14. September 2017
Auf Einladung von Patriarch Kirill haben sich das Oberhaupt der Armenischen Apostolischen Kirche, Katholikos-Patriarch Karekin II., und der Großmufti und Scheich-ul-Islam des Kaukasus, Allahshukur Paschazade in Moskau getroffen, um über Wege zur Entschärfung der Krise um Berg Karabach zu sprechen. Zum Abschluss des Treffens im Moskauer Danilow-Kloster, dem Amtssitz von Patriarch Kirill, unterzeichneten die drei religiösen Oberhäupter ein gemeinsames Statement, in dem sie zu einer friedlichen ...
14. September 2017
The Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is planning to adopt the new Charter of the Synod. This was stated by Archbishop and Metropolitan Yevgeny (Popovich of Przemysl and Warsaw, Head of the Canonical Department of the UGCC in an interview with the Department of Information of the UGCC. The head of the Canonical Department said that of the past year the Synod set the task to his department to supplement the legislative framework with new legal acts. “I hope that this yea...
14. September 2017
Metropolitan Pavel of Minsk and Zaslavel, Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus, headed a solemn presentation of the new translation of the New Testament into Belarusian. The publication is the result of 25 years of labor, reports the site of the Belarusian Orthodox Church. The presentation took place in the ancient Belarusian city of Potolsk as part of the celebration of the 500th anniversary of Belarusian and Eastern Slavic book printing, the 1155th anniversary of Potolsk, and the Day of Belaru...
14. September 2017
The public youth organization Sozandagoni Vatan (Builders of Motherland) has expressed support for amendments to the law on traditions, festivities and rites recently adopted at the initiative of Tajik President Emomali Rahmon. The organization's statement published in the Tajik official media says that the amendments are aimed at protecting national and cultural values and qualitatively improving life in the country, especially for young people. "With the adoption of the amendments and adde...
14. September 2017
On the feast-day of the Synaxis of All Serbian Saints Bishop Sergije of Bihać-Petrovac was enthroned in the Cathedral church of Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. His Eminence Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb-Ljubljana officiated the solemn Hierarchal Liturgy with the concelebration of Their Graces Bishops: Sergije of Bihać-Petrovac, Pahomije of Vranje, Jovan of Šumadija, Fotije of Dalmatia and elected of Zvornik and Tuzla; Atanasije of Mileševa, Joanikije of Budimlje-Nikšić, Marko of Bregalnica, ...
14. September 2017
On 8 September 2017, the Coordinating Committee of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church concluded its work. Taking part in the session that was held on the Island of Leros, Greece, was Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations. As a results of the discussions, the representatives of the Local Orthodox Churches and the Roman Catholic Church...
14. September 2017
Der neue serbisch-orthodoxe Metropolit von Dabar-Bosna, Hrizostom (Jević), ist am Sonntag in der orthodoxen Marienkathedrale in Sarajevo feierlich in sein Amt eingeführt worden. Patriarch Irinej war der Hauptzelebrant der Göttlichen Liturgie. Zahlreiche serbische Bischöfe (auch aus der Diaspora) konzelebrierten, ebenso war der Metropolit von Mytilene, Jakovos (Frantsis), unter den Konzelebranten. Die Wahlurkunde wurde von Metropolit Porfirije (Perić) von Zagreb verlesen. Der aus Bosanski Petr...
14. September 2017
In St Yura Cathedral, on September 3, 2017 during the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy led by the Father and Head of the UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav, took place the solemn episcopal ordination of Bishop Andriy (Rabiy), Auxiliary Bishop for Philadelphia Archeparchy. First of all the Apostolic Nuncio in Ukraine, Archbishop Claudio (Gugerotti), read a bull from the Holy Father Francis, where the Pope proclaims the father Andriy Rabiy the Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia, assigned him the Titular Se...
14. September 2017
In der Slowakei wird am kommenden Donnerstag der verstorbene frühere Weihbischof der Erzdiözese Trnava, Štefan Vrablec, beigesetzt. Das feierliche Requiem (10 Uhr) im Dom zu Trnava leitet der Erzbischof von Bratislava und Vorsitzende der Slowakischen Bischofskonferenz, Stanislav Zvolenský. Für 16 Uhr ist die Seelenmesse und anschließende Beisetzung in Závod, dem Geburtsort von Vrablec im Hinterland (Zahorie) von Bratislava, angesetzt. Vrablec, der von 1998 bis 2004 als Weihbischof in der bis ...