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09. Januar 2020
Die ungarischen Bischöfe haben in einem Hirtenbrief zu den „drängendsten“ gesellschaftlichen Fragen – Armut, Bildung, demografische Herausforderungen und Migration – Stellung bezogen. Das Hirtenwort mit dem Titel „Erneuerung in Liebe“ vom 13. November dient der Vorbereitung auf den Internationalen Eucharistischen Weltkongress, der im September 2020 in Budapest stattfinden wird. Der Hirtenbrief ist das erste Sozialrundschreiben des ungarischen Episkopats seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre.
08. Januar 2020
The activities and initiatives taken by the Ecumenical Patriarchate in 2019, as well as his hopes and expectations for the new year, were mentioned by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on Sunday, December 22, in his speech in the community hall of St. Nicholas in Neochori Bosporus, after the Divine Liturgy, at which he officiated, Orthodoxtimes report. Referring to the initiatives of the Patriarchate, Patriarch Bartholomew said that the most important one was granting Autocephaly to the Church...
08. Januar 2020
(Radio Free Europe,, 31. Dezember 2019) A Russian Orthodox Church court in the Yaroslavl eparchy has issued a five-year work suspension for a priest who in September signed an open letter with dozens of other clergymen urging the authorities to reduce their clampdown and free activists sentenced to prison for attending protests. The eparchy said the ban's aim is to care for Father Aleksandr Parfyonov, describing it as a "therapeutic church measure, which should bring a person ba...
08. Januar 2020
There are three conditions for the visit of Pope Francis to Ukraine, said the Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Patriarch Svyatoslav (Shevchuk) said in an interview with Radio Liberty. "When Vatican Secretary of state Parolin came to our working session, we asked him directly: what is necessary for the Pope to come? He said there were several conditions. The first is the invitation of the Catholic Churches. The second is an invitation from the Ukrainian government. We have a new Pr...
08. Januar 2020
From January 1, 2020, for the next half a year, Vasyl Raychynets, senior Bishop of the Ukrainian Evangelical Church, will be the Chairman of the AUCCRO, according to the Institute of Religious Freedom. It should be noted that according to the regulation on the AUCCRO, the rotation of the chairperson takes place automatically according to the list of participants and does not require a separate vote. This principle allows maintaining independence and self-government in the AUCCRO. It should b...
08. Januar 2020
Der orthodoxe Ökumenische Patriarch Bartholomaios I. hat in seiner Weihnachtsbotschaft das bevorstehende Jahr 2020 für das ganze Patriarchat mit seiner weltumspannenden Diaspora als „Jahr der pastoralen Erneuerung und der erforderlichen Sorge für die Jugend“ proklamiert. Der Patriarch berief sich dabei auf das Konzil von Kreta, das die Jugend eindringlich eingeladen habe, die „gesegnete Tradition der orthodoxen Kirche“ zu tragen und weiterzuführen, aktiv am Leben der Kirche teilzunehmen und d...
08. Januar 2020
Most Ukrainians are opposed to the idea of the transition of the Orthodox Church to the Gregorian calendar and the celebration of Christmas on December 25. This is evidenced by the opinion poll conducted by the group "Rating", according to BBCnews. During the study, 2000 respondents were interviewed, the margin of error does not exceed 2.2%. Currently, 25% of respondents support the idea of moving the celebration of Christmas from January 7 to December 25, 64% are opposed, and 7% of responden...
08. Januar 2020
The Romanian Patriarchate organized several solemn events to mark the 30th anniversary of the fall of communism and the remembrance of the heroes who fell during the Romanian Revolution of December 1989. The Patriarch of Romania, members of the Holy Synod, the President of the Former Political Prisoners Association, state officials, professors and students attended the events. Those who lost their lives in December 1989 were remembered during a memorial service officiated at the Patriarchal C...
08. Januar 2020
Pfarrer Pawlo Schwarz, der seit Oktober 2018 als Bischöflicher Visitator der Deutschen Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche in der Ukraine (DELKU) amtiert, wurde am 26. Oktober 2019 von der Synode zum Bischof der DELKU gewählt und am 30. November in der Kirche der Deutschen Evangelisch-Lutherischen Gemeinde in Kiew als Bischof eingesetzt. Die Einsegnung erfolgte durch Alexander Scheiermann, den Vorsitzenden des Bischöflichen Rates des Bundes der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirchen und den Bischof der...