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10. Oktober 2024
"This appointment gives me responsibility for the life and future of our entire Church. Knowing what difficult times our Ukrainian people are going through because of the war, I will continue to inform the Catholic world about what is happening on our land and will constantly remind them of Ukraine." (Source: Information Department of the UGCC) This was stated by Cardinal-nominee Mykola Bychok, sharing his reaction to the appointment with the press service of the Melbourne Diocese of the UGCC...
01. November 2018
On October 9, a meeting of the 5th convocation of the Synod of the German Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ukraine took place in Odesa during which representatives of most of the communities expressed distrust and terminated the authority of Bishop Sergey Mashevsky, and elected for a year the Episcopal Visitor in accordance with the Statute of the GELCU. The 36-year-old pastor of the German Evangelical Lutheran community of the Holy Ascension of Kharkiv, Pavlo Schwartz, was elected as the new l...
28. September 2017
In the cathedral of the Nativity of Ternopil, 19 September, the UAOC clergy elected a new diocesan bishop by secret ballot. Bishop Tikhon (Petranyuk) of Odesa and Chorniomorsk was elected. Most of the participants voted for his candidacy. Bishop Tikhon (Petranyuk) will be appointed as a ruling bishop of Ternopil Diocese after the approval of his candidacy by the UAOC bishops. According to the website of the Patriarchy of the UAOC, the meeting of Ternopil diocesan clergy was chaired by Metropo...
20. Februar 2020
The Ukrainian government has no plans to seize the world-famous Kiev Caves and Pochaev Lavras from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and transfer them to the “Orthodox Church of Ukraine,” says Minister of Culture, Youth, and Sports Vladimir Borodyansky.  Both sites have been state-owned since soviet times and are leased to the use of the UOC. If there are no violations of the law, then there are no legal grounds for revising the existing contracts, the Minister said in an interview with rbc....
30. November 2018
Die Hl. Synode des Ökumenischen Patriarchats hat ein weiteres Mal bestätigt, der Kirche in der Ukraine die Autokephalie zu verleihen. In Vorbereitung zur Verleihung des Autokephalie-Tomos sei an der jüngsten Sitzung der Hl. Synode vom 27. bis 29. November die Verfassungsurkunde der Ukrainischen Orthodoxen Kirche entworfen worden. Das Treffen des kirchlichen Leitungsgremiums war mit großer Spannung erwartet worden, weil im Vorfeld damit gerechnet worden war, dass die Hl. Synode ein konkretes D...
28. September 2017
On Wednesday, September 20, a roundtable discussion was held dedicated to "Peculiarities of the legal status of religious organizations in the legal framework of Ukraine: non-profit statu"”. The event was organized by the Department of Foreign Relations of the Patriarchal Curia of the UGCC in Ukraine. Opening the meeting, the head of the Department, Olexa Petriv, noted that the purpose of the round table was to discuss changes to the Tax Code of Ukraine, which compel religious organizations t...
10. Februar 2022
In November 2021, 24.1% of the country's citizens, or 39.8% among Orthodox Christians, identified themselves as faithfulof the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Supporters of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate included 13.3% of respondents in general and 21.9% among Orthodox Christians.This is reported by RBC-Ukraine citing a survey conducted by the Razumkov Center. The Razumkov Center survey was conducted from November 12 to 19, 2021 among 2018 respondents throughout Ukraine, with the exception ...
07. Juni 2017
The Razumkov Center presented at a round table in Kyiv a new study of the religious situation in Ukraine, which was carried out on March 3 - 9, 2017. According to the new sociological survey, the proportion of believers in Ukraine has dropped as compared to 2014 and 2016. The figures dropped to 67% (in 2014 it was 76% and in 2016 70% respectively), equaling the pre-war level of 2013. Traditionally, high religiosity is declared by residents of western Ukraine, they constitute over 91% of belie...
04. November 2021
Mit einem Erlass hat Metropolit Epifanij (Dumenko), das Oberhaupt der Orthodoxen Kirche der Ukraine (OKU), den „Ehrenpatriarchen“ Filaret (Denisenko) energisch darauf hingewiesen, dass er kein Recht zur Verleihung von geistlichen Rängen habe. Anlass dafür war, dass am 29. Oktober 2021 Erzpriester Bogdan Zgoba, der der Ukrainischen Orthodoxen Kirche–Kiewer Patriarchat in den USA und Kanada angehört, mit dem Segen Filarets die Mönchsweihe verliehen wurde. Im Erlass bezeichnet Epifanij die Handl...
21. März 2019
Der neu gewählte Präsident der Ukraine muss nach Ansicht von Großerzbischof Svjatoslav Schevtschuk zwei Aufgaben erfüllen: das Land gegen die russische Aggression verteidigen und Kurs auf Europa halten. Das Oberhaupt der Ukrainischen Griechisch-Katholischen Kirche (UGKK) sagte mit Blick auf den laufenden Präsidentschaftswahlkampf in der Ukraine: Der Wahlsieger „muss fähig sein, als Oberkommandierender eines Landes zu dienen, dass sich aktuell im Kriegszustand befindet“. Die Ausrichtung nach E...
