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18. Oktober 2018
Greece’s Father Antonios, who runs Ark of the World (Kivotos tou Kosmou) a charity that helps homeless and neglected children has been awarded the annual European Citizens’ Prize for 2018. The ceremony took place in the European Parliament in Brussels on 16 October and also awarded Greek NGOs “HOPEgenesis” and “Wind of Renewal”, reports Greek City Times. For the year 2018, a total of 50 prizes were awarded to agencies and citizens in 26 EU Member States. Father Anthony Papanikolaou serv...
20. Mai 2021
On April 20, the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Greece unanimously decided that all parishes were to celebrate Pascha several hours early, beginning no later than 9:00 PM on Holy Saturday evening, in order to accommodate the state-ordered curfew. The move proved controversial. While many welcomed the measure, as it allowed them to celebrate Pascha as opposed to last year, others argued that it is impermissible to celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection before Sunday. At least a handful of pri...
24. Juli 2020
A day before the Joint Ministerial Decision dictating quarantine measures in Greece, including for churches, was set to expire, the Ministry of Education and Religions and the Ministry of Health issued new directives, extending the measures through August 21. Specifically, the previous decision regarding the “imposition of temporary measures in religious places of worship for the protection of public health against the coronavirus COVID-19, for the period from 6.6.2020 until 9.7.2020 ”(B '211...
31. Juli 2019
As reports, extremely rare footage from Mount Athos, shot in 1917 and 1918, has recently come to light online. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel “Mount Athos Film Archive / Αγιορειτική Ταινιοθήκη”, which was created not long ago. The first part of the video actually contains footage of the famous Greek monastery of the Great Meteoron, part of the larger Meteora complex, which is not located on Athos, but in the mountains overlooking the legendary plains of Thessaly. Th...
28. August 2024
A rare fresco of the Most Holy Theotokos dating from before the 8th-9th century Iconoclastic controversy was recently discovered in a church on the Greek island of Naxos. The fresco was uncovered from behind layers lime by the Ephorate of Antiquities of the Cyclades, reports the Mystagogy Resource Center. Ephorate director Demetrios Athanasoulis wrote on Facebook: "Naxos has the privilege of preserving frescoes of unique importance, which were created before the great period of Iconoclasm. ...
21. September 2023
Despite a number of applications from the Union of Atheists, the Greek Council of State has ruled to uphold the earlier decision of the Minister of Education according to which religious education in schools remains compulsory for Orthodox Christians. The Union sought to make it possible for any student to receive an exemption, and even for minor students themselves to request an exemption, even if their parents or guardians disagree. Instead, the Council ruled that only believers of non-Orth...
21. Dezember 2017
The Holy Synod of the Greek Orthodox Church held its December session 14. and 15. December 2017, under the chairmanship of His Beatitude Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece, at which it addressed the communiqué of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church on its decision to become the “Mother Church” of the schismatic Macedonian Orthodox Church, reports Romfea.  In addressing the Bulgarian Church’s November 29 decision to assume the role of “Mother Church” of the Macedonian Church, the Gre...
12. September 2019
Mit Blick auf die neue Orthodoxe Kirche der Ukraine (OKU) hat die Hl. Synode der Griechischen Orthodoxen Kirche (GOK) einen doppelten Beschluss gefasst. An ihrer Sitzung anerkannte sie entsprechend dem Vorschlag der beiden Synodalausschüsse für dogmatische Fragen bzw. für interorthodoxe und zwischenchristliche Beziehungen zur Ukraine-Frage das kanonische Recht des Ökumenischen Patriarchats von Konstantinopel, einer Kirche die Autokephalie zu verleihen. Zugleich anerkannte sie das Privileg ihr...
08. September 2022
On September 4, a solemn Divine Liturgy was held in the Church of the Assumption of Mary, Thassos (Greece). The liturgy was led by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Ieronymos and Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine.This is reported by the OCU website. Hierarchs and clerics of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Church of Greece, and the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Simeon of Vinnytsia-Bar, Archbishop Evstratiy of Chernihiv and Nizhyn, A...
22. März 2018
Die Regierung (Epistasia) der orthodoxen Mönchsrepublik am Athos in Nordgriechenland hat den Verkauf von nicht handgemalten Ikonen an Pilger und auswärtige kirchliche Einrichtungen verboten. Diese Imitationen wurden in jüngster Zeit technisch so perfekt hergestellt, dass nur Fachleute sie von Originalen unterscheiden konnten. Besucher des Hl. Bergs beklagten sich darüber, dass von ihnen „echte“ Ikonen zu recht hohen Preisen erworben worden seien, die sich im Nachhinein als Nachdrucke herausst...
28. Juni 2018
Auf den Kompromiss in der Namensfrage zwischen Griechenland und Makedonien hat die Griechische Orthodoxe Kirche ungewohnt zurückhaltend reagiert. So äußerten sich weder Erzbischof Hieronymus (Liapis) noch die Kirchenführung zur Unterzeichnung des Vertrags von Prespa, der vorsieht, dass das nördliche Nachbarland Griechenlands künftig Nord-Makedonien heißen soll. An den Demonstrationen gegen die Unterzeichnung des Vertrags nahmen nur vier Bischöfe aus Nordgriechenland teil.
09. September 2021
Papst Franziskus plant Ende des Jahres eine Reise nach Griechenland, Zypern und Malta: „Erst ist die Slowakei an der Reihe, dann Zypern, Griechenland und Malta“, sagte der Heilige Vater dem spanischen Radiosender Cope in einem Interview. Er bestätigte damit Spekulationen aus dem Frühsommer über einen Besuch dieser Länder. Dass der Papst zudem dieses Jahr auch den spanischen Wallfahrtsort Santiago de Compostela anlässlich des Jakobus-Jahres besuchen könnte, wollte er im Interview weder ausschl...
20. Februar 2019
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras expressed their shared hope that the Halki Orthodox seminary, which was shut down by Turkish authorities in 1971, will soon reopen. Tsipras thanked Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for the tour of the school (high school and seminary) where he went from the island of Imvros at the age of 15 to train for the priesthood, reports. Tsipras and Bartholomew symbolically planted a tree in the expansive gardens of the semi...
29. Mai 2024
Bei einer Audienz für den griechisch-orthodoxen Metropoliten Agathanghelos (Charamantidis) und eine Delegation der Theologischen Hochschule von Athen hat Papst Franziskus die Zusammenarbeit zwischen katholischer und griechisch-orthodoxer Kirche positiv hervorgehoben. Das berichtet das Infoportal VaticanNews. Metropolit Agathanghelos ist der Generaldirektor der „Diakonie Apostolikì“ der Kirche von Griechenland. Anlass der Audienz bei Papst Franziskus war das 20-jährige Bestehen der Zusammenar...