dabei Grüße und Segenswünsche von Papst Franziskus. Ebenfalls anwesend waren die Kurienerzbischöfe Rino Fisichella, Präsident des Päpstlichen Rates für die Förderung der Neuevangelisierung, und Jose Rodriguez Carballo, Sekretär der Kongre...
28. August 2019
In a study of „Gallup International“ done on the occasion 30 years of the onset of political changes in the country shows that the institution with the highest level of trust among Bulgarian citizens is precisely the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. After brief fluctuations, after the election of Patriarch Neophyte in 2013, church confidence remains at levels between 40 and 50% and is generally lasting higher than mistrust. Gallup points out that the activities of sects, the role of atheist govern...
28. August 2019
His Beatitude Anastasios Archbishop of Tirana, Durres and All Albania, the current primate of the Albanian Orthodox Church, celebrates Friday his 27th enthronement anniversary. His Beatitude Anastasios Archbishop of Tirana, Durres and All Albania, was born on November 4, 1929, in Piraeus, Greece. Archbishop Anastasios (Yannoulatos) Professor of History of Religions (1972-92) and Dean of the Theological Faculty of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (1983-86). B.D. and Th.D. (wi...
28. August 2019
Albania’s old Orthodox churches, forgotten and abandoned for many decades because of the religious persecution by the atheist state, are being restored by both the Albanian Orthodox Church and the Institute of Cultural Monuments in Albania. The interest of Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durrës and All Albania, in this direction is continuous, substantial and effective. Although restoration work is difficult in many cases, experts point out that the restoration of the temples is still possib...
28. August 2019
His Eminence Metropolitan Pavlos of Drama consecrated a newly built church at the hut of the Annunciation at Lakkoskiti in honour of Saint Paisios of Mount Athos. This is the first church serving a Romanian community on the Holy Mount to be dedicated to St Paisios. The consecration ceremony took place on July 25, the feast day of St Paisios according to the unrevised Julian calendar. The church was also offered a second Patron Saint, the holy and righteous King David. Weiterlesen auf basilic...