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28. August 2019
Сurrent plans and challenges facing the Ukrainian Pentecostal Church were discussed at a meeting of the Committee of the Ukrainian Pentecostal Church, reports the Pentecostal site of Ukraine. There is a need to introduce training programs for ministers (primarily pastors and deacons) on the subject of "pastoral counselling". There is a great need for this, especially among young people: the analysis of data during the current youth festival has shown it. "After working with the you...
28. August 2019
Albania’s old Orthodox churches, forgotten and abandoned for many decades because of the religious persecution by the atheist state, are being restored by both the Albanian Orthodox Church and the Institute of Cultural Monuments in Albania. The interest of Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durrës and All Albania, in this direction is continuous, substantial and effective. Although restoration work is difficult in many cases, experts point out that the restoration of the temples is still possib...
28. August 2019
His Eminence Metropolitan Pavlos of Drama consecrated a newly built church at the hut of the Annunciation at Lakkoskiti in honour of Saint Paisios of Mount Athos. This is the first church serving a Romanian community on the Holy Mount to be dedicated to St Paisios. The consecration ceremony took place on July 25, the feast day of St Paisios according to the unrevised Julian calendar. The church was also offered a second Patron Saint, the holy and righteous King David. Weiterlesen auf basilic...
28. August 2019
Many years of restoration work at the ancient St. Catherine’s Monastery, carried out under the auspices of the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, have been completed. During the project, the territory surrounding the monastery was landscaped, the roads leading to the monastery and to Mount Moses were repaired, larger parking spaces for buses were created, and an electronic security system was installed, reports Romfea. With the restoration work, the Ministry aims to increase visitors to the ho...
28. August 2019
Priests, doctors, and social workers have teamed up again for a unique mission trip along the Ob River in central Russia. The missionaries plan to visit 45 remote settlements in this 23rd annual voyage of the Apostle Andrew the First- Called missionary ship, reports Vesti Novosibirsk. The clergy meet with Orthodox faithful in the lightly-populated areas who are in need of spiritual support and Church Sacraments. The initiative for organizing the missionary voyages belongs to the Church. “Thi...
28. August 2019
A group of tech-savvy Romanians are currently testing Sotiras, a new social platform that could be an Orthodox alternative to Facebook. Their initiative has the blessing of the Romanian monks from the Annunciation Kellia of the Romanian Lakkoskete on Mount Athos. The new social networking website ‘aims at promoting beauty, normality, and Christian values’, reads a statement of the founders published by Marturie Athonita. Weiterlesen auf (22. August 2019)
31. Juli 2019
Der Sprecher der Polnischen Bischofskonferenz, Priester Paweł Rytel-Andrianik, und Erzbischof Tadeusz Wojda von Białystok haben die Gewalt gegen Teilnehmende am „Marsch für Gleichstellung“ (Marsz Równości) vom 20. Juli in der nordostpolnischen Stadt Białystok verurteilt. Mitglieder rechter und katholischer Gruppierungen hatten die 800 Teilnehmenden der von „Regenbogen-Białystok“ organisierten Demonstration mit Flaschen, Steinen und Petarden so heftig attackiert, dass die Polizei Tränengas ein...
31. Juli 2019
Der Rat der Polnischen Bischofskonferenz für das Laien-Apostolat hat eine zunehmende Aggressivität von LGBT-Aktivisten und diese unterstützenden Journalisten beklagt, von der sich viele „gewöhnliche Menschen“ bedroht fühlten. In einer Erklärung „in Bezug auf die Aufdrängung der LGBT-Ideologie“ vom 5. Juli schreibt der Rat: „Die Kirche lehrt, dass jeder Mensch die unbedingte Pflicht hat, jeden Menschen zu achten. Das bezieht sich auch auf LGBT-Personen, aber das muss für beide Seiten gelten.“ ...
31. Juli 2019
Das Oberhaupt der Moskau unterstehenden Ukrainischen Orthodoxen Kirche (UOK), Metropolit Onufrij (Beresovskij), hat die politische Neutralität seiner Kirche betont. In einem Interview mit dem ukrainischen Fernsehsender Inter erklärte er, die Kirche könne „keiner Partei dienen, sie ist nicht parteiisch“. Sonst wäre die Kirche ebenso eine politische Organisation wie eine Partei; die Kirche aber diene allen. Die Orthodoxe Kirche der Ukraine (OKU) hingegen bezeichnete er in einem anderen Intervie...