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15. August 2024
Romania’s cultural heritage includes over 1,400 wooden churches constructed before 1918, according to a report by PressOne, supported by the National Historic Cultural Tourism Program “Attractive Romania.” These wooden churches are almost evenly distributed throughout the country, although the figures might suggest otherwise. Weiterlesen auf (25. Juli 2024)
28. Dezember 2023
The Romanian Patriarchate will proclaim 2024 as a Solemn Year of the pastoral care of the sick and a Commemorative Year of all the holy unmercenary healers. The selection of these themes is motivated by the need to increase concern for those enduring spiritual and physical suffering, according to a message from Patriarch Daniel predating 2024. Simultaneously, following the solemn year dedicated to pastoral care for the elderly, the theme naturally progresses to include the care of the ill. W...
03. Mai 2018
About 95% of the Romanian citizens believe in God, but only 21% go to church every week, says a survey on the religious belief in Romania, conducted by Friedrich Ebert Romania Foundation, cited by Agerpres. According to the same study, 27% of the Romanians say the referendum to re-define the family concept is necessary. The results show that there is a “significant difference” in Romania between the affirmation of faith and the actual religious activity. “Thus, although there is an active str...
24. Februar 2022
In Rumänien können die Steuerzahler bis zu 3,5 Prozent der Einkommenssteuer für gemeinnützige bzw. soziale Zwecke direkt widmen. Die Rumänische Orthodoxe Kirche wirbt deshalb aktuell massiv dafür, dies zugunsten der neuen Bukarester "Kathedrale zur Erlösung des Volkes" zu tun, wie der "Pro Oriente"-Informationsdienst am Freitag berichtete. Die Kathedrale ist eine der größten orthodoxen Kirchen der Welt und wurde im Herbst 2018 eingeweiht, ist aber noch nicht zur Gänze fertiggestellt. Papst Fr...
10. Oktober 2024
Although he is one of the few Romanian hierarchs active on social media, Bishop Ignatie of Huși expressed his scepticism regarding the use of social platforms during the diocese’s annual monastic synaxis on 24. September. His Grace Bishop Ignatie began by referring to Saint Silouan the Athonite, commemorated on Sept. 24, who said, “A monk should not read newspapers or receive too much outside information from the world, as it scatters him inwardly.” Weiterlesen auf (27. September...
19. Mai 2022
In a message on Monday, May 9, 2022, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel urged believers to participate in Romania’s Census of Population and Housing and to declare their religious affiliation. "This year's census is a proper time to confess our religious identity" - full text: The organisation of the Romanian Population and Housing Census in the first half of 2022 is not only a process of updating the administrative data and statistics of the population and housing in Romania (information that ...
22. August 2018
The Romanian Orthodox Church has released a statement calling for “prayer, peace, dialogue, and social co-responsibility” against the backdrop of several days of protests in Bucharest that have left more than 450 injured. Some estimates say 100'000 people came out to the streets of the capital for several days starting on 10 August 2018 to protest what they see as government corruption and to call for new elections. The protests were largely organized by Romanian expats who returned home for ...
14. Mai 2020
Vasile Banescu, a spokesman for the Romanian Patriarchate, denounced billboards depicting doctors and nurses as “saints” with coronavirus-shaped halos as a blasphemous “visual mistreatment of Christian iconography”. The posters, created by Romanian artist Wanda Hutira for the McCann Worldgroup ad agency’s “Thank you doctors” campaign and posted throughout Bucharest, have also offended the Medical Guild, Banescu said. Weiterlesen auf (30. April 2020)
30. April 2020
On Bright Saturday, the Romanian Orthodox Church marked the 135th anniversary of its restored autocephaly, which was granted by Patriarchate Joachim IV of Constantinople on April 25, 1885. The Church also celebrates the 95th anniversary of the restoration of its Patriarchate this year, reports the Basilica News Agency. “After Romania gained its state independence in 1877 and was declared a Kingdom in 1881, the prestige of the Romanian Orthodox Church increased, making necessary the formal rec...
26. September 2019
The Church has joined the ‘Let’s do it, Romania!’ campaign and summoned teams of young students from the theological seminaries across Romania to help out with the clean-up day. Over 180‘000 Romanians, most of them students but also volunteers of all ages, have said yes to this year’s national environmental action. On Saturday, Sept. 21, several Orthodox high schools, parishes and other church institutions put into practice the advice of Patriarch Daniel to express a special care towards God’...
11. März 2021
(Radio Free Europe,, 4. März 2021) The death of a 6-week-old infant after he was submerged while being baptized has sparked public outrage in Romania and led to calls for the centuries-old rite to be changed. The drama of the tragic event - which has been headline news in Romania for weeks - has been quite impersonal, with few details published about the baby or his family. But it has provided a snapshot of the divisions in contemporary Romania. The influential Romanian Orthodox...
22. Dezember 2022
According to survey results presented at the Romanian Academy in Bucharest on December 15, the Orthodox Church remains the most trusted institution in Romania. Overall, according to the survey carried out under the auspices of the State Secretariat for Cults, 66.3% of Romanians says they place a lot of trust in the Church, reports Ziarul Lumina. This is slightly higher than in a survey conducted in January 2021. Moreover, more than 83% of the population confesses their religiosity through con...
28. Januar 2021
A poll made by the Center for Urban and Regional Sociology – CURS between January 11-15 found that the Church remains the most trusted institution in Romania. The research report showed that 62% of Romanians place a high and very high degree of trust in the Church. On the second place came local councils, trusted by 60% of Romanians. These are the only institutions trusted by more than half of the participants to the poll. Romanians showed the least of trust in Political Parties (11% of Roman...
23. Dezember 2020
The Church, the Army and the Romanian Academy occupy the first places in terms of the degree of trust granted by Romanians, according to the first barometer of the religious life in Romania, presented on Wednesday, December 16, in the Aula Magna of the Romanian Academy, Agerpres reports. According to the barometer, conducted by the LARICS Center for Sociological Research, in partnership with the State Secretariat for Religions and the Institute of Political Science and International Relations...
22. Februar 2018
In 2017, the Romanian Orthodox Church invested approximatively 24 million Euros in charity work. 'Currently the Romanian Orthodox Church is the greatest philanthropist in terms of ist contribution to social work', said Patriarch Daniel during the meeting of the National Church Assembly (NCA) stressing that this means 'sacrifice, effort, and caring for the people'. His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel thanked those who ‘have contributed to the rich activities carried out during the 2017 solemn and c...
29. Juni 2022
(Radio Free Europe,, 26. Juni 2022) Romania is considering a bill that would ban minors from being exposed to so-called "gay propaganda" in schools and in public life, despite warnings from rights groups that it would "fuel Russian propaganda and disinformation campaigns" and reinstate censorship in the former communist country. Seven lawmakers from the ethnic Hungarian UDMR, a junior ruling coalition party, initiated the bill under the guise of preventing child abuse and promot...
07. Februar 2019
On Monday, January 28, 2019, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Orthodox Church welcomed at his patriarchal residence the delegations of the Committee of Representatives of the Orthodox Churches to the European Union (CROCEU), the Commission of the Roman-Catholic Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community (COMECE), and the Conference of European Churches (CEC), who were visiting Bucharest following Romania’s taking over the EU presidency on January 1. His Beatitude presented t...
29. Oktober 2020
A tourist-cultural route of wooden churches in Romania was officially launched on October 27 at an event dedicated to the protection and cultural valorization of the historical monument of the wooden church in Valea Crișului, Bihor County. The event was attended by representatives of the local public administrations registered in the cultural route and the the Orthodox Dioceses of Oradea and of Maramureș and Satu Mare, which were officially recognized by the Ministry of Economy, Energy, and B...
11. Februar 2021
In Suceava ist ein sechs Wochen altes Baby nach seiner Taufe gestorben. Nachdem es drei Mal im Wasser untergetaucht worden war, erlitt es einen Herzstillstand. Später starb es im Krankenhaus, wo auch Wasser in seiner Lunge gefunden wurde. Die Tragödie hat ein großes Medienecho und Debatten über die Form der Taufzeremonie ausgelöst. Gegen den Priester, der die Taufe durchführte, sind polizeiliche Ermittlungen wegen Totschlags eingeleitet worden.
25. Februar 2021
On February 9, 2021, eleven deputies submitted a draft law on the repatriation of the Holy Transylvanian Confessors’ relics. The Saints died in the Kufstein prison in the Austrian state of Tyrol in the 18th century, when the Austrian authorities imposed the union between the Orthodox believers in Transylvania with the Roman Catholic Church. Saint Bessarion Sarai and the Holy Martyr Oprea Miclăuș were canonized by the Romanian Orthodox Church in 1950. The Holy Hieromartyrs John from Galeș...