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30. November 2023
To date, 53 deputies of the Verkhovna Rada have signed an appeal to the Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament, demanding that Bill No. 8371, with which the authorities aim to ban the Orthodox Church, be sent to the Council of Europe’s advisory body on constitutional matters. The deputies ask that the European Commission for Democracy through Law, better known as the Venice Commission, examine the bill to determine whether it complies with European standards and values in the field of law, repor...
17. November 2022
The level of trust in the Church has not changed compared to 2020: today, 70% of Ukrainians trust it. These are the results of the survey conducted by the Razumkov Center's Sociological Service. The Church enjoys the highest level of trust in the western region (86%), in the central region it is trusted by 72%, and in the South — by 62%. Only in the Eastern region, the shares of those who trust it and those who do not trust it do not differ statistically significantly (48% and 51%, respective...
22. September 2021
The Cathedral of St. Alexander in Kyiv hosted celebrations on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the restoration of the Diocese of Kyiv-Zhytomyr. This is reported by CREDO. The Divine service was led by Bishop-ordinary of the Diocese of Kyiv-Zhytomyr Vitaly Kryvytsky in concelebration with Apostolic Nuncio to Ukraine Visvaldas Kulbokas. "We have gathered here today to thank God for seven centuries of the history of our church in the Ukrainian open spaces," Bishop Kryvytsky said. "Thank ...
28. Juni 2023
Since the beginning of the full-scale war, Russia has destroyed or damaged 78 churches in the Donetsk region, according to the head of the Donetsk Regional State Administration (RSA), Pavlo Kyrylenko. In an interview with Ukrinform, Kyrylenko stated, "The figures are as follows: 78 temples in the Donetsk region have suffered either complete or partial destruction. Of these, 46 belong to the Moscow Patriarchate,” reports. He reminded that during the heavy fighting for Svyatohirsk, the oc...
20. Juni 2019
Thousands of Orthodox faithful attended the celebrations on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the founding of the Holy Dormition-Pochaev Lavra’s Holy Spirit Skete on the feast of the Holy Spirit. The festive Divine Liturgy was celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Theodore of Kamenets-Podolsky and Gorodok in the skete’s Iveron Church, reports the Lavra website. The Iveron Church was just consecrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Sergei of Ternopil and Kremenets on Sunday, June 9, comm...
28. September 2017
Im Zentrum der ukrainischen Hauptstadt Kiew haben Aktivisten einen Marsch mit dem Titel „Gemeinsam für Frieden, gegen Gewalt“ organisiert, mit dem sie ein Zeichen gegen häusliche Gewalt setzen wollten. Sie begannen die Demonstration in der Nähe des Ministerkabinetts und forderten von der Regierung, ein Netzwerk spezialisierter Institutionen für die Opfer häuslicher Gewalt auf lokaler Ebene einzurichten. Später verlangten die Protestierenden vor dem Parlamentsgebäude die Ratifizierung der Ista...
02. April 2020
The All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations pursues inter-confessional interaction in the conditions of quarantine, using the means of online communication. On March 26, a meeting of the AUCCRO Secretariat was held in the format of a video conference chaired by the senior bishop of the Ukrainian Evangelical Church Vasyl Raychynets, the Institute for Religious Freedom reports. Representatives of faiths shared their experience of conducting services in various churches an...
18. Juli 2017
Der Allukrainische Rat der Kirchen und Religionsgemeinschaften hat sich gegen eine Annahme der Istanbul-Konvention, einem Übereinkommen des Europarats zur Verhütung und Bekämpfung von Gewalt gegen Frauen und häusliche Gewalt, durch die Ukraine ausgesprochen. Die Religionsvertreter begründeten ihre ablehnende Haltung damit, dass die Konvention eine für das ukrainische Rechtssystem neue Terminologie, mit Begriffen wie „Gender“, „Genderidentität“ und „sexuelle Orientierung“ einführen würde.
08. September 2022
Andriy Yurash is pleased with the Vatican's statement on the war in Ukraine. He called the statement that Pope Francis unequivocally condemns the war started by Russia against Ukraine key in the document. Andriy Yurash said this in the comments for the Polish media outlet RAR. Andrey Yurash was asked to comment on the Vatican's statement, which was now made public in connection with the reaction to the Pope's recent words about the "innocent victim of war" Daria Dugina - the daughter of the k...
16. April 2020
First Deputy Head of the President's Office Sergey Trofimov considers the re-registration of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate of the UOC-MP to be a pressure. Serhiy Trofimov said this in an interview with Glavkom in response to a question about why the law (No. 5309) is not implemented in Ukraine, which stipulates that a religious organization that has a center in another country must indicate this fact in its name. The official also noted that this law is being challe...
02. Mai 2024
The Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak had a telephone conversation with the President of the Italian Bishops' Conference Cardinal Matteo Zuppi. Source: The Head of the Presidential Office noted that our country consistently pays special attention to the return of Ukrainian children illegally deported by Russia in the framework of diplomatic dialogue with all states. "You also continue your work in this direction. Thank you. This is a slow process, ...
31. Juli 2019
The 30th Colloquium of European Parishes (CEP) started in Lviv on July 27. 110 European citizens, priests and laymen came to Ukraine to find the answer to the question "How to be active Christians in modern Europe" in discussions. The organizer of the forum in Ukraine is the Foundation of St Volodymyr supported by the charity Foundation "Renovabis."The most numerous groups came from Germany, France, Spain (Catalonia), Italy, Romania, Malta, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium. The Ukrainian delegat...
19. April 2018
The NGO “Local Armenian National-Cultural Autonomy of Municipal Education in Bielogorsk District” initiated a project for the revival of St Elias Church of the X-XIV centuries, the ruins of which rest in the Bielogorsk district of the annexed Crimea, near Bagate village, reports Religion in Ukraine citing “This church is a heritage of Armenian culture, architecture and urban planning. And we are determined not only to reconstruct the architectural ensemble in its original form, ...
15. August 2024
On the night of August 6-7, during an enemy shelling of Kherson, two shells fell on the territory of the Assumption Cathedral of the UOC-MP. This was reported by Pravoslavna Khersonschyna (Orthodox Kherson Region). The explosion damaged the church's altar and utility rooms. This is not the first time the Assumption Cathedral of the UOC-MP has come under Russian shelling. On the night of March 5-6, one of the shells hit the front wall of the St. Nicholas chapel and the sacristy of the cathedr...
16. März 2022
“If the army of the Republic of Belarus joins the war against Ukraine, an avalanche of suffering will descend upon thousands of Belarusian families who will no longer see their husbands, fathers, and brothers alive and well. The spilled blood and taken innocent lives of peaceful citizens of Ukraine will become an eternal condemnation for all those who is now justifying the Russian military aggression against Ukraine and advocating for the Republic of Belarus to join it.” With this appeal, ...
21. März 2019
During the high meetings in Jerusalem, the delegation of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations stressed the need to preserve the visa-free regime between Ukraine and Israel. A remarkable event on the first day of the visit of the Ukrainian delegation to the Holy Land was the meeting of the AUCCRO members with the President of the State of Israel Reuven Rivlin, the Institute of Religious Freedom reports. Members of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religiou...
14. Mai 2020
Due to overall changes, the All-Ukraine Council of Churches and Religious Organizations submitted proposals to the Cabinet of Ministers on the adaptive application of quarantine restrictions for religious organizations as well. A letter with proposals was sent to Ukraine's Prime Minister Denis Shmygal on May 7, 2020, according to the Institute of Religious Freedom. Developments of the AUCCRO consider the generalized experience of gradual lifting of quarantine in several European countries: W...
20. Dezember 2018
The All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations strongly opposes the use of law enforcement agencies by Ukrainian officials to propagate any ideologies (in particular, the gender ideology), for the purposes of censorship and restrictions of freedom of conscience, opinion, and expression. This is stated in the appeal of the AUCCRO addressed to the Prime Minister of Ukraine on December 11, the Institute of Religious Freedom reports. The reason for this appeal was the aggressi...
08. April 2021
In der Ukraine hat ein Gottesdienst im Kiewer Höhlenkloster, dem Metropolit Onufrij (Berezovskij), das Oberhaupt der Ukrainischen Orthodoxen Kirche des Moskauer Patriarchats, vorstand, für Aufregung gesorgt. Der Gottesdienst fand am 28. März statt, wie das Portal orthodoxtimes mitteilte. Auf Bildern, die danach von der Kirche selbst verbreitet wurden, trugen weder Geistliche noch die dicht gedrängten Gläubigen – mit wenigen Ausnahmen – Masken. Sicherheitsabstände wurden ebenfalls nicht eingeh...
04. März 2022
Der Allukrainische Rat der Kirchen und religiösen Organisationen befürchtet einen Angriff auf die Sophienkathedrale in Kiew, eine der berühmtesten Kirchen in der Ukraine. Der Rat erklärte in einem Aufruf zum Schutz der Kathedrale, „besorgniserregende Informationen“ erhalten zu haben, dass ein Luftangriff auf sie geplant sein könnte. Täglich würden Raketen auf Kiew gefeuert, von denen „jede , wenn auch nicht absichtlich, so doch aufgrund von Defekten oder Fehlern“ weltberühmte Heiligtümer tref...