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07. Oktober 2021
Am Dankgottesdienst zum 14. Jahrestag seiner Inthronisation hat der rumänische Patriarch Daniel erklärt, es komme „nicht so sehr auf die Zahl der Jahre an“, sondern darauf, die Zeit zur Verehrung Gottes und dem Helfen zu verwenden. Er dankte Gott für die Arbeit der Kirche, die nicht er allein, sondern gemeinsam mit den Geistlichen und Laien sowie Kircheninstitutionen geleistet habe, aber auch in Zusammenarbeit mit staatlichen Institutionen. Patriarch Daniel wurde am 30. September 2007 inthron...
07. Oktober 2021
Die Hierarchie der Georgischen Orthodoxen Kirche ist derzeit besonders heftig von Corona betroffen. Am 19. September starb Metropolit Sergios (Tschekurischwili) im Alter von 62 Jahren an den Folgen einer Covid-19-Erkrankung. Der Metropolit von Nekresi wurde in einem Spital in der georgischen Hauptstadt Tbilissi intensivmedizinisch betreut, erlag aber letztlich der Krankheit, wie georgische Medien berichteten. Der Metropolit hatte schon vor seiner Corona-Infektion mit größeren gesundheitlichen...
07. Oktober 2021
His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch, officiated the Holy Hierarchical Liturgy and the solemn rite of the consecration of the elected and proclaimed Very Reverend Archimandrite Sava (Bundalo) to the rank of Bishop of Marca, Vicar of the Serbian Patriarch, at the Cathedral church of Saint Sava in Belgrade on 3 October 2021. His Holiness Patriarch Porfirije was concelebrated by Archbishop Aristovoulos of Madaba from the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Archbishop of Ohrid and Metropolitan of Sko...
07. Oktober 2021
His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch, officiated the Holy Hierarchical Liturgy in the monastery of Djurdjevi Stupovi and on that occasion he introduces His Grace Metodije to the throne of Bishop of Budimlje-Niksic on 25 September 2021. The Primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church was concelebrated by His Beatitude Kyr Jovan, Archbishop of Ohrid and Metropolitan of Skopje; Their Eminences Metropolitans Hrizostom of Dabar-Bosnia, Joanikije of Montenegro and the Littoral, as well as Their Gra...
07. Oktober 2021
"The role of Bishop Irinej Bulovic in the historical reconciliation of the Hungarian and Serbian people and his work on the promotion of interfaith dialogue have significantly contributed to the strengthening of trust and the development of relations between the two peoples," the letter from the President of Hungary János Áder says. At the appropriate ceremony held on September 28, 2021, at the Patriarchal Palace in Belgrade, in the presence of His Holiness Porfirije, the Serbian Patriarch, B...
07. Oktober 2021
The unrecognised Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) in eastern Ukraine, has this summer banned three Protestant churches. One of the churches appears still able to meet for worship as it tries to gain registration. The rebel entity's latest Religion Law change restricts registered religious associations' activities to "participants and/or members". In June the Culture Minister ordered musical and other artistic institutions to display lists of banned books & organisations. (Source: Forum 18)...
07. Oktober 2021
On Tuesday, September 21, the oldest Orthodox church in Estonia celebrated both its patronal feast and its 300th anniversary. The Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos in Tallinn was consecrated on the day of the feast itself in 1721. In honor of the double celebration, His Eminence Metropolitan Evgeny of Tallinn and All Estonia celebrated the All-Night Vigil and Divine Liturgy on Monday and Tuesday, reports the site of the Estonian Church.The feast was attended by Abbess Philareta of Pukht...
07. Oktober 2021
Die Priesterseminare in der Slowakei haben laut einer neuen Statistik dieses Jahr insgesamt 28 Neueintritte verzeichnet. Diese Zahl liegt deutlich unter den Neueintritten, die die Kirche in der Slowakei noch bis in die Jahre nach der Jahrtausendwende verzeichnet hat, gleichzeitig aber auch im niedrigeren Schnitt der jüngsten Vergangenheit. Wie das Onlineportal Welt der Christenheit (Svet krest'anstva – Postoj) erhoben hat, gab es dabei 2021 in jeder der slowakischen Territorialdiözesen zumind...
07. Oktober 2021
According to a decision from the latest session of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, memorial services will be held annually for all Orthodox Christians who suffered at the hands of the godless Soviet authorities. The Synod met for two days on September 23-24 in Moscow under the chairmanship of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill. The hierarchs resolved to establish October 30 as a special day of commemoration for all those who were innocently killed or imprisoned in the persecutions o...