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24. Juni 2020
Die Slowakische Bischofskonferenz hat angesichts der Corona-Lockerungen die in der Corona-Pandemie beschlossene allgemeine Aussetzung der Sonntagspflicht zum Besuch von Gottesdiensten wieder aufgehoben. Für Kranke, unter Quarantäne gestellte oder Gläubige, „die ernsthafte physische oder moralische Bedenken“ hätten, blieben die Ausnahmen freilich aufrecht, heißt es in einer Erklärung nach der jüngsten Generalversammlung der Bischöfe am 16. Und 17. Juni in Donovaly. Ausdrücklich dankten die Bis...
24. Juni 2020
„The Romanian Patriarchate received with joy the intensely awaited and fully justified decision of the authorities to allow the celebration of religious services inside the churches, with the participation of the faithful, in compliance with clear and still necessary regulations,“ the Patriarchate’s spokesman Vasile Bănescu told The decision to allow religious services to be officiated inside the places of worship was announced by the Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, after the Gover...
24. Juni 2020
The Committee on law enforcement recommends that the Verkhovna Rada reject draft law No. 3316, as well as alternative draft laws No. 3316-2 and No. 3316-3, which declare the intention to counter hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity, as they need to be significantly refined. Thirteen members of the Committee out of 20 present at the meeting on June 17, 2020, voted for this decision, according to the Institute of Religious Freedom. Chairman of the Committee Denys Monas...
24. Juni 2020
The Georgian Orthodox Church is displeased with the reported plans of the Russian Orthodox Church to open a Georgian parish in Paris under its Archdiocese of Russian Churches of Western Europe. Reports about the planned church appeared on social media last week, prompting a response from His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasime of Zugdidi and Tsaishi, the Chairman of the Georgian Church’s Foreign Affairs Department. The letter, published in Georgian and English on the official site of the Georgian ...
24. Juni 2020
On Saturday, June 13, the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, the largest and most important monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church, reopened to pilgrims and parishioners after a long quarantine period due to the coronavirus pandemic. The message on the monastery’s website states: "We are very happy to inform you about the opening of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra for worshippers, which is scheduled for June 13, the Saturday before the Week of All Saints, at 6:00 AM. We hope that the diffic...
24. Juni 2020
Romania’s most significant mosaic icon of the Mother of God emerged in the National Cathedral in Bucharest as workers have started removing tons of metal scaffolding covering the altar’s impressive iconography. At present, about 50% of the altar painting work has been completed. The basin of the altar apse is completely covered with mosaic, including decorations on the window frames and nave’s belt. Weiterlesen auf (19. Juni 2020)
24. Juni 2020
In a text sent to the Albanian authorities, the nationalist group Children of Labëria calls for the removal of all Greek monuments, including the graves of Greek soldiers, busts, and memorial columns in Albania. Moreover, the group has set its sights on His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Albania, who is ethnically Greek, calling for his immediate deportation, reports Labëria is an historic region in southwestern Albania, bordering on Greece. The people there are culturall...
11. Juni 2020
Der Ökumenische Patriarch Bartholomaios hat sich an die Vorsteher der orthodoxen Lokalkirchen gewandt, um zu einer gemeinsamen Position zur Spendung der Kommunion während der Coronavirus-Pandemie zu kommen. In den meisten Staaten galten Einschränkungen für Gottesdienste, die nun langsam gelockert werden und zu verschiedenen Vorgehensweisen in den verschiedenen Kirchen geführt haben.
11. Juni 2020
Aufgrund der gelockerten Schutzmaßnahmen gegen das Coronavirus konnten die Pfingstfeiern in der Ukraine in Anwesenheit der Gläubigen stattfinden. Seit dem 5. Juni dürfen wieder Gottesdienste in den Kirchen stattfinden, wenn pro Person fünf Quadratmeter Platz zur Verfügung stehen. Bei religiösen Feiern im Freien müssen die Gläubigen 1,5 Meter Abstand zueinander einhalten. Auch Über-60-jährige Personen dürfen wieder teilnehmen. Die Regelungen berücksichtigen die wichtigsten Vorschläge des Alluk...