25. Juli 2024
In seinem Überblick über die Gerichtspraxis in der Ukraine für Juni 2024 hat das Strafrechtskassationsgericht auch Urteile im Zusammenhang mit der Mobilisierung von Gläubigen begutachtet. In letzter Zeit befassten sich verschiedene Gerichte in der Ukraine mit Fällen von Mobilisierten, die aus religiösen Gründen den Kriegsdienst verweigerten und dafür von den Rekrutierungszentren bestraft wurden. Dabei fielen die Urteile unterschiedlich aus, jedoch meist zuungunsten der Einberufenen. Das Stra...
08. September 2022
The OCU delegation handed over an official appeal to Pastor Christian Krieger regarding membership in the Conference of European Churches. The spokesman of the OCU, Archbishop Yevstratiy (Zorya), wrote about it on Facebook. The OCU affirmed the decision to join this Christian ecumenical organization on July 27, 2022, at the Holy Synod. The Conference of European Churches is an interfaith Christian organization that unites 114 orthodox, Protestant and old Catholic churches in Europe. Establish...
18. Juli 2019
The Orthodox Church of Ukraine urges believers to take part in the vote in the elections to Verkhovna Rada on July 21 and make a responsible choice. This is said in a statement issued by the press service of the Kyiv Metropolis of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Ukraine. As its authors note, thanks to the support of patriotic, pro-Ukrainian forces it became possible to hold the Unification Council, to obtain the Tomos of autocephaly. "However, everyone sees how the Russian state uses differ...
07. Oktober 2022
The OCU cannot have parishes outside of Ukraine, but it can send its clergy there to deal with the pastoral care of refugees. The initiative should come from the people and the OCU. According to the Spiritual Front of Ukraine, Bishop Mykhail (Anishchenko) of Comana said it in an interview with The Left Bank. "According to the Tomos, the OCU cannot have parishes abroad. But they can send his clergy to the local metropolitan. So who should think about it? Should we really come (to the OCU – E...
20. Februar 2020
On February 4, 2020, the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Orthodox Church of Ukraine) met at the Congregational Hall of the Kyiv Orthodox Theological Academy presided over by His Beatitude Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine. All members of the Synod except Patriarch Emeritus Filaret, who was absent for no good reason, attended the meeting, according to the official website of the OCU. After considering the present activities of the Honorable Patriarch Filaret and takin...
10. Februar 2022
The Holy Synod of the OCU, which took place on February 2 in Kyiv, decided to degrade from the holy orders several persons who had been ordained by Bishop Filaret since June 2019 and to bring them to ecclesiastical court. The Synod did not apply extreme measures to the former head of the UOC-KP himself. According to the OCU press service based on earlier decisions taken by the Holy Synod, it was determined that the former Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate, His ...
01. Juni 2023
On May 24th, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) decided to switch to a new calendar. The decision was made at the Hierarchical Council of the OCU held in the Refectory Church of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra in Kyiv. This was reported by the Ukrainian service of the BBC. One bishop voted against the transition, while another abstained. Formally, the transition still needs to be approved by the Local Council of the Church on July 27, 2023, with the participation of laypeople. However, as stated b...
21. März 2019
Das Büro der UN-Hochkommissarin für Menschenrechte (OHCHR), Michelle Bachelet, hat auf bedenkliche Entwicklungen im Bereich der Religionsfreiheit in der Ukraine aufmerksam gemacht. In den Berichten über die Menschenrechtssituation in der Ukraine von Mitte November 2018 bis Mitte Februar 2019 sowie über den öffentlichen Raum und die Grundfreiheiten im Vorfeld der ukrainischen Präsidentschafts-, Parlaments- und Lokalwahlen 2019–2020 beklagt das OHCHR mehrere Übergriffe auf die Ukrainische Ortho...
18. April 2019
Das in Wien begründete Internationale Bildungsnetzwerk „Pilgrim“ hat im westukrainischen Lviv eine vielbeachtete Konferenz über Nachhaltigkeit und Spiritualität veranstaltet. Bei der Konferenz an der dortigen Ukrainischen Griechisch-Katholischen Universität konnten rund 150 Lehrkräfte für Christliche Ethik aus vielen Teilen der Ukraine die „Theorie und Praxis der 'Pilgrim'-Pädagogik“ kennenlernen. Die Vortragenden kamen aus dem „Zentrum für Nachhaltigkeit und Spiritualität“ der Kirchlichen Pä...
08. Februar 2024
Der Hl. Synod der Orthodoxen Kirche der Ukraine (OKU) hat an seiner Sitzung am 2. Februar entschieden, Fürst Alexander Nevskij von Novgorod aus dem Kirchenkalender zu entfernen. Künftig soll ihm am 23. November nicht mehr gedacht werden, stattdessen wurde für diesen Tag ein Gedenktag für den heiligen Alexander, den ersten Abt des Klosters der „Unablässigen“ (um 430) eingeführt. Im Zusammenhang mit der Kalenderreform der OKU, die zum 1. September 2023 umgesetzt worden war, wurden auf Vorschla...