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11. Januar 2024
On 26 December, the final meeting of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in 2023 was held at Saint Panteleimon Convent at Feofaniia, Kyiv, and was chaired by the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy of Kyiv and All Ukraine. The UOC Information and Education Department publishes the results of the meeting. Having considered the reports of diocesan bishops, the Holy Synod approved the appointment of the abbot of Saint Panteleimon Monastery of...
10. August 2022
The UOC-MP was a part of the Russian Orthodox Church until May 27, 2022. Now the UOC-MP maintains its communion with Ecumenical Orthodoxy via the Russian Church. The State Service of Ukraine for Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience has released a relevant statement on its website. "As a result of the brutal Russian attack on Ukraine and its support by the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church, in particular personally by Patriarch Kirill, the UOC distanced itself from the Russian Ort...
08. Februar 2024
The Pechersk District Court of Kyiv extended the term of the precautionary measures for Metropolitan Pavlo (Lebed) of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) for two months. This information was provided to Hromadske by the lawyer of Metropolitan Pavlo, Mykita Chekman. On January 22, journalist Yan Dobronosov published a video showing Metropolitan Pavlo getting into a car near the courthouse, where a hearing on his precautionary measures was taking place. According ...
20. Mai 2021
The Synod of the UOC-MP instructed the Kyiv Theological Academy, with the participation of representatives of local churches, to hold events dedicated to the theological and canonical understanding of the principle of conciliarity and the issue of primacy in the Orthodox Church. This is reported by the Information and Educational Department of the UOC-MP. They plan to hold such a discussion this year. The Moscow Patriarchate claims that the Ecumenical Patriarch allegedly violated the princi...
30. August 2017
The US Department of State released the 2016 International Religious Freedom Report. “This report is a requirement pursuant to the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 – legislation that upholds religious freedom as a core American value under the Constitution’s First Amendment, as well as a universal human right”, said Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson during the press conference. The release of the 2016 International Religious Freedom Report details the status of religious freedom ...
07. September 2023
In der Auseinandersetzung um das Kyjiwer Höhlenkloster zwischen dem Staat, vertreten vom Nationalpark, der das ganze Areal verwaltet, und der Ukrainischen Orthodoxen Kirche (UOK) müssen nun deren Theologische Akademie und Seminar die Anlage verlassen. Die Bildungseinrichtungen wurden darüber informiert, dass ihre Dozenten, Studierenden und Mitarbeitenden künftig als Besucher eingestuft würden und ihnen somit der Zugang zum Kloster und den Gebäuden der Akademie untersagt ist. Am 11. August hat...
14. Juni 2018
Nearly 10 thousand people walked in procession through the central streets of the capital to declare the need for a systemic reform of the state family policy. The All-Ukrainian March for the Rights of Children and Families was held on Saturday, June 2, from Sofia Square through Independence Square and to the Verkhovna Rada. This is already the third such event, organized on the initiative of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations, the Institute of Religious Freedom...
07. Oktober 2021
The unrecognised Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) in eastern Ukraine, has this summer banned three Protestant churches. One of the churches appears still able to meet for worship as it tries to gain registration. The rebel entity's latest Religion Law change restricts registered religious associations' activities to "participants and/or members". In June the Culture Minister ordered musical and other artistic institutions to display lists of banned books & organisations. (Source: Forum 18)...
11. Januar 2024
The head of the commission of the Ministry of Culture for the acceptance and transfer of state property sites of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra, Mariana Tomin, stated on a national telethon that three objects of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra are still barricaded by unknown individuals.This was reported by Censor.NET. "We returned the property to the state and transferred all these sites to the reserve, but as of today, there are three facilities (buildings 54, 57, and 58) where unknown individuals barric...
23. Januar 2019
Bartholomew, by God’s mercy Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch: “You have come to Mount Zion . . . and to the Church of the first-born” (Heb. 12.22–23), as the blessed Paul, apostle to the nations, declares to all the faithful, appropriately likening the Church to a mountain to affirm conviction and recognition as well as steadfastness and stability. For although the Church of God both is and is called one flock and one body of Christ—everywhere sharing the confess...
20. Februar 2019
In 2019 the new manuals of the history of Ukraine will be published, they will cover the information of receiving Tomos on the autocephaly for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The press service of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine reported this, according to UNN. “Students study the history of independent Ukraine in the 11th grade, and this year we will publish new manuals. When we received Tomos on the autocephaly for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. I instruct...
20. Mai 2021
The Transcarpathian Greek Catholic Union, named after Ivan Margytych, appealed to the pope to facilitate the reunification of the Greek Catholic Eparchy of Mukachevo with the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and remove from the leadership of the diocese those who oppose such unity. This is stated in a letter that the faithful of Transcarpathia sent to the Ecumenical Bishop, reports ZakarpattiaOnline. We submit the full text of the document: To His Holiness the Ecumenical Bishop Francis, the ...
24. Juli 2020
Im Dom von Uschgorod in der Karpato-Ukraine ist am 20. Juli der eine Woche zuvor überraschend verstorbene Bischof der griechisch-katholischen Eparchie von Mukatschevo, Milan Šašik, beigesetzt worden. Die Teilnahme an dem Requiem für das Oberhaupt der Ruthenischen Griechisch-Katholischen Kirche war aufgrund der Corona-Epidemie nur eingeschränkt möglich. Am Abend wollte der Vorsitzende der Slowakischen Bischofskonferenz, Erzbischof Stanislav Zvolenský, in der Lazaristenkirche von Bratislava ein...
19. Oktober 2023
Laut Angaben von Verwaltungsbehörden in der Ukraine sind im laufenden Jahr 367 Gemeinden von der Ukrainischen Orthodoxen Kirche (UOK) zur Orthodoxen Kirche der Ukraine (OKU) übergetreten. Diese Zahl berücksichtigt Wechsel vom 1. Januar bis 1. Oktober 2023. Die Information wurde auf Anfrage eines Geschichtsprofessors der Nationalen Universität Ostroger Akademie vom Staatsdienst für Ethnopolitik und Gewissensfreiheit veröffentlicht. Dabei handelt es sich um Gemeinden, die nicht nur in einer Ver...
06. April 2022
Appeal of the Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations on the provision of air defense for Ukraine and humanitarian corridors for the rescue of civilians: In more than a month of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, at least 153 children were killed, and more than 245 children were wounded. Thousands of Ukrainian civilians have already suffered from constant Russian bombing and missiles aimed at residential areas. Russian troops shelled about 859 educational institutions,...
05. Oktober 2023
APPEAL of the Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations to the international community on the urgent delivery of additional air defense equipment for Ukraine: For a year and a half now, the people of Ukraine have been bravely and sacrificially resisting Russian aggression. Russia has already killed thousands of Ukrainian civilians in this groundless, unprovoked war that was begun by the Kremlin. Almost every family in every region of Ukraine is struggling to survive because Ru...
20. April 2022
Appeal of the Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organisations regarding safety during religious holidays: This year, according to the Western church calendar, Christians celebrate Easter on April 17, and according to the Eastern church calendar, on April 24. From the evening of April 15 to the evening of April 23, Jews celebrate Passover. Until the end of April, Muslims celebrate the fasting month of Ramadan. As representatives of the religious community of Ukraine, we appeal to st...
21. Oktober 2022
The Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations fully condemns the terrorist attacks on Ukrainian cities carried out by Russian troops with the aim of intimidating our people. STATEMENT of the Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations on Russian terrorist attacks on the cities of Ukraine: The Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations fully condemns the terrorist attacks on Ukrainian cities carried out by Russian troops with the aim of intimidatin...
08. Februar 2018
The Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church His Beatitude Sviatoslav and the Synod of Kyiv-Galician Supreme Archbishopric of the UGCC, taking into consideration numerous challenges in the social -political life of the Ukrainian society, addressed the laymen and clergy in order to represent some actual issues regarding the participation of the faithful in the social-political life of the country. This is the main topic of the Pastoral Advisory "The Call to the Laity to Participa...
20. Februar 2019
A memo to a Christian voter and a Christian politician was issued by the bishops of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, led by Patriarch Sviatoslav. The document was published by the UGCC Department of Information on February 14, as the election race is gaining momentum in Ukraine. The Bishops of the UGCC emphasize that every citizen must realize their duty to participate in the social and political life of the Motherland and to perceive it as an integral part of their own Christian vocation